Defining Parameters


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Engineering Analysis Project 2

Project 2


1) Mean Value and Standard Deviation of b2

Choose the variable B2EQUI to be plotted.

We can see that this graph shows the mean value of b2 is about 0.129E-6.

Now click on sampl history to plot SD. (We just plotted mean values of b2)

SD is about 0.413E-7.

2) Histogram Plot of b2

Select b2 to be plotted.

Here is the histogram of b2 and its corresponding frequency.

3) Cumulative Distribution Function of b2

Make a gauss plot of b2.

4) Outputing probabilistic results

-- Determine the probability that b2 is less than 1.0E-7

5) Sensitivity Plot

-- Determine how sensitive b2 is to the change in external force as compared to the change in alpha

6) Scatter Plot of b2 As a Function of Alpha






Last update: Nov 16, 2004
Webmaster: Chanikarn Benjavitvilai