Miyazaki: Anime Legend
His Life and Work
Final Project
Readings (optional)
Future Boy Conan
Meadow and Apocalypse: Constructions of Nature in the Early Works of Miyazaki Hayao (Viktor Eikman)
Castle of Cagliostro
Meadow and Apocalypse: Constructions of Nature in the Early Works of Miyazaki Hayao (Viktor Eikman)
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
A Comic Book That Moveth to Tears: Part 1 (Michael Lane)
A Comic Book That Moveth to Tears: Part 2 (Michael Lane)
Beyond the Drawings: Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind (Gildas Jaffrennou)
The Dharma of MIYAZAKI Hayao: Revenge vs. Compassion in Nausicaa and Mononoke (David R. Loy and Linda Goodhew)
Meadow and Apocalypse: Constructions of Nature in the Early Works of Miyazaki Hayao (Viktor Eikman)
Resistance to the Japanese State through Popular Culture (Sean Boden)
Defining Steampunk Through the Films of Hayao Miyazaki (Andrew Shaner)
Laputa: Castle in the Sky
Defining Steampunk Through the Films of Hayao Miyazaki (Andrew Shaner)
My Neighbor Totoro
'School' in Japanese children's lives as depicted in manga (Dr Mio Bryce)
Surprise As a Facial Expression on Animation (Chia-Horng Lin, Jerome)
Women and Anime: Popular Culture and its Reflection of Japanese Society (Sean Boden)
Studio Ghibli Feature Films and Japanese Artistic Tradition (Roslyn McDonald)
Kiki's Delivery Service
White Moments and Miyazaki's Kiki (Michael Lane)
Surprise As a Facial Expression on Animation (Chia-Horng Lin, Jerome)
Women and Anime: Popular Culture and its Reflection of Japanese Society (Sean Boden)
Defining Steampunk Through the Films of Hayao Miyazaki (Andrew Shaner)
Porco Rosso
Classic Film Narrative and Flying with Pigs: What Have we been Missing? (Tim Henderson)
Defining Steampunk Through the Films of Hayao Miyazaki (Andrew Shaner)
Princess Mononoke
Princess Mononoke (Michael Lane)
The Dharma of MIYAZAKI Hayao: Revenge vs. Compassion in Nausicaa and Mononoke (David R. Loy and Linda Goodhew)
Studio Ghibli Feature Films and Japanese Artistic Tradition (Roslyn McDonald)
Women and Anime: Popular Culture and its Reflection of Japanese Society (Sean Boden)
Resistance to the Japanese State through Popular Culture (Sean Boden)
Defining Steampunk Through the Films of Hayao Miyazaki (Andrew Shaner)
Spirited Away
From Ashes to Stone: Development of Chihiro in "Spirited Away" (Jerry Chen)
Spirited Away: Film of the Fantastic and Evolving Japanese Folk Symbols (Noriko T. Reider)
Women and Anime: Popular Culture and its Reflection of Japanese Society (Sean Boden)
Resistance to the Japanese State through Popular Culture (Sean Boden)
Studio Ghibli Feature Films and Japanese Artistic Tradition (Roslyn McDonald)
Surprise As a Facial Expression on Animation (Chia-Horng Lin, Jerome)
Howl's Moving Castle
Defining Steampunk Through the Films of Hayao Miyazaki (Andrew Shaner)