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Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)
Scheme of the Physical Principle and Initial Technical Realization
Vibration Isolation System in Early STMs
Gold Surface Imaged with One of the Early STMs
Atomic Resolution Image of Si(111)
Piezoelectric Tube Scanner
STM Visualization of Occupied and Unoccupied States onSi(100)
Atomic Resolution STM Image of Ge (111)
Manipulation of Individual Atoms with STM Tip
STM Imaging of Organic Molecules (I)
STM Image of Highly Oriented Pyrolitic Graphite
STM Imaging of Organic Molecules (II)
STM Imaging of Organic Molecules (III)
STM Imaging of Biological Macromolecules : Protein-DNA complexes
STM Imaging of Biological Macromolecules: Globular Proteins
STM Imaging of Biological Macromolecules: Closely Packed Protein Layers
Artifacts in STM
Images of Graphite
Atomic Force Microscope AFM
Contact Mode AFM in Action
SEM images of AFM Cantilevers and Tips
Cryo-AFM Images of Antibodies
Contact Mode AFM of Closely Packed Protein Layers
Contact Mode AFM of Lamellar Morphology in Semicrystalline Polymers
Contact Mode AFM of Lamellar Morphology in Semicrystalline Polymers (II)
Non-contact AFM: Principle of Operation
Non-contact AFM of Silica-Filled PDMS Elastomer
Difficulties in Non-contact AFM Imaging
Tapping Mode AFM: Principle of Operation
Tapping Mode AFM of Individual Antibody Molecules
Example I:
Tapping Mode AFM Helps to Answer Questions about Protein-DNA Interactions (Binding of Ku and DNA-PK to DNA)
Example I (cont.): Gallery of Images of Protein Molecules Deposited on Mica.
Example I (cont.): Gallery of Images of Protein Molecules Deposited on Mica.
Example I (cont.): Gallery of Images of Protein Molecules
Deposited on Mica.
[DNA-PK + Ku]
Example I (cont.): Quantitative Analysis.
Ku and DNA-PK Can Be Distinguished Based on Their Sizes
Example I (cont.): Gallery of Images of Protein-DNA Complexes on Mica.
Example I (cont.): Gallery of Images of Protein-DNA Complexes on Mica.
Example I (cont.): Gallery of Images of Protein-DNA Complexes on Mica.
Example I (cont.): Gallery of Images of Protein-DNA Complexes on Mica. [DNA-PK + Ku + DNA]
Example I (cont.): Gallery of Images of Protein-DNA Complexes on Mica. [DNA-PK + Ku + DNA]
Example I (cont.): Gallery of Images of Protein-DNA Complexes on Mica. [DNA-PK + Ku + DNA]
Example I (cont.): Quantitative Analysis Reveals the Shape of DNA-PK : Ku Complexes Bound to DNA
Example II: Variable-Tapping-Force Study of Radial Compressibility of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes
Example II (cont.): Differences in Radial Compressibility along the Nanotube Indicate The Presence of Internal Closures
Fluid Cell for AFM Imaging Under Liquids
Example III: In Situ Tapping Mode AFM Study of Peptides Involved in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD).
Introduction: Brain Pathology in AD
Example III (cont.): In Situ Tapping Mode AFM Study of Peptides Involved in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD).
Introduction: Beta amyloid
Example III (cont.): In situ
Tapping Mode AFM Observations of A beta in Contact with a Model Hydrophobic Surface (Highly Oriented Pyrolotic Graphite)
Example III (cont.): Fourier Analysis of Preferential Orientation of A-beta Aggregates on Graphite
Example III (cont.): Model of A-beta Aggregates on Graphite. Parallel Assemblies of beta-Sheets.
Example III (cont.): Proposed Explanation of Surface-Induced Orientation of beta-Sheets on Graphite
Example IV: In situ Tapping Mode AFM Study of Surface and Subsurface Regions of Articular Cartilage.
Example IV (cont.): Components of a Proteoglycan Matrix.
Example IV (cont.): Collagen.
Example IV (cont.): In situ Variable-Tapping-Force Imaging of Articular Cartilage.