Lab 9 - LinkedList Practice
Due: Thursday, April 10, 2008 11:59PM

The Assignment

This is a pretty straight forward lab. We're providing you with some basic LinkedList methods, and a LL class. You need to write a class that extends the basic LL class we give you and implement the following methods in the skeleton class. This means that the LL class should not be modified in any way what so ever


public void removeAllMatchingItems(java.lang.Comparable keyItem) Removes each and every item equal to the keyItem from the list. The list is not changed in any other way. In the event of an error, it does not change the list, instead it returns leaving the list in its prior condition.

Parameters: keyItem - Each and every item within the list equal to this item is removed from the list.


Removes items with odd indexes from the list. The first item in the list has index 0, the second index 1, &c. The 0th index is not to considered an odd index. In the event of an error, it does not change the list, instead it returns leaving the list in its prior condition.

Test Driver

You need to write a test driver that hard codes (this means no user input or random data) your methods. Try and think of as many cases as possible for both methods and implement them in your tests.

LL Class

Provided LinkedList