Week/Day | ---Monday-- | -Wednesday- | ---Friday-- | --Saturday- |
Week #1 |
August 24
Reading for today:
Course overview. |
August 26
Homework 1 print due at start of class.
Reading for today:
Discuss your experience coding homework 1
Variables and arithmetic in Processing |
August 28
Homework 2 due at the start of class.
Reading for today:
Disucss your experience coding homework 2
Homework 3 assigned and discussed
August 29 Nothing is due today |
Week #2 |
August 31
Homework #3 due at the start of class
Discuss your experience coding Homework #3.
If you have a portable computer. charge the battery and bring it to class
Making and maintaining your web page portfolio for the course.
Handing in your work for grading |
September 2
Reading for today:
Anatomy of a function |
September 4
Reading for today |
September 5 Homeworks #1, 2, and 3 due in the handin folder and your portfolilo page must be updated to show your work for Homeworks #1, 2, and 3 by 7:30 a.m. |
Last modified: Sun Jul 26 12:50:43 EDT 2009