Java Development Environment for Emacs

Independent of whether or not you want to use the new JDEE, you may want to check out this new hints page for emacs.

Instructions for installing JDEE on your AFS space

1. Login to your Andrew account

2. Create a directory called 'jde' in your root folder ...
mkdir ~/jde

3. Copy contents of the JDE folder from my AFS space ...
cp -r ~rmakhija/jde/* ~/jde

4. Copy the '.emacs' file from my root folder
cp ~rmakhija/.emacs ~/.emacs

You are now ready to use the new JDEE... start emacs by typing emacs at the prompt, or start xemacs by typing xemacs at the command prompt.

Un-installing JDEE from your AFS space

The ".emacs" file is what the server looks at to start your JDEE. Just rename this to something else. If you want JDEE back after uninstall, either rename this file back to ".emacs" or get a new copy as descrbed in step 4 above.

Completely removing JDEE from your AFS space

Delete the ".emacs" file and the "jde" folder using the following commands.
rm ~/.emacs
rm -r ~/jde

Thanks to Bryan Chen for helping set up all of this.

For more information on the JDEE, go to http://jdee.sunsite.dk/

Last modified: Tue Oct 14 19:55:00 EDT 2002
Please direct any comments to Rohit Makhija