Week 1
- Welcome, Administrivia
- What is Programming? What are Programs? How are they Born? Etc.
Ints, Floats, Strings, Operators, Console Input, Type casts
- File Output, If-Elif-Else, While Loops, Functions
- Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries, For loops, Range, Command-Line Arguments
- Recitation, Reinforcement
Week 2
- No class - Memorial Day
- Exam #1
- continue, break, exceptions
- Strings in detail
- Exceptions
- Driving Deeper: Sets and Dictionaries
Week 3
- Recitation, Reinforcement
- Sorting, slicing, multiple assignment, etc
- Nesting collections
- Recursive programming, call stack, mechanics, possibly tail
recursion and recursion removal
- Recursive thinking and problem solving
Week 4
- Recitation, Reinforcement
- Exam #2
- Tkinter Graphics
- Events and Animation
- Driving Deeper: File I/O, Pickling
Week 5
- Recitation, Reinforcement
- Generators and Coroutines
- Regular Expressions
- Object-Oriented Python
- Threads and Threaded Programming
Week 6
- Recitation, Reinforcement
- SQL, Databases, Interacting with databases
- Network and Web Programming
- Review, Course wrap-up
- Final Exam -- The best is saved for last