Fun With Loops

*Jim's Sample Solution! *

The exam suite consists of six buttons and their resultant patterns as shown below. On the day of the exam, three of these patterns will be chosen for the exam and you will implement two of the three for your exam.

There are no layout managers or panels in this applet. The FlowLayout manager is required.

You will use the your solution for lab 12 as the exam template. You may not disable any of the working buttons in order to implement the new buttons.

The requirements for all of these button/pattern combinations are the same:
- No partial buttons can be drawn
- Overlapping is allowed only in the corners and where multiple lines of monograms intersect as in the "X", the "+", and in the "Hi".

In all matters of "correctness of execution" your program's execution must match that of the sample applet that is available from the course web page. The sample applet will be provided for you during the exam to compare your program's execution to the sample.

A sample applet is available from the course web page. Note that blue circles have been used below in place of the monogram to make a better print and copy for you to read. The web applet uses the actual monogram.

15-120 Spring 2000                                                                   Exam3

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