Due Date: Monday April 3, 2000 at 8:00 am
*Jim's Sample Solution!
*Justin's Sample Solution!
*Janice's Sample Solution!
*Sonia's Sample Solution!
Overview for Labs 9, 10, & 11:
You are going to build a calculator of some type. We hope you don't resort to the standard and boring four function (+, - , x, /) calculator but something from your field of study. The rules are fairly simple:
- There must be at least five interactive widgets of your choosing
- At least one must be in input widget where the user enters the needed information
- At least one must be an output widget where the results of your calculation are displayed
- At least one must be a button that in some way affects the calculation
This only totals three so you will need multiples of some or all of the widget types.
You will now arrange your widgets in the appropriate place on the applet using a layout manager and panels as necessary. There is still no calculation engine in the applet. That comes next week.
Experiment with the layout stuff by adding one widget to a layout area or panel at a time. Build this in pieces. As with the last lab, keep it simple at first.
Handin Instructions:
Create a folder named according to the tradition of the first seven labs. Put the .html and .java file into that folder. DO NOT HAND IN THE .class FILE!
FTP your folder to the usual place. Look for a folder marked Lab10.