Lab 1 Mail Call
Due Date
Tuesday January 25 start of class
Reply to e-mail Jim sent you. The mail topics is: “Test Mail”.
You will receive it more than one time but reply to it only the
first time you receive it. Discard any further versions of the
mail that you receive.
We need to test the mail d-list for the course. Since there will
be some mistakes and missing addresses, we will have to send it
several times. When you reply, reply with an empty message since
Jim will not actually read the mail but just check the headers against
the course roster.
We communicate to you with e-mail instead of bboards. We try to not
flood you with this mail. It is used to update office hours and
correct mistakes that Jim makes in class and in handouts… sigh…
There is nothing to hand in on this lab and there is no late penalty.