Lab 2 Web Pages

Due Date
Thursday February 3 start of class

Build and publish a series of four web pages as follows:
1. a home page with links to the other pages
2. a schedule page that has a table showing your class schedule
3. a personal page that has links to things you enjoy
4. a “critic’s page” that has six links as follows:

three links to web pages that are, in your opinion, outstanding examples of
1. the use of graphics
2. overall clarity of the presentation of information
3. the use of links to other pages

three links to web pages that are, in your opinion terrible examples of
1. the use of graphics
2. overall clarity of the presentation of information
3. the use of links to other pages
These links must be outside of the CMU community.
These must be links to sites that are suitable for viewing by your parents and grandparents and younger siblings – you get the idea…
Each page must link to the other web pages.

Your web pages do not need to be fancy. Jim’s pages are very basic and plain. You are not required to put your picture on the page. The amount of personal i nformation you choose to display is up to you – just be careful. Your class schedule page must have a table. You only have to list the classes you are taking. You may if you want to list the section, day, time, and room – the choice is yours.

Later you will add two more web pages. One will be a Java Lab page where we will access your Java programs and the other will be an exam page that you will write in class by yourself for the first exam in the course.

Handin There is nothing to hand in on this lab. Jim will check it by looking at the web.

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15-120 Spring 2000                                                                   Lab 2