Due Date: Monday February 7, 2000 at 8:00 am
Press Release:
NASA Announces Robot Time Contract for 15-120
In order to insure the correct time for future shuttle missions NASA
has hired 15-120 to program it robots to display digital time for the crews
of orbiting shuttles so they can set their watches. The time will
be displayed in military time using four digits. Details at 11 on
the news...
Using Lecture Notes #7 and the class lecture:
1. Design a custom Digit robot class. A robot object of this
Digit class must be able to display any of the 10 digits by putting beepers
down on the robot world in a manner similar to a score board or the
"next customer" panel used at some stores. All four digits must be
visible on the screen without scrolling. The robot must move slightly
away from the digit so no beepers are blocked.
2. Prepare a task list that uses this class to display the time 1245
We are no longer in the "get acquainted" mode. You are up for
a real program. This program should be developed in a manner similar
to the program developed in the notes and the lecture. This is a
good group project BUT you must do your own coding. You cannot share
The Digit class must be in a separate file from the task list.
Handin Instructions:
Your Digit class must be in a file that ends in the extension .r and
it must have no more than 8 characters to the left of the period.
digit.r is a good choice. Be sure to put your name in the file in
a comment
Your task list must be in a file that has the extension .kpp. time.kpp is a good choice. Be sure your name is in a comment at the top.
Make a folder and put both files in the folder. We do not need
a world. Name the folder: LastName.Section.Lab4 and ftp the folder