Instructor | Teaching Assistant | |
Name | Victor Adamchik | Jessica Virdó | | | |
Office | GHC 7719 | GHC 5205 |
Office hours | Mon 1:30 - 3:00 pm Wed 1:30 - 3:00 pm |
Tues 1:30 - 3:30 pm Thurs 1:30 - 3:30 pm |
Days | Time | Room | |
Lectures | MTWRF | 10:30 - 11:50am | 5205 GHC |
Lewis and Chase, "Java Software Structures: Designing and Using Data Structures", 3rd Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2010, ISBN: 0136078583
Course Home Page:
Course Bboard: academic.cs.15-121
You may use any programming environments available to you such as CodeWarrior, Eclipse, Project Builder, TextPad, Emacs and others.
Participation in this course consists of the following activities
- Attending and participating in lectures and recitations
- Reading the on-line notes
- Carrying out homework assignments
- Taking the quizzes, midterm, and final
- Staying up to date on announcements on the bboard
Attendance is strongly encouraged. You will be responsible for all materials presented in lectures. You should not expect that all lecture materials will be given to you in written form, nor should you expect that lectures will be drawn form the textbook.
Course Assignments | Weights |
7 Programming Labs | 42% |
8 Quizzes | 24% |
Midterm | 15% |
Final | 19% |
Grades for the course will be determined by a curve. First, we will compute a class average and then a weighted total of each student's scores on assignments and exams. These will be plotted as a histogram, and then approximate cutoff points for the different letter grades will be determined. Very roughly, we expect to give you
an A, if your score is 10% or more above the class averageIndividual cases, especially those near the cutoff points may then be adjusted upward or downward based on factors such as extra credit and participation in recitation discussions (TA discretion). This is not a requirement; we could (and indeed, we want to) give all A's if performance warrants it.
a B, if your score is up to 10% above the class average
a C, if your score is up 10% below the class average
a D, if your score ≤ 20% below the class average..
There will be a common departamental (written) exam. The exam will be administered during the final exam week.
There will be a midterm exam (on paper) given in lectures. No make-up examination will be administered, except in case of medical or family emergencies.
There will be eight quizzes given in lectures. No make-up quizzes will be given.
The homework assignments are a critical part of the course. Experience has shown that concepts are best learned by direct engagement---in our case by applying them to example problems or by implementing them in computer programs.
Programming assignments will be graded based on style (modularity, effective use of data abstraction, readability, commenting, etc.) and functionality (orrectness and efficiency of the program on the test inputs.) A working program is not sufficient for full credit. Make sure you do a thorough data validation. Your code should be properly annotated with comments. Your assignments will be graded by your TA.
The assignment should be handed-in electronically by midnight of the day that is listed as due day. Read FAQ for submission procedure. Late submissions will be penalized by 10 points per day. We will allow at most ONE late days for each lab.
If you’re working with a partner, you only need to hand in ONE copy of the assignment. Put both of your names/Andrew IDs at the top of the files, and just pick one of your hand-in folders to turn it in to. Both partners should also put a text file in their folders with their partner’s andrew ID, to make sure that I don’t miss anyone when I’m entering grades.
We allow a collaboration on programming assignments marked by the asterik (see the assignment page), though it is limited to max 2 students per group. If you work as part of a group, you only submit one copy of the program with both names in it. In addition, please submit in the header of the main file a description of the work each partner has done. Please be specific. We expect that both partners in the group are actively involved in the coding and debugging of all parts in some way. Your TA may ask you to explain the code and how you debugged and tested it.
For homework assignments, students are encouraged to talk to each other, to the course staff, or to anyone else about the assignments. This assistance, though, is limited to the discussion of the problem and perhaps sketching of general approaches to a solution. Each student must develop his or her own solutions to the homework. Consulting another student's solution is prohibited, and submitted solutions may not be copied from any source.
The issue of cheating will be taken seriously by the instructor and TAs, and homerwork asignments will be routinely checked for violations, which will be handled in accordance with the University regulations.
Each programming assignment will be MOSSED for Plagiarism Detection.
Last updated Saturday, May 16, 2009
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Victor S. Adamchik,
Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. |