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Exam #1 Topic List
- sed, tr (-d flag), expr, grep, cut (-d delimiter),
- if, while loops
- operators: - <, >, ==, !=, etc.,
-eq, -le, -lt, etc., -f -d, -w, -x, -r, &c, &&, ||
- for loopS (different from other languages)
- '' vs "" vs ``
- setting variables
- piping things together
- true vs false w.r.t. integer values
- $$ vs $? vs $0, $1, $2, $..., $#
- shift (to move the parameter window)
- set
- use of {} vs. string concatenation
- regex, match and extract and replace
- default string
- array stuff
- for each
- while w/regex
- regex
- printf
- $0, $1...$n,
- FS, RS, NR, NF,
- create a regex to match exactly BLAH
- give three examples of strings that match regex BLAH,
or don't match
- extended or regular, distinguish
C Stuff
- Stuff similar to Java
- compilation process
- static functions, staticv "globals", static "locals"
- extern and prototypes
- code organization (files, redefinition, linking problems, ifndef)
- pointers
- pointer arithmatic
- strings, null termination, as arrays
- strcpy, strncpy, strlen
- sizeof
- pass by reference (pass by address) idiom
- malloc/calloc and free
- allocating and freeing space w/in a function (for use elsewhere)
- #define #ifndef, #ifdef
- #include <> vs ""
- formatted (high level) I/O: scanf, printf, fopen, fclose, fprintf,
fscanf, fgets, fputs
- puts terminates with new line, fputs does not
- DON'T USE gets
- typedef
- struct; .-operator, ->-operator, sizeof()