Passing the IC
The IC is a 1 unit pass/fail course. Passing it is a graduation requirement
for all SCS students.
The Rules:
- You must earn a minimum of 25 points to pass the IC.
- You must earn 11 of the 25 by attending the IC weekly meetings (1 per meeting;
there are 14 meetings).
- The other 14 you fulfill by earning points from the list of activies described
- Missing more than 3 attendance points will automatically
result in failure of the class!
If you do not satisfy these requirements, you flunk the
course for this semester and must repeat the IC next year.
The following activities are each worth one point. You can participate in an
activity just once (to get its point), unless it explicitly states the number
of times that you can repeat it. So check with your advisor before believing
that you have satisfied all your points. It is a good idea to print this list,
scan it and mark down about 15 points worth of activiites that you will do (counting
the mandated points listed above in your total). Periodically examine your progress
towards your final goal. More details will be forthcoming
Use Holly Hippensteel as a contact point for free/cheap tickets to many events
listed below.
Meeting Community Members (in their offices, not just in front of the elevator)
- Meet with Randy Bryant
- Meet with Peter Lee
- Meet with Klaus Sutner
- Meet with a faculty member
- Meet with Holly Hippensteel
- Meet with Kevin Collins (you can get a second point for having an approved
resume on file with him)
- Meet with Tina Carr
- Meet with Catherine Copetas (good luck even getting into her office)
- Meet with President Cohon
- Meet with me (up to 3 points)
CMU: on campus/off campus
- Attend a SCS Colloquium/Lecture (you can do this up to three times)
- Send me a short writeup (3/4 page) of of any colloquium/lecture that you
attend (see above; I'll post them off a link on the 15-128 page)
- Attend a class that you are not registered for, just to see what it is about.
- Have a meal with a freshman from another school (CIT, MCS, CFA, HSS, Heinz
or Tepper)
- Have a meal with a sophomore, junior, or senior from SCS
- Workout in any gym at CMU for at least 20 minutes
- Visit and tour the Software Engineering Institute (SEI on Craig and Forbes)
- Visit and tour the Entertainment Technology Center (ETC on Second Avenue)
- Borrow a book from Hunt library (and read it).
- Guarding or painting THE FENCE.
On Campus Groups
- Participate on a varsity, club, or IM sports team
- Become a writer/photographer/whatever for the Tartan
- Become an officer in a CMU approved organization (fraternity, club, sorority,
association, etc.)
- Join a CMU performance group
- Get your "Letter to the Editor" published: Tartan
- Get your name mentioned in the Tartan (or any other newspaper; clip the
article for me)
- Join the CMU Volunteer Fire Department on campus
- Patticipate on any event organized by Pittsburgh Connections - Venture Adventure
Attending an Event
- Attend a movie at CMU.
- Attend a CMU performance: a play, a concert, show, recital, etc.
- Attend an Arts performance outside CMU (a play, concert, ballet, opera,
- Attend a CMU varsity sporting event (men playing)
- Attend a CMU varsity sporting event (women playing)
- Attend a political rally or protest (no point if you get maced or arrested)
- Attend a religious service, on campus or off
Visit a Cultural Icon
- Visit the Carnegie Museum (Art and Science)(Oakland).
- Check out a book from the Carnegie Library (Oakland).
- Visit the Warhol Museum (North Side)
- Visit the Heinz Regional History Museum (Strip District)
- Visit the Carnegie Science Center (North Side)
- Visit the Phipps Conservatory (across Flagstaff hill)
- Visit The Frick Fine Arts Museum (Point Breeze)
- Visit the Pittsburgh Zoo (Highland Park)
- Visit the Pittsburgh Aviary (North Side)
- Going to a Pirate's baseball game (PNC Park)
- Going to to a Steeler's footbal game (Heinz Field)
- Going to a Penguin's hockey game (Mellon Arena)
- Attend a Lecture at the Drue Heinz Lecture Series (Oakland)
- Visit the Nationality Rooms at Pitt (in the Cathedral of Learning)
- Ride the Duquesne or Monongahela Incline.
Help On Campus and Off
- Give blood during a CMU blood drive
- Voluteer to help with an alumni event (homecomming is in the fall)
- Host a prospective student during a sleeping bag weekend.
- Invite an international student to your home for Thanksgiving (3 points
for you; 2 points for the international student who comes).
- Volunteer for a non-profit/community service organization
Eating Out (no chains)
- Eat breakfast/lunch/breakfast/lunch/dinner in Oakland
- Eat breakfast/lunch/dinner in Squirrel Hill
- Eat breakfast/lunch/dinner Downtown
- Eat breakfast/lunch/dinner Station Square (downtown)
- Eat breakfast/lunch/dinner on the South Side Works
- Eat breakfast/lunch/dinner in Shadyside
- Eat breakfast/lunch/dinner at the Intro Grill
- Eat breakfast/lunch/dinner on the South Side (Carson Street)
- Eat breakfast/lunch/dinner at the Waterfront
Finally ...
- if you are one of the first five people to tell me about this page in person
you get 2 points!