Passing the IC

The IC is a 1 unit pass/fail course. Passing it is a graduation requirement for all SCS students.

The Rules:

If you do not satisfy these requirements, you flunk the course for this semester and must repeat the IC next year.

The following activities are each worth one point. You can participate in an activity just once (to get its point), unless it explicitly states the number of times that you can repeat it. So check with your advisor before believing that you have satisfied all your points. It is a good idea to print this list, scan it and mark down about 15 points worth of activiites that you will do (counting the mandated points listed above in your total). Periodically examine your progress towards your final goal. More details will be forthcoming

Use Holly Hippensteel as a contact point for free/cheap tickets to many events listed below.

Meeting Community Members (in their offices, not just in front of the elevator)

CMU: on campus/off campus

On Campus Groups

Attending an Event

Visit a Cultural Icon

Help On Campus and Off

Eating Out (no chains)

Finally ...