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15-412: Project # 3

The Yalnix Kernel

Handed Out: Monday, February 21st, 2000
Group Registration: Wednesday, February 23rd, 2000
Checkpoint 1: Tuesday, February 29th, 2000
Checkpoint 2: Wednesday, March 8th, 2000
Checkpoint 3: Friday, March 17th, 2000
Due: Friday, March 24th, 2000

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1  Overview

Your task is to implement a simple kernel for the Yalnix operating system. Yalnix includes the main process management features of UNIX, plus a few miscellaneous kernel primitives to form a complete system. We don't require that Yalnix support signals, but we do request that you write a form of inter-process communication and primitive support for threads and synchronization. Yalnix will run in a hardware emulator available only on the Andrew machines. The hardware has its own MMU (memory management unit) and terminal devices, which we will describe. You will not need to program any portions of your project in assembly language, and you will not need to program any low-level machine-specific functionality. You will need to implement the concept of user process as a unit of memory protection that shares a single CPU with other processes: thus you will need to implement process tables and a scheduler, and use the MMU to implement virtual memory. We will provide a few sample user programs that ought to run within a process, but you will also need to write additional test programs for your own use in testing.

Your kernel services user requests (Yalnix syscalls,) exceptions (from MMU and CPU,) and events (from Clock and other devices.) These are the three ``interfaces'' you will implement. They are all ``called'' or triggered by ``traps'' initiated by the hardware.

Sections through of this document describe the hardware environment in which your Yalnix kernel will run. The required kernel operations that you will implement are described in section . The assignment is described in section .

2  The Emulated Hardware

The hardware features you will need to use fall in 5 categories:

The hardware is controlled through several privileged machine registers, which are read and written via special instructions.

The file /afs/andrew/scs/cs/15-412/pub/proj3/include/hardware.h defines constants and structures that describe the hardware. You might want to refer to it as you read this section.

2.1  Access to Privileged Machine Registers

The hardware contains several registers that can only be read or written via privileged CPU instructions. These registers are used to control the behavior of the different hardware features. The hardware provides two instructions for reading and writing these privileged machine registers:
Read the register specified by which and return its current value.
All registers are writable and readable, but the value returned when reading REG_TLB_FLUSH  is not defined.

Each privileged machine register is identified by a unique integer constant passed as the which argument to the instructions. The file hardware.h defines symbolic names for these constants. In the rest of the document we will use only the symbolic names to refer to the privileged machine registers.

The registers provided by the hardware are:
Reg. Name
Defined read 

Reg. Name

The purpose of these registers will be described throughout this section.

All privileged machine registers are 32 bits wide. Their values are represented by these two instructions as values of type unsigned int in C. You must use a C ``cast'' to convert other data types (such as addresses) to type unsigned int when calling WriteRegister, and must also use a ``cast'' to convert the value returned by ReadRegister to the desired type if you need to interpret the returned value as anything other than an unsigned int.

3  Memory Management Hardware

3.1  Lightening-fast review of memory management

In managing physical memory, the Operating System usually needs to be able to map different programs to different areas of physical memory. The Operating System can do this in many ways. For example, MS-DOS and older versions of the Mac OS allocated a contiguous chunk of physical memory to each program, and modified memory references by adding the base address onto which the program was loaded. This modification could be done at load time, in software, or at run-time, with the help of the hardware, e.g, through the use of base/limit registers. However, such contiguous allocation incurred a heavy fragmentation penalty, and in the 1970s a less onerous allocation scheme emerged in which a level of indirection was used to map the program's contiguous address space into many pieces of real memory that needn't be contiguous. The problem was that, for performance reasons, this mapping from virtual to physical addresses needed to be done entirely in hardware, as it would be prohibitive to invoke the operating system every time a program made a memory reference. This address translation was done in specialized hardware that came to be known as the MMU (Memory Management Unit.)

In a virtual memory system, then, the address translation for program memory references is done in hardware, but the allocation of memory - deciding which virtual addresses should map to which physical addresses - is done, by the operating system, in software. Because of this, the operating system and the MMU must collaborate on the implementation of the translation: typically, the MMU defines the format of translation tables, and forces the operating system to use this format in establishing the virtual-physical mapping. These tables are called ``page'' tables because the mapping is done at a certain granularity (the mapping is done in chunks of contiguous addresses,) and the unit of translation (the size of the chunks) is called a memory ``page.''

A problem with page tables is that to map address spaces large and small, and to easily allow small ones to become large, the page table itself may need to be very large. Fortunately, most address spaces are quite sparsely mapped (many of the virtual addresses are not valid in most programs.) More sophisticated page table formats can take advantage of this to reduce the amount of memory that the tables themselves consume. Multi-level page tables and inverse page tables are examples of such relatively sophisticated page table formats.

Another problem with page tables is that they must reside in regular memory, because, even after accounting for sparseness, they are too large to be kept in fast, on-chip, registers. This means that every memory reference results in at least two memory accesses: one to fetch the relevant page table entry, and another one to access the physical memory required by the program. The solution to this type of problem is always the same in computer science: we can use a cache of page table entries. This cache does not hold all of the page table, so it can be made small enough to reside on fast memory inside the MMU. If there is any locality to memory references, only the first reference will cause a page table entry fetch, and the following program references will re-use the entry cached inside the fast cache. This cache is called the TLB (Translation Look-Aside Buffer.)

As you may infer from the above, the size and complexity of the hardware MMU can be substantial. Its material cost is amply justified by the improvements in performance and the benefits of virtual memory, and, in fact, most modern CPUs have such complex MMUs. The particulars of their designs vary; in lecture you have seen some alternatives, such as multi-level page tables, inverted page tables, and the OS-managed page-tables of RISC processors (notably the MIPS series of processors.) Our hardware model uses the simplest of page table systems.

3.2  The Virtual Address Space

The machine supports a paged memory mapping scheme using direct page tables. It does not use multi-level page tables, and it does not use inverted page tables. Each process' address space is mapped wholly by two simple page tables that map all virtual pages to physical frames, in a single level. The MMU also features the crucial Translation Buffer, commonly called ``TLB'' for historical reasons.

The virtual address space of the machine is divided into two regions, called region 0 and region 1. By convention, region 0 is used by the operating system, and region 1 is used by user processes executing on the Yalnix system. Region 0 will be managed by your kernel so that it is shared by all processes, and region 1 is switched into the CPU on a context switch to map the address space of the process to be switched. The hardware provides two regions so that it can protect kernel data structures from illegal tampering by the user applications: when the CPU is executing in privileged mode, references to both regions are allowed, but when the CPU is not executing in privileged mode, references to region 0 are not allowed. The hardware does this without intervention from your kernel.

These regions are not segments. Segments are typically associated with base and limit registers that are managed and changed by the operating system. The regions in the PowerTie hardware have locations and sizes fixed in the virtual address space by the MMU hardware.

Virtual addresses greater than or equal to VMEM_0_BASE and less than VMEM_0_LIMIT are in region 0, and virtual addresses greater than or equal to VMEM_1_BASE and less than VMEM_1_LIMIT are in region 1. All other virtual addresses are illegal. The file hardware.h defines the following symbolic constants:

The size of pages in virtual memory is defined by the hardware. hardware.h defines the following symbolic constants and macros to make address and page manipulations easier:

Page numbers in virtual memory are referred to as virtual page numbers.

3.3  Physical Memory

The machine supports a large physical space, into which may be loaded many concurrently executing processes. The physical memory of the machine begins at address PMEM_BASE (defined in hardware.h.) This value (and the values in 3.2) is determined by the machine's architecture specification. On the other hand, the total size of the physical memory is determined by how much RAM is installed on the machine. This value is determined by firmware at boot time and is supplied to your kernel (we tell you how later.) The size of physical memory is unrelated to the size of the virtual address space of the machine.

Like the virtual address space, the physical memory is divided into pages of size PAGESIZE. The macros PAGEOFFSET,PAGEMASK,PAGESHIFT,DOWN_TO_PAGE(x) and UP_TO_PAGE(x) may also be used with physical memory addresses.

PMEM_BASE is specified to be equal to VMEM_0_BASE.

Page numbers in physical memory are often referred to as page frame numbers.

3.4  Page Tables

The MMU hardware translates references to virtual memory addresses into their corresponding references to physical memory addresses. This happens without intervention from the kernel. However, the mapping that specifies the translation is controlled by the Yalnix kernel. This makes sense because memory references occur very frequently, while the virtual-to-physical map changes relatively infrequently and in accord with the process abstraction implemented by the kernel.

The Yalnix kernel defines the mapping from virtual to physical addresses via single-level, direct, page tables. Such a page table is an array of page table entries, laid contiguously in memory. Each page table entry contains information relevant to the mapping of a single virtual page.

The kernel allocates page tables wherever it wants, and tells the MMU where to find them through the following privileged registers:

The MMU hardware never writes these registers: only the kernel can change the virtual-to-physical address mapping.

When a program (or the kernel itself) makes a memory reference to a virtual page vpn, the MMU finds the corresponding page frame number pfn by looking in the page table for the appropriate region of virtual memory. The page tables are indexed by virtual page number, and contain entries that specify the corresponding page frame numbers, among other things.

For example, if the reference is to region 0, and the first virtual page number of region 0 is vp0, the MMU looks at the page table entry that is vpn - vp0 page table entries above the address in REG_PTBR0. Likewise, if the reference is to region 1, and the first virtual page number of region 1 (VMEM_1_BASE >> PAGESHIFT) is vp1, the MMU looks at the page table entry that is vpn - vp1 page table entries above the address in REG_PTBR1.

This lookup to translate vpn to its currently mapped pfn is carried out wholly in hardware. You will notice that in carrying out this lookup, the hardware needs to manipulate page table entries in order to index into the page table (size of the entry needed) and also to extract the pfn from the entry (format of each entry needed.) In manipulating page table entries, then, the hardware has to know the format of the entries.

The format of the page table entries is in fact dictated by the hardware. The file hardware.h contains the definition of a C data structure (struct pte) that has the same memory layout. You can use that C structure to manipulate page tables from your C programs.

A page table entry is 32-bits wide, and contains the following fields:

  • PROT_READ:Memory within the page may be read.
  • ROT_WRITE:Memory within the page may be written.
  • ROT_EXEC:Memory within the page may be executed as machine instructions.
  • Execution of instructions requires that their pages be mapped with both PROT_READ and PROT_EXEC.

    pfn: (24 bits) This field contains the page frame number of the page of physical memory to which this virtual memory page is mapped by this page table entry. This field is ignored if the valid bit is off.

    The registers REG_PTBR0 andREG_PTBR1 contain virtual addresses. In a real operating system, these registers

    would contain physical addresses, as required by the MMU1. To simplify your programming task, in this project we instead make the MMU access these tables by their virtual addresses, which should be mapped in region 0.

    3.5  The Translation Buffer (TLB)

    Most architectures contain a TLB to speed up address translation. The TLB caches address translations so that subsequent references to the same virtual page do not have to retrieve the corresponding page table entry anew. This is important because it can take several memory accesses to retrieve a page table entry2.

    The PowerTieX MMU also contains a TLB. Our TLB is managed by the hardware MMU, so you do not need to worry about caching page table entries yourself. Whenever a program accesses a virtual page, the mapping of that page to a physical frame number is automatically stored in the TLB. However, at times, your kernel will need to flush all or part of the TLB. In particular, after changing a page table entry in memory, the TLB will contain a stale mapping for the virtual addresses corresponding to the modified page table entry. Also, when carrying out a context switch from one process to another, the MMU will continue to map the cached entries of the extant process; unless the TLB is flushed, this will cause virtual addresses in the new address space to be mapped to the physical pages of the old address space.

    The hardware provides the REG_TLB_FLUSH privileged machine register to control the flushing of all or part of the TLB. When writing a value to the REG_TLB_FLUSH register, the MMU interprets the value as follows:

    The symbolic constants above are all defined in hardware.h.

    3.6  Initializing Virtual Memory

    When the machine is booted, a boot ROM loads the kernel into physical memory and begins executing it. The boot PROM loads the kernel into physical addresses starting at PMEM_BASE.
    At this point, virtual memory cannot yet be active, since it is the kernel's responsibility to initialize the location and values of the page tables. Virtual memory cannot be correctly used until page tables have been built and the page table registers have been initialized. In order to make it possible to initialize virtual memory, the hardware initially begins execution of the kernel with virtual memory disabled. The boot ROM loads the kernel into the beginning of physical memory, and the machine uses only physical addresses when accessing memory until virtual memory is enabled by the kernel. When ready, the kernel enables virtual memory translation by executing:

    WriteRegister(REG_VM_ENABLE, 1)

    After execution of this instruction, all values used to address memory are interpreted only as virtual memory addresses by the MMU. Virtual memory cannot be disabled after this.

    There is another problem caused by the need to bootstrap virtual memory: the kernel, like any other program, references data by their addresses. If the address of the location of the kernel changes, the addresses of the data references within it also need to change. But these references are generated by the compiler, and are very difficult to change while the kernel itself is running. You could relocate the kernel before enabling virtual memory, but there is an easier solution: you can make sure that both before and after virtual memory is enabled, your kernel is loaded into the same range of addresses. Your kernel should, before enabling virtual memory, map its own physical frames so that vpn = = pfn in that range at the bottom of region 0. This works because the hardware guarantees that PMEM_BASE is the same as VMEM_0_BASE.

    But how do you know where that memory range ends that contains the kernel at the bottom of region 0? The following may be useful for that purpose:

    Before virtual memory is enabled, the kernel has access to the full extent of physical memory. If it needs to allocate storage dynamically, it can just grab some memory without further ado. However, to help you write the kernel, we provide versions of malloc and friends that work correctly even before virtual memory is enabled. This frees you from having to manage physical memory while bootstrapping, and from having to make sure your kernel's dynamic storage remains accessible afterwards. In particular, the sbrk(0) of the previous paragraph does not work if your kernel allocates its own dynamic storage without the use of malloc and friends.

    We also provide versions of malloc and friends that work after virtual memory is enabled, but since the virtual memory space is managed by your kernel, those versions require assistance from your kernel. We discuss this later (see section .)

    3.7  Process Memory Model and Allocation

    3.7.1  User processes

    The stack on our architecture grows from higher to lower virtual memory addresses. Thus, the convention for user processes is to place the stack at the top of the user virtual address space ( VMEM_1_LIMIT,) allowing it to grow downward toward the program and data of the process. The convention is also for the program and data of the user process to be placed at the bottom of the user virtual address space (VMEM_1_BASE,) to leave as much room as possible for growth in between. Programs often need to dynamically allocate memory (e.g, using malloc,) and the convention is for this heap area to grow upward towards higher addresses. The space between the bottom of the stack and the top of the heap is unused. At any given point, these unused pages are marked invalid using the valid field of struct pte.

    Figure 1: Virtual address space

    The area containing the program, data and heap of a program is called the process' program area, and the area containing the stack of a program is called the process' stack area. The limit of the program area (the lowest address not part of the program area) is called the process' break, and is set from Yalnix user processes by the Brk kernel call (system call) which your kernel will implement (see section 3.7.2.)

    In the library with which your user programs are linked by the provided Makefile, we provide versions of the familiar malloc() family of procedures which call your kernel's Brk() syscall. Thus, while your kernel must manage user processes' break via the Brk() syscall, your user programs can call malloc(),realloc(), etc, as if you were writing regular UNIX programs.

    The stack area of a process will be automatically grown by your Yalnix kernel in response to a memory exception resulting from an access to a page between the current break and the current stack pointer which has not yet been allocated. The correct way to enlarge a process' stack area is described in section .

    3.7.2  Kernel

    In section 3.6 we explained that at boot time, the hardware loads the kernel into a range of physical addresses starting at PMEM_BASE. In that section we also explained that, when virtual memory is initialized, the kernel should remain mapped to the similar range of virtual addresses starting at the address PMEM_BASE (which is the same as VMEM_0_BASE.) After virtual memory is enabled by the kernel, the kernel can grow by calling malloc, etc, and the new pages need not be mapped to any particular physical memory location.

    The kernel grows when it needs to allocate dynamic memory, e.g, using malloc(). We saw in the previous section that user programs call the Brk() syscall to effect this growth. Who implements Brk for the kernel? The kernel itself must.

    In the library with which your kernel is linked by the provided Makefile, we provide versions of the familiar malloc() family of procedures which call the procedure SetKernelBrk() when they need to augment their heap of available memory. SetKernelBrk() must be provided by you. The C function prototype of this procedure is:

    This procedure should grow or shrink the space allocated to your kernel so that all addresses between PMEM_BASE and addr, and no others, are valid kernel addresses. Therefore, it must allocate and map or unmap pages, as required, in order to make addr the new kernel break.

    Should it run out of memory or otherwise be unable to satisfy the requirements of SetKernelBrk(), the kernel can return 0. This will eventallu cause malloc() and friends to reutrn a NULL pointer. IfSetKernelBrk() is successful (as it should almost always) it shoudl return a non-zero value.

    The C type caddr_t (C address type) is usually defined by the UNIX system include files, and, for your project, it is defined by including hardware.h.

    If running directly on hardware, your kernel would also have to manage its own stack, but we have eliminated that concern for the sake of simplicity. You may assume that the kernel has no stack in the time-space continuum (another amazing Nevajdic feat.)

    You may be confused by the three different implementations of malloc and friends that we provide. You may ignore the details and realize that malloc will always work, with assistance from your kernel when virtual memory is enabled. Your kernel assists malloc by providing the Brk() syscall to user process malloc() calls, and by providing the internal SetKernelBrk() to kernel malloc() calls. Your kernel has to assist malloc() because malloc() allocates virtual memory, whose management is the responsibility of your kernel.

    4  Traps

    Your kernel runs only when its services are required. Its services are requested via interrupts, calls and exceptions managed by the hardware. In the case of interrupts, it is the hardware (clock or terminals) that requests the service. In the case of kernel calls, the hardware acts on behalf of the currently scheduled user program. In this case the hardware must act as an intermediary in order to put itself in privileged mode and restrict what code the CPU executes in that mode. In the case of exceptions, the hardware notifies the kernel that something has gone hay-wire, somewhere. The actual cause of the problem may be something that the kernel expects and can fix, such as the exception raised when a user program tries to access virtual memory that has not yet been mapped by the MMU.

    Interrupts, kernel calls and exceptions are collectively referred to as ``traps''.

    When requesting the kernel's service, the hardware transfers execution to an address obtained from a vector table. The vector table is an array of procedure addresses (pointers to procedures, in C nomenclature) indexed by the type of exception, call, or exception raised by the hardware. The following interrupts, calls, and exceptions have entries in the vector table. Their symbolic names are defined in hardware.h:

    When growing the stack, you should leave at least one page unmapped (with the valid bit in its page table zeroed) between the program and stack areas in region 1, so the stack will not silently grow into the program area without triggering a TRAP_MEMORY. You must also check that you have enough physical memory to grow the stack.

    Note that a user-level procedure call with many local variables may grow the stack by more than one page in one step. The unmapped page that is used to red-line the stack as described in the previous paragraph is therefore not a reliable safety measure, but it does add some safety. Real machines offer safe stacks by a variety of means: they provide a separate virtual memory segment for the stack, or leave a lot of unallocated space between the stack and any other allocated virtual memory. The Yalnix hardware does not let you take any of these approaches.

    TRAP_MATH: This exception results from any arithmetic error from an instruction executed by the current user process, such as division by zero or an overflow. When you receive TRAP_MATH, you should abort the currently Yalnix user process, but should continue running any other user processes.

    TRAP_TTY_RECEIVE: This interrupt is issued from the terminal device controller hardware, when a complete line of input is available from one of the terminals attached to the system.

    TRAP_TTY_TRANSMIT: This interrupt is issued from the terminal device controller hardware, when the current buffer of data previously given to the controller has been completely sent to the terminal.

    When you abort a process, print a message from your kernel with the process' pid and some explanation of the problem. The exit status reported to the parent process of the aborted process when the parent calls Wait() (see ) should be ERROR. You can print the message from your kernel with printf or fprintf in which case it will print out on the UNIX window from which you started your kernel, or (better but not required,) you can use the hardware-provided TtyTransmit procedure to print it on the Yalnix console.

    The interrupt vector table is stored in memory as an array of pointers to functions, each of which handles the corresponding trap. For each, the name given above is a symbolic index into the corresponding vector (vector == pointer to function) in the vector table. Thus, the vector number should be used as a subscript into the vector table array to set the trap handlers when initializing your kernel. The privileged machine register REG_VECTOR_BASE
    must also be initialized by your kernel to point to the vector table. The vector table must be statically dimensioned by your kernel at size TRAP_VECTOR_SIZE, but only the entries defined above are used by the hardware. All other entries in the vector table must be initialized by your kernel to NULL.

    The register REG_VECTOR_BASE contains a virtual address. In a real operating system, this register would contain a physical address, as required by the interrupt hardware. To simplify your programming task, in this project we instead design the interrupt hardware to access the vector table by its virtual addresses.

    The functions that handle traps (whose pointers are in the vector table) have the following prototype:

    void Trap_Handler(struct cpu_context_frame *)

    See section for a description of the type struct cpu_context_frame.

    Also, to simplify the programming of your kernel, the kernel is not interruptible, That is, while executing inside your kernel, the kernel cannot be interrupted by any interrupt. Thus, you will not need special synchronization procedures such as semaphores, monitors, or interrupt masking inside your kernel. Any interrupts that occur while inside your kernel are held pending by the hardware and will be raised only once you return from the current trap.

    5  Context

    In order to switch execution from one user process to another, you need to be able to save the state of the running process, and restore the state in which some other process found itself at a previous time. Most of this state is active in physical memory, and can be made unavailable or available by changing the page tables. The rest of the state of the running process (program counter, stack pointer, etc) is passed to your kernel when a trap is executed through the trap vector, in the form of an argument to the function in your kernel that receives the trap (see previous section.)
    This argument is of type struct cpu_context_frame, which is defined in hardware.h. The following fields are defined within a cpu context frame:

    In order to switch contexts from one user process to another, then, you need to save the cpu context of the running process into its process control block, select another process to run, and restore that process' previously stored cpu context frame into the cpu context argument passed by reference to your trap handler. The hardware takes care of extracting and restoring the actual hardware state into and from the trap handler's cpu context argument. When copying a cpu context back and forth, you absolutely must copy the number of bytes indicated by its frame_len field, and not the number of bytes returned by sizeof(struct cpu_context_frame).

    The current values of any privileged registers (the REG_* registers) are not included in the cpu context . These values are associated with the current process by your kernel, not by the hardware, and must be changed by your kernel on a context switch when/if needed.

    6  Console and Terminal I/O Handling

    The system is equipped with several terminals for use by the user processes executing on the Yalnix kernel. The Yalnix terminals are emulated inside their own X windows unless the -n command line switch is passed to the executable (see )

    When reading from a terminal, an interrupt is not generated until a complete line has been typed at the terminal. For writing to a terminal, a buffer (which may actually be only part of a line or may be several lines of output) is given by the process to the hardware terminal controller, and an interrupt is not generated until the entire buffer has been sent to the terminal. The constant TERMINAL_MAX_LINE defines the maximum line length supported for either input or output on the terminals.

    Note that this is different from the terminal device you used in project 1. This device is simplified to make the terminal part of this project easier. In project 1, the terminal issued interrupts for every character, read or written. The terminal device in this project only generates interrupts for whole lines of text, and guarantees that the lines will never be longer than TERMINAL_MAX_LINE.

    The current machine configuration supports NUM_TERMINALS (constant defined in hardware.h), numbered from 0 to NUM_TERMINALS -1, with terminal 0 serving as the Yalnix system console, and the others serving as regular terminals. In fact, though, this use is only a convention, and all four terminals actually behave in exactly the same way.

    In a real system, you would have to manipulate the terminal device hardware registers to read and write from the device. For simplicity we have abstracted the details into two C functions.

    To write to a terminal from within your kernel (on a TtyWrite syscall triggered by a user process) you can use the hardware operation

    Input from the terminal works similarly. You will not get a TRAP_TTY_RECEIVE interrupt until the user at the Yalnix terminal types a complete line of input (with a '\n' at the end). When the interrupt occurs, the code field of the cpu context will be set to the number of the terminal that caused the interrupt. You can then get the data line by using the hardware operation:
    When you receive a TRAP_TTY_RECEIVE, you must do a TtyReceive() and save the new input line in a buffer inside your kernel, until a user process performs a TtyRead syscall (defined in section .)

    You can use malloc() in your kernel to manage a queue of terminal input lines that have been received by your kernel but not yet read by a user process. On a TtyRead(), if the queue is not empty, just return the next line to the calling user process immediately; otherwise, the calling process should block until the next TRAP_TTY_RECEIVE interrupt. For a TtyWrite() syscall, you must keep a queue of processes waiting to write to the terminal, and call TtyTransmit() for each of them in order. Each of these processes should then be blocked by your kernel until the matching TRAP_TTY_TRANSMIT is received by your kernel. Note that in project 2 we discouraged the use of malloc from the interrupt handling routines. We allow the use of malloc in this project because this is easier and the emphasis of this project is elsewhere.

    The addresses of the buf arguments to TtyReceive and TtyTransmit are virtual addresses. In a real operating system, these addresses would be physical addresses, as required by the I/O hardware device. To simplify your programming task, in this project we instead design the I/O hardware to access the buffers by their virtual address.

    7  Bootstrapping Entry Point

    In the preceding pages we have talked about how to bootstrap virtual memory, but, where is that done from?
    On boot, the hardware starts executing the code in the Boot ROM. This firmware knows just enough to read the first sector of the disk, where the kernel is written, and loads the kernel into the bottom of physical memory. It then jumps to the routine: This routine is part of your kernel. It must be written by you, and it is the routine that carries out all the bootstrapping operations described above. This function is discussed further in section .

    8  Miscellaneous Hardware Operations

    Normally, the CPU continues to execute instructions even when there is no useful work available for it to do. In a real operating system on real hardware, this is all right since there is nothing else for the CPU to do. Operating Systems usually provide an idle process which is executed in this situation, and which is typically an empty infinite loop. However, in order to be nice to other users in the machines you will be using (the other user may be your emacs process,) your idle process should not loop in this way. Our hardware provides the instruction: that temporarily stops the emulated CPU until the next trap occurs.

    The hardware also provides another instruction to stop the CPU. By executing the

    hardware instruction, the CPU is completely halted and does not begin execution again until rebooted (i.e, until the Yalnix process is started again from your UNIX terminal.) You should use this instruction to end the emulation and exit from your kernel.

    9  The Yalnix Kernel

    Yalnix user processes call the kernel by executing a trap instruction. To simplify the interface, we provide a library of assembly routines that perform this trap from the user process. This library provides a standard C procedure call interface for the syscalls as described below. The trap instruction generates a trap to the hardware, which invokes your kernel using the TRAP_KERNEL vector from the interrupt vector table. The include file yalnix.h defines the interface for all Yalnix syscalls.

    Upon entry to your kernel, the code field of the cpu context frame indicates which kernel call is being invoked (as defined with symbolic constants in yalnix.h.) The arguments to this call, supplied to the library procedure call interface in C, are available in the regs fields of the cpu context frame received by your TRAP_KERNEL handler. Each argument passed to the library procedure is available in a separate regs register, in the order passed to the procedure, beginning with regs[0].

    Each syscall returns a single integer value, which becomes the return value from the C library procedure call interface for the syscall. When returning from a TRAP_KERNEL, the value to be returned should be placed in the regs[0] register by your kernel. If any error is encountered for a syscall, the value ERROR defined inyalnix.h should be returned in regs[0].

    Yalnix supports the basic process creation and control operations of most flavors of UNIX, such as the syscalls you used for project 1: Fork(), Exec(), Wait(), etc. Yalnix also supports a Delay() function and terminal i/o syscalls, and a primitive thread facility. Furthermore, Yalnix supports inter-process communication that is very similar to the IPC provided in the V-System, an operating systems research project from Stanford University.

    9.1  Inter-process Communication

    Memory protection is great to protect processes against the bugs of other processes: it isolates each process from each other, affording them the illusion of being the only process on the machine. But it is this very isolation that makes it somewhat difficult for processes to collaborate and/or offer services to each other. When programs trust each other, and collaborate closely, they may be run as different threads within one process: this affords them good communication but requires that they trust each other to follow the rules of usage to synchronize access to their shared memory. It is also possible for programs that only trust each other partially to collaborate while running in separate, memory-protected processes. This is done through what is commonly called ``inter-process communication'', in which processes declare certain small portions of their address space to be open to other processes through restricted, well-defined mechanisms whose rules are enforced by the operating system. The overhead in this case is higher than the overhead of communicating threads, but allows communication without surrendering most of the benefits of memory protection.

    In Yalnix, you will implement, if you have time at the end, a form of inter-process communication (IPC) similar to that implemented by the V-System. IPC is done through request-response messages, in which a process may send a short message to a willing receiver process. The sender then blocks until the receiver sends a short reply message. In Yalnix IPC, the receiver process (and only the receiver) can also copy pieces of its memory space to the memory space of the requester.

    An apparently small but thorny issue in all process communication is how to establish the initial connection with another process providing a service. How does a process requiring a service (e.g, a mail handler) know what the process id is of the process providing the service? There are several ways of resolving this issue: for instance, well-known port numbers and mailboxes with well-known addresses. Yalnix allows servers to register themselves with a service number, and it allows IPC to be directed to service numbers rather than to process ids.

    We would like to emphasize that you should not implement Yalnix IPC until you have gotten the rest of the kernel to work. The Yalnix IPC syscalls are Register, Send, Receive, Reply, CopyTo and CopyFrom.

    9.2  The Yalnix syscalls

    The following syscalls must be implemented by your kernel:
    Create a new child process as a copy of the parent (calling) process. On success, in the parent, the new process ID of the child is returned. In the child, the return value should be 0. There may be situations in which the semantics of Fork() may admit several interpretations (for example, what if a blocked semaphore exists in the address space?) You should feel free to implement the semantics you think are best. You may decide to return ERROR if doing the right thing would be grossly inefficient or complex.
    int Exec(char * filename, char ** argvec):
    Replace the currently running program in the calling process with the program stored in the file named by filename. The argument argvec points to a vector of arguments to pass to the new program as its argument list. The new program receives these arguments as arguments to its main procedure. The argvec is formatted the same as any C program's argv vector. The last entry in the argvec vector must be a NULL pointer to indicate the end of the list. By convention, argvec[0] is the name of the program to be run, but this is controlled entirely by the calling program. The first argument to the new program's main procedure is the number of arguments passed in this vector. On success, there is no return from this call in the calling program, but, rather, the new program begins executing at its entry point, and its conventional main(argc, argv) routine is called. On failure, this call returns an error code.
    We provide a template of the LoadProgram procedure. This procedure reads a program image from an executable file (the file must have been compiled as indicated in the provided Makefile,) allocates memory for the new process, and creates its initial stack with the arguments given. This template can be found in /afs/andrew/scs/cs/15-412/pub/proj3/lib/load.template.
    int Exit(int status):
    Terminate execution of the current program and process, and save the integer status for possible later collection by the parent process on a call to Wait. All resources used by the calling process are freed, except for the saved status. On success, there is no return from this call, since the calling process is terminated. On failure, this call returns an ERROR. When a process exits or is aborted, if it has children, they should continue to run normally, but they will no longer have a parent. When the orphans exit, at a later time, you need not save or report their exit status since there is no longer anybody to care.
    int Wait(int * status_ptr):
    Collect the process ID and exit status returned by a child process of the calling program. When a child process Exits, it is added to a FIFO queue of child processes not yet collected by its specific parent. After the Wait call, the child process is removed from this queue. If the calling process has no child processes ( Exited or running,) ERROR is returned. Otherwise, if there are no Exited child processes waiting for collection by this process, the calling process is blocked until its next child calls Exit. The process ID of the child process is returned on success, and its exit status is copied to the integer referenced by the status_ptr argument.
    int GetPid(void):
    Returns the process ID of the calling process.
    int Brk(caddr_t addr):

    Allocate memory to the calling process' program area, enlarging or shrinking the program's heap storage so that the value addr is the new break value of the calling process. The break value of a process is the address immediately above the last address used for its program instructions and data. This call has the effect of allocating or deallocating enough memory to cover only up to the specified address, rounded up to an integer multiple of PAGESIZE. The value 0 is returned on success.
    int Delay(int clock_ticks):

    The calling process is blocked until at leastclock_ticks clock interrupts have occurred after the call. Upon completion of the delay, the value 0 is returned. If clock_ticks is 0, return is immediate. If clock_ticks is less than 0, time travel is not carried out, and ERROR is returned.
    int TtyRead(int tty_id, caddr_t buf, int len):

    Read the next line from terminal tty_id, copying it into the buffer referenced by buf. The maximum length of the line returned is given by len. The line returned in the buffer is not null-terminated. On success, the length of the line in bytes is returned. The calling process is blocked until a line is available to be returned. If the length of the next available input line is longer than len bytes, only the first len bytes of the line are copied to the calling process, and the remaining bytes of the line are saved by the kernel for the next TtyRead. If the length of the next available input line is shorter than len bytes, only as many bytes are copied to the calling process as are available in the input line; the number of bytes copied is indicated to the caller by the return value of the syscall.
    TtyWrite(inttty_id, caddr_t buf, int len)

    Write the contents of the buffer referenced by buf to the terminal tty_id. The length of the buffer in characters is given by len. The calling process is blocked until all characters from the buffer have been written on the terminal. The return value should be len if the TtyWrite is successful, or ERROR if it is not.
    int SharedFork(void):
    Similar to Fork, it creates a new child process. On success, it returns the process ID of the child to the parent, and 0 to the child. SharedFork differs from Fork in that it does not copy the address space of the parent, but instead makes the parent and the child share the same address space, except for the stack, which is copied as in Fork. The resulting two processes are very similar to the threads you have been using in previous projects. You may modulate the specific semantics of SharedFork to suit your opinion. An example of the kind of question you may want to answer is: is storage allocated dynamically after a SharedFork also shared?
    int SemAlloc(int value):
    It returns an integer that identifies a semaphore allocated by the kernel to the calling address space. The kernel may limit the total number of concurrently active semaphores to some reasonable constant value of your choice (returning ERROR from SemAlloc if the limit would be exceeded.) Any queues and memory that the kernel may need to allocate to implement semaphores should remain inside the kernel, and should be uniquely identifiable by the value returned from SemAlloc. The semaphore allocated by this function is set to an initial value of value.
    int SemDealloc(int sem):
    Deallocates the semaphore sem.sem should correspond to the value returned by a previous SemAlloc. Semaphore syscalls receiving an unallocated sem should return ERROR.
    int SemP(int sem):
    The P operation on semaphore sem.sem should correspond to the value returned by a previous SemAlloc. Semaphore syscalls receiving an unallocated sem should return ERROR.
    int SemV(int sem):
    The V operation on semaphore sem.sem should correspond to the value returned by a previous SemAlloc. Semaphore syscalls receiving an unallocated sem should return ERROR.
    int Register(unsigned int serviceid)

    Registers the calling process as providing the service serviceid. The Yalnix kernel does not enforce that the process actually provides the service, and does not know what service a particular serviceid refers to. After a server is registered with Register, processes can use Send to send messages to it by specifying the service id instead of the process id. Receive returns ERROR if a service is currently registered by a running process, or if any other error condition occurs.
    int Send(caddr_t msg, int pid)

    This call sends the 32-byte message from address msg to the process indicated by pid. The calling process is blocked until a reply message sent with Reply is received. If pid is negative, the message is instead sent to the process currently registered as providing the service with service id -pid. On success, the call returns 0; on any error, the value ERROR is returned.
    int Receive(caddr_t msg)

    This call receives the next message sent to this process with Send. If no such message has been sent yet, the calling process is blocked until a suitable message is sent. On success, the call returns the pid of the sending process; on any error, the value ERROR is returned.
    int Reply(caddr_t msg, int pid)

    This call sends the reply message msg to the process pid, which must currently be blocked awaiting a reply from an earlier Send to this process.. The reply message overwrites the original message sent (indicated by the msg on the sender's Send call) in the sender's address space. On success, the call returns 0; on any error, the value ERROR is returned.

    int CopyFrom(int srcpid, caddr_t dest, caddr_t src, int len)

    This call copies len bytes beginning at address src in the address space of process srcpid, to the calling process' address space beginning at address dest. The process srcpid must currently be blocked awaiting a reply from an earlier Send to the calling process.. On success, the call returns 0; on any error, the value ERROR is returned.
    int CopyTo(int destpid, caddr_t dest, caddr_t src, int len)

    This call copies len bytes beginning at address src in the address space of the calling process, to the address dest in the address space of process destpid. The process destpid must currently be blocked awaiting a reply from an earlier Send to the calling thread. On success, the call returns 0; on any error, the value ERROR is returned.

    Your kernel should verify all arguments passed to a syscall, and should return ERROR if any arguments are invalid. In particular, you need to verify that a pointer is valid before you use it. This means you need to look in the page table in your kernel to make sure that the entire area (such as a pointer and a specified length) are readable and/or writable (as appropriate) before your kernel actually tries to read or write there. For C-style character strings (null-terminated) you will need to check the pointer to each byte as you go (C strings like this are passed to Exec.) You should write a common routine to check a buffer with a specified pointer and length for read, write and/or read/write access; and a separate routine to verify a string pointer for read access. The string verify routine would check access to each byte, checking each until it found the '\0' at the end. Insert calls to these two routines as needed at the top of each syscall to verify the pointer arguments before you use them.

    Such checking of arguments is important for two reasons: security and reliability. An unchecked TtyRead, for instance, might well overwrite crucial parts of the operating system which might, in some clever way, gain an intruder access as a privileged user. Also, a pointer to memory that is not correctly mapped or not mapped at all would generate a TRAP_MEMORY which would never be serviced because the kernel is not interruptible.

    9.3  Implementation hints

    9.3.1  Process Initialization

    Process IDs

    Each process in the Yalnix system must have a unique integer process ID. Since an integer allows for over 2 billion processes to be created before overflowing its range, you should simply assign sequential numbers to each process created and not worry about the possibility of wrap-around (though real operating systems do worry about this.) The process ID must be a small, unique integer, not a pointer. The data structure used to map a process ID to its process control block should not be grossly inefficient in space nor time. This probably means that you'll end up using a hash table indexed by process ID to store the process control blocks.


    On a Fork, a new process ID is assigned, the cpu context from the running parent is copied to the child, and new physical memory is allocated into which to copy the parent's memory space contents. Since the CPU can only access memory by virtual addresses (using the page tables) you must map both the source and the destination of this copy into the virtual address space at the same time. You need not map all of both address spaces at the same time, however: the copy may be done piece-meal, since the address spaces are already naturally divided into pages.


    On an Exec, you must load the new program from the specified file into the program region of the calling process, which will in general also require changing the process' page tables. The program counter in the pc field of the cpu context frame must also be initialized to the new program's entry point. A sample C procedure that can be used to do all this is available in /afs/andrew/scs/cs/15-412/pub/proj3/lib/load.template

    On an Exec, you must also initialize the stack area for the new program. The stack for a new program starts with only one page of physical memory allocated, which should be mapped to virtual address VMEM_1_LIMIT - PAGESIZE. As the process executes, it may require more stack space, which can then be allocated as usual for the normal case of a running program.

    To complete initialization of the stack for a new program, the argument list from the Exec must first be copied onto the stack. The load.template file also does this inside the LoadProgram procedure. The SPARC architecture also requires that an additional number of bytes (defined in hardware.h as INITIAL_STACK_FRAME_SIZE be reserved immediately below the argument list. The stack pointer in the sp field of the cpu context frame should then be initialized to the lowest address of this space reserved for the initial stack frame. Like all addresses that you use, this must be a virtual address. Again, all these details are presented in the form of a C procedure in load.template

    9.3.2  Kernel Initialization

    Your kernel begins execution at the procedure KernelStart. As already shown in section 7, this function is called from the boot firmware, which expects it to conform to the following prototype: The procedure arguments above are built by the boot ROM and passed to your KernelStart routine at boot time. The cmd_args argument is a vector (in the same format as argv for normal UNIX main programs), containing a pointer to each argument from the boot command line (what you typed at your UNIX terminal.) The cmd_args vector is terminated by a NULL pointer. The pmem_size argument is the size of the physical memory in the machine you are running, as determined by the boot ROM. The size of physical memory is given in units of bytes. Finally, the context argument is in the format of a cpu context frame (see section 5) although it is built by the boot ROM rather than by the hardware in response to a trap. Your kernel should use this cpu context frame as the basis for other cpu context frames, notably the cpu context frame that starts the initial process at boot time. Processes created from a Fork, instead, copy the cpu context frame from the parent process. (Note that in Yalnix, all processes except for the first process started at boot time are created by Fork.)

    Before allowing the executing of user processes, the KernelStart routine should perform any initialization necessary for your kernel or required by the hardware. In addition to any initialization you may need to do for your own data structures, your kernel initialization should probably include the following steps:

    9.3.3  Plan of Attack

    You may choose to implement your kernel in any order you see fit. If you are having difficulties putting together a coherent plan, we suggest you start with the following sketch of a plan:
    1. ``Wrap your brain'' around the assignment. Read it carefully and understand first the hardware, then the operations you will need to implement. Understand all the points in the code at which your kernel can be executed, i.e, make a comprehensive list of kernel entry points (hint: the kernel runs in privileged CPU mode, which can only be set by the hardware.)
    2. Write high-level pseudo-code for each syscall, interrupt and exception. Then decide on the things you need to put in what data structures (notably in the Process Control Block) to make it all work. Iterate until the pseudo-code and the main prototype data structures mesh well together. At this point you can pass the first assignment checkpoint.
    3. Take a cursory look at load.template. You need not understand all the details, but make sure you understand the comments that are preceded by ``===>>>''.
    4. Write an idle program (a single file with a main that loops forever calling Pause().) Write KernelStart and LoadProgram and use them to get the idle process running. If the idle process runs, you have successfully bootstrapped virtual memory!
    5. Write an ``init'' program. The simplest idle program would just loop forever. Modify KernelStart to start this init program (or one passed in the yalnix command line) in addition to the idle program.
    6. Make sure your init and idle programs are context switching. At this point you will be able to pass the second assignment checkpoint.
    7. Implement GetPid and call it from the init program. At this point your syscall interface is working correctly.
    8. Implement SetKernelBrk to allow your kernel to allocate substantial chunks of memory. It is likely that you haven't needed it up to this point, but you may have (in this case implement it earlier.)
    9. Implement the Brk syscall and call it from the init program. At this point you have a substantial part of the memory management code working.
    10. Implement the Delay syscall and call it from the init program. Make sure your idle program then runs for several clock ticks uninterrupted.
    11. Implement the Fork syscall. If you get this to work you are almost done with the memory system. You may want to implement this in conjunction withSharedFork, but you may want not to, depending on the way your kernel is structured.
    12. Implement the Exec syscall. You have already done something similar by writing LoadProgram.
    13. Write another small program that does not do much. Call Fork and Exec from your init program, to get this third program running. Watch for context switches.
    14. Implement and test the Exit and Wait syscalls.
    15. At this point, you should be able to pass checkpoint 3.
    16. Implement the syscalls related to terminal I/O handling. These should be easy at this point, if you pay attention to the address space into which your input needs to go.
    17. Implement the thread and synchronization syscalls. Depending on how you implemented Fork, the group of SharedFork and semaphore syscalls may be rather easy, unless you are working on the night before the deadline.
    18. Implement the inter-process communication syscalls. These will not be difficult but may require some debugging.
    19. Look at your work and wonder in amazement.

    10  Your Assignment

    To complete this assignment, you need to implement a Yalnix kernel that runs on the hardware defined in this document, and provides the traps defined here. Specifically, you need to provide:

    11  Logistics

    11.1  Compiling your kernel

    The file /afs/andrew/scs/cs/15-412/pub/proj3/sample/Makefile.template contains a basis for the Makefile we recommend you use for this project. The comments within it should be self-explanatory. There is some magic involved in the make macros with names following the pattern *_LINK_FLAGS which you may safely ignore but which may not be safely taken out.

    Solaris has several compilers with unclear boundaries. One of them, /usr/ucb/cc, (the one that shows up first in my default path) is a pitiful attempt to provide a BSD-compatible programming interface (SunOS was BSD-based) in this most un-BSD-like of systems. Avoid like the plague.

    The real Solaris compiler and tools are not worse than death, and can be found in /opt/SUNWspro/bin. Yup, that's the only place these tools are installed. I recommend you add this directory to your execution path by doing:

    setenv PATH /opt/SUNWspro/bin:$PATH

    as soon as you log-in, or, perhaps, in your .login.

    You may also use gcc,CC and/or g++, at your peril. We often much prefer some of these other compilers, but for several detailed reasons we have implemented the hardware emulation with /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc, and we have tested it thoroughly only with kernels compiled with this Solaris compiler. That said, you should also know that similar emulators have been used succesfully in the past with all three of the alternatives above.

    11.2  Running your kernel

    Your kernel will be compiled and linked as an ordinary UNIX executable program, and can thus be run as a command from the shell prompt. When you run your kernel, you can put a number of UNIX-style switches on the command line to control some aspects of execution. Suppose your kernel is in the executable file yalnix. Then you run your kernel as:

    yalnix [-t [tracefile]] [-lk level] [-lh level] [-s] [-n] [initfile [initargs....]

    For example,

    yalnix -t -lk 5 -lh 3 -n init a b c

    The meaning of these switches is as follows:

    TracePrintf(int level, char * fmt, args...)

    These switches are automatically parsed, interpreted and deleted for you before KernelStart is called. The remaining arguments in the command line are passed to KernelStart in its cmd_args argument. For example, when run with the sample command line above, KernelStart would be called with cmd_args as follows:

    cmd_args[0] = "init"
    cmd_args[1] = "a"
    cmd_args[2] = "b"
    cmd_args[3] = "c"
    cmd_args[4] = NULL

    Inside KernelStart, you should use cmd_args[0] as the file name of the init program, and you should pass the whole cmd_args array as the arguments for the new process. You should provide a default init program name should the command line not provide you with one.

    11.3  Debugging Your Kernel

    You may use fprintf,printf and TracePrintf within your kernel. Please be aware that the insertion of print statements may alter the behavior of your program (Heisenberg to the guillotine.)

    You may also use the reasonable version of dbx that comes with Solaris. I have found that it works satisfactorily. However, because of our emulator's heavy use of signals, it is necessary to tell dbx to ignore certain events. You do this by typing

    ignore 4 11 14 30

    at the dbx prompt.

    You may put ``ignore 4 11 14 30'' in the file .dbxrc in your project directory, if you don't want to have to type it every time you start up dbx. While you are at it, if you also put dbxenv suppress_startup_message 4.0 in your .dbxrc file you will save yourself from having to see the long startup message every time you start up the debugger.

    The equivalent to the above line for gdb should be something like:

    handle SIGILL SIGFPE SIGSEGV pass nostop noprint.

    and the gdb equivalent to the .dbxrc file is .gdbinit.

    11.4  Controlling your Yalnix Terminals

    By default (unless you specify the option -n as specified in section 11.2, or unless you are not running X,) Yalnix terminals are emulated as xterms on your X windows display.

    The shell environment variables YALNIX_TERMN, with N replaced by a number from 0 to NUM_TERMINALS - 1, can be set to additional xterm arguments so that, for instance, you can specify a Yalnix terminal geometry, font or color different from your X defaults.

    The terminal windows keep log files of all input and output operations on each terminal. The files TTYLOG.N record all input and output from each terminal separately, and the file TTYLOG collectively records all input and output from the four terminals together. The terminal logs show the terminal number of the terminal, either > for output or < for input, and the line output or input.

    11.5  Checkpoints

    We will be checkpointing your progress on three occasions.

    All checkpoints will be submitted electronically using the now routine procedure.

    11.5.1  Checkpoint 1

    To pass this checkpoint succesfully, you will itemize and explain the fields of your proposed Process Control Block data structure. This is the data structure that contains all data relevant to a single process, including pointers to queues and other sundry programming details. You should have come up with a substantially complete data structure. You can verify its completeness by writing pseudo-code for all traps, and seeing if this data structure will be able to support the pseudo-code. We expect the text you write to be about one typeset page long. You should explain what the fields (not necessarily each field) do, and why they are necessary. If you are writing more than one page, either you are writing too much or your design is needlessly complicated.

    11.5.2  Checkpoint 2

    For this checkpoint, we will require an executable, yalnix-ck, that is able to run an ``init'' program. This ``init'' program need not make any syscalls to your kernel, but must run concurrently with your ``idle'' program. This represents substantial work: at this point you would be able to context switch and load a program from a file into a fresh address space. We will run your yalnix-ck kernel with such a simple ``init'' program that we will write, and we will instrument the hardware to show us that your kernel is indeed context switching the two proto-processes.

    Note that in the final version of your kernel, the idle process should only be scheduled to run only when all other processes are blocked. For this checkpoint, we will ask that you schedule the idle process as if it were a regular user-process. This does not require extensive changes, and allows you to exercise context switching within your kernel without implementing the Fork() and Exec() syscalls.

    11.5.3  Checkpoint 3

    For this checkpoint we will require that everything is correctly implemented, except terminal-related features, threads (SharedFork), synchronization, and IPC.

    11.6  Odds and ends

    This project will be graded primarily on correctness and efficiency. However, significant lack of documentation or elegance within your code will adversely affect your grade. For example, you should use a hash table rather than a linear search any time you need to find a process in your kernel. You should use reasonable variable names and include comments in particularly tricky parts of the code, but you need not document code that does what it looks like.

    Like all projects, this one should be done by groups of two students. This project requires a substantial amount of work (more so that the first two projects) so you will need to divide the load between the group members. However, make sure that all of you know what the others are doing, and think ahead to design data structures and approaches that can be shared by both of you.

    The hand-in and demo procedure will work like it did for projects 1 and 2.


    1 Otherwise the MMU would enter a loop

    2 In the case of multi-level page tables and inverse page tables, it might take many memory accesses; in the case of a demand-paged memory system, it might even take a disk access to retrieve a page table entry.

    3 see man etext, but note that _end may be lower than the value returned by sbrk(0)

    4 The init process in UNIX forks all other processes; in particular, it forks all the getty programs that display the login prompt on all terminals, and it forks off all the network daemons.