The Area We Call "Systems" -- And the Funny Creatures We Call "Systems People"
When I'm hanging out in the "Real world", people often ask me about my job. I usually explain that I am a teacher. Everyone understands what a teacher does. We talk for a living. Beyond that, I'm safe. Everyone knows, "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."When people ask me what I teach, I tell them, "Computer Science". Oddly enough, they only hear the first word, "Computer". Sorry, ya'll, I don't do windows. You'll need IT for that. This brings me to two questions, "What is the area we call, Comptuer Systems?" and, "How does Distributed Systems fit in?"
When I explain my area of interest to every day folks, I like to tell them that in "Systems" we view the computing landscape as if it were the air traffic system or the system of highways and roadways. There is a bunch of work that needs to get done, a bunch of resources that need to be used to get it done, and a whole lot of management to make it work.
And, like aur and auto traffic, computer systems is most interesting when it scales to reach scarcity and when bad things happen. We care about how our roadways and airways perform during rush hour, in the rain, when there is a big game, and, by the way, bad things happen to otherwise good drivers along the way. In otherwords, our problem space is characterized by scarcity, failure, interaction, and scale.
Distributed Systems, In Particular
"Systems people" come in all shapes and sizes. They are interested in such problems as operating systems, networks, databases, and distributed systems. This semester, we are focusing mostly on "Distributed systems", though we'll touch on some areas of networks, and monolithic databases and operating systems.Distributed systems occur when the execution of user work involved managing state which is connected somewhat weakly. In other words, distributed systems generally involve organizing resources connected via a network that has more latency, less bandwidth, and/or a higher error rate than can be safely ignored.
This is a different class of problems, for example, than when the limiting factors might include processing, storage, memory, or other units of work. There is tremendous complexity in scheduling process to make efficient use of scarce processors, managing virtual memory, or processing information from large attached data stores, as might occur in monolithic operating systems or databases. It is also a different class of problems than managing the fabric, itself, as is the case with networks.
Exploring the Model
When I've taught Operating Systems, I've begun with a picture that looks like the one below. If you didn't take OS, please don't worry -- everything on the picture, almost, should be familiar to you. It contains the insides of a computer: memory and memory controllers, storage devices and their controllers, processors, and the bus that ties them all together.
This time however, the bus isn't magical. It isn't a fast, reliable, predictable communication channel called that always works and maintains a low latency and high bandwidth. Instead, it is a simple, cheap, far-reaching commodity network that may become slow and bogged down and/or lose things outright. It might become partitions. And, it might not deliver messages in the same order that they were sent.
To reinforce the idea that this is a commodity network, like the Internet, I added a few smartphones to the picture this time. Remember, the network isn't necessarily wired -- and all of the components aren't necessarily of the same type.
Furthermore, there is no global clock or hardware support for synchronization. And, to make things worse, thr processors aren't necessarily reliable, and nor is the RAM or anything else. For those that are familiar with them, snoopy caches aren't practical, either.
In other words, all of the components are independent, unreliable devices connected by an unreliable, slow, narrow, and disorganized network.
What's the Good News?
The bottom line is that, despite the failure, uncertainty, and lack of specialized hardware support, we can build and effectively use systems that are an order of magnitude more powerful. In fact we can do this while providing a more available, more robust, more convenient solution. This semester, we'll learn how.
Distributed Systems vs. Parallel Systems
Often we hear the terms "Distributed System" and "Parallel System." What is the difference?Not a whole lot and a tremendous amount -- all at the same time. "Distributed System" often refers to a systems that is to be used by multiple (distributed) users. "Parallel System" often has the connotation of a system that is designed to have only a single user or user process. Along the same lines, we often hear about "Parallel Systems" for scientific applications, but "Distributed Systems" in e-commerce or business applications.
"Distributed Systems" generally refer to a cooperative work environment, whereas "Parallel Systems" typically refer to an environment designed to provide the maximum parallelization and speed-up for a single task. But from a technology perspective, there is very little distinction.
Does that suggest that they are the same? Well, not exactly. There are some differences. Security, for example, is much more of a concern in "Distributed Systems" than in "Parallel Systems". If the only goal of a super computer is to rapidly solve a complex task, it can be locked in a secure facility, physically and logically inaccessible -- security problem solved. This is not an option, for example, in the design of a distributed database for e-commerce. By its very nature, this system must be accessible to the real world -- and as a consequence must be designed with security in mind.
We'll hear about many abstractions this semester -- we'll spend a great deal of time discussing various abstractions and how to model them in software. So what is an abstraction?An abstraction is a representation of something that incorporates the essential or relevent properties, while neglecting the irrelevant details. Throughout this semester, we'll often consider something that exists in the real world and then distill it to those properties that areof concern to us. We'll often then take those properties and represent them as data structures and algorithms that that represent the "real world" items within our software systems.
Traditional Tasks, Processes, Threads, and Threads of Control
Computer systems exist to accomplish work, right? Unless they accomplish something, they aren't worth much, are they? For this reason, one of the most fundamental abstractions we have in a computer system is the one that represents user work. Depending upon the details, this abstraction might be known as a Process, Task, or Thread (or even Transaction, etc, etc, etc).
In operating systems, the basic abstraction for user work is the process. Think back to 213 -- remember fork()ing to create them, wait()ing for them to end, etc? Remember the state associated with a process? Things like the page tables and pages of memory; memory area list; signal masks, flags and handlers; file descriptors; registers, etc. By keeping track of this state, often within a struct called the Process Control Block (PCB), the operating system can keep track of and manage user work.
Also remember our friend the thread, which was like a baby process. It had its own stack and registers, but basically shard many of the other resources with other threads assocaited with the same process. In some systems, thread state is maintained via a Thread Control Block (TCB).
Some people, and some operating systems refer to processes that are, or can be, assocaited with multiple threads as tasks, in which case the equivalent of the PCB might be called the task_struct. Or, for example, in Linux, when they added threads, they essentially kept the old PCBs, but essentially used them as TCBs, by having them point to shared copies of shared resources, such as page tables and file descriptor arrays, and created a task_struct that was just a thin veneer to point to identify the related PCBs, etc.
Tasks in Distributed Systems
In distributed systems, we find that the various resources needed to perform a task are scattered across a network. This blurs the distinction between a process and a task and, for that matter, a task and a thread. In the context of distributed systems, a process and a thread are interchangable terms -- they represent something that the user wants done.But, if we back up far enough, task can have an interesting and slightly nuianced meaning. A task can be seen as the collection of resources configured to solve a particular problem. A task contains not only the open files and communication channels -- but also the threads (a.k.a. processes). Distributed Systems people often see a task as the environment in which work is done -- and the thread or process as the instance of that work, in progress.
I like to explain that a task is a factory -- all of the means of production scattered across many assembly lines. The task contains the machinery and the supplies -- as well the processes that are ongoing and making use of them.
Migrating Computation
In order to migrate computation, we need to do more that migrate the in-progress computation. We need to move or replace the resources it is using, for example, memory and files. And, worse than that, we have to migrate the state of the interaction with the resources. For example, if we move a process-in-execution from one host computer to another, things won't go well if the file it is using to get data isn't there. And, beyond that, even if the file is there, things might not go well if we haven't preserved the state of our interaction with that file, e.g. the association with a file descriptor, the position within the file, the file mode, etc. Distributed file systems, for example, might make the file availabel across the ecosystem -- but we may have to construct our own abstraction for transactional I/O or recoverable file sessions.Communication is even more complex. Imagine, for example, a process that receives requests over the network. If it moves to another host, the communication session is broken. And, worse, there is nothing that the process, or even the process's host, can do to fix the problem -- the other side of the communications channel needs to learn about the process's new location and/or a relay needs to be left behind to forward messages.
Migrating File State
Imagine moving a process that is using files. You move the process, and the file is available, perhaps because of a distributed file system such as AFS. But now what? Well, there is probably a global state problem. The new host operating system knows nothing about this process's use of the file. The file needs to be reopened, and any needed state, such as the session's mode (read, write, both, etc) and the file offset need to be restored.This isn't terrible. Essentially, we can keep track of the essential file state within the process and be ready to recreate it, if needed. In a simple model, the migration system guarantees that higher-level file operations are atomic, and each such operation opens the file, seeks as needed, performs a read or write, and then closes the file.
A more sophisticated model might maintain the same file state, but only reopen the file when needed. Instead, the migration framework closes the file upon migration. The higher-level file operation check the state of the file descriptor. If it is valid -- it uses it. If not -- it reopens it. In this model, the close() operation remains a part of the interface, but only closes the file if it hasn't already been closed by a migration.
If a distributed file system isn't available, then the reopening of the file might involve copying it from another location, as by scp, rsync, or HTTP, etc.
This is only one model -- there are certainly plenty of others. The real goal here is to think about the state associated with the file session, to realize the challenge, and to realize that there are options for solving the problem.
Migrating Communication Sessions
Migrating processes that are involved in communication is in many ways more invovled than migrating processes wiht files. As with files, it isn't good enough to migrate just the process state -- we also need to reestablish and map gloabl state, such as network sockets.But, it gets trickier from there. What about the other side? Unfortunately, we tend to name network resources, at least in part, by their location on the network, e.g. <IP address, port number>. Given this, when a process has moved -- it has lost its common name. At some level, the answer here is easy. Much like we needed a higher level file abstraction -- we need a higher level network name.
But, there is an old saying in distributed systems, "It is easier to move a problem than it is to solve it." So, let's imagine a higher level abstract name. We still need a way to convert this name into a location on the network to which we can actually send a message. And, we need to deal with annoying edge cases, such as what happens when a process move mid-transmission.
One solution to this problem is to handle migration in phases. First, temporarily stop establishing new connections -- allow them to be queued at the sender or elsewhere. Second, allow the pipeline of messages-in-flight to arrive. third, migrate the process. Fourth, tell those who need to know the new host location. Fifth, re-establish communication.
Who should be told about the new mapping from ID to location? Well, this depends upon the model. Perhaps, it is broadcast to all possible participants. Perhaps it is sent to those with interrupted sessions as part of an invitation to resume. Perhaps those who have stale informtion or no information at all will be allowed to fail -- and then to recover by periodically broadcasting a request for an update until receiving one or timing out. Or, perhaps there is a directory server, similar to Dynamic Domain Name Server (DDNS) for hosts, that is kept up-to-date by a migrating process or a coordinator, and is able to act as the white pages, proving up-to-date information to requesting hosts. Such as white pages might have a few possible replies: unknown process, the correct location, or a hint that migration is in progress and the request should be made again soon. by the migrated process
And, of course, plenty of other models are possible. The basic idea here is that communication is messy -- but can be managed. It involves not only process state and local host state, but also state on the communicating host. And, even worse, it is complicated by the need to maintain names that aren't location based, and to keep them up-to-date and by the possibility of messages-in-flight during a migration. It can be managed by creating transitional states to allow for the draining and restarting of the pipe, creating higher-level names, and proving central (think DDNS-like) and/or distributed (think polling and broadcast) solutions for maintaining name-location mappings, as needed.