Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
- Lecture 5/Tuesday, September 11, 2012:
Data link: Aloha, CSMA/CD, Ethernet, Wireless
(ppt) /
- Lecture 6/Thursday, September 13, 2012:
Week 4
- Lecture 7/Tuesday, September 18, 2012:
(IP Addresses, Forwarding, Forwarding Tables, CIDR)
- Lecture 8/Thursday, September 20, 2012:
IPv6, NATs, VPNs, Tunnels, ATM, MPLS (ppt) /
Week 5
- Lecture 9/Tuesday, September 25, 2012:
ARP, RARP, BOOTP, DHCP, Switch Fabric (ppt) /
- Lecture 10/Thursday, September 27, 2012: Global Routing Infrastructure: (ppt)
Week 6
- Lecture 11/Tuesday, October 2, 2012:
Intra-Domain Routing: Distance Vector, Link State, RIP, OSPF (ppt) /
- Lecture 12/Thursday, October 4, 2012:
Inter-Domain Routing: BGP (ppt)
Week 7
- Lecture 13/Tuesday, October 9, 2012:
Domain Name System (DNS) (pptx)
- Lecture 14/Thursday, October 11, 2012:
Network Management (ppt)
Week 8
- Mid-semester Exam
- Lecture 15/Thursday, October 19, 2012:
Transport Layer Overview (ppt)
Week 9
- Lecture 16/Tuesday, October 23, 2012:
TCP and Congestion Control (ppt)
- Lecture 17/Thursday, October 25, 2012:
TCP Performance (ppt)
Week 10
- Lecture 18/Tuesday, October 30, 2012:
3-Tier Architecture, Data Center Physical Plant (html)
- Lecture 19/Thursday, November 1, 2012:
Web Caching (ppt)
Week 11
- Lecture 20/Tuesday, November 6, 2012:
Jitter, Quality, Streaming, VoIP, Skype (html)
- Lecture 21/Thursday, November 8, 2012:
Video Streaming (ppt)
Week 12
- Lecture 22/Tuesday, November 13, 2012:
Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)(ppt)
- Lecture 23/Thursday, November 15, 2012:
Week 13
Week 14
- Lecture 24/Tuesday, November 27, 2012:
Security vis-a-vis Networking (ppt) /
- Lecture 25/Thursday, November 29, 2012:
Secure and Authenticated Communication (ppt) /