15-441 Course Staff


Gregory Kesden
7711 GHC
(412) 268-1590 (cell)
Schedule w/Office Hours

Note: Please don't pay too much attention to my office hours. If you'd like to speak to me, try calling me and droping by. Or, if you are a risk taker -- just dropping by, not knowing if I am around.

Sometimes I can be found as gkesden on GTalk, AIM, Yahoo, or Skype

Hui Zhang
9105 GHC
(412) 268-8945
Office hours: 1:00-2:00pm, Mondays


Office hours and locations TBA

  • Onha Choe (ochoe@andrew.cmu.edu)): 3:30-5:30 on Mondays and Fridays in GHC 4122/4126
  • Yoshihisa Abe (yabe@andrew.cmu.edu: 11:00-1:00pm on Wednesdays and 11:00am-1:00pm on Thursdays in GHC 4122/4126
    • Office hours will be 11:00am - 12:00pm on Wednesday, December 5.