15-441 Course Staff


Gregory Kesden
8020 Wean Hall
(412) 268-1590
Schedule w/Office Hours

Note: Please don't pay too much attention to my office hours. If you want to speak with me, try dropping by. In the past, some students have found it useful to finger me on my workstation, gigo.sp.cs.cmu.edu or the cycle server linux1.gp.cs.cmu.edu.

Sometimes I can be found as gkesden@AIM, gkesden@MSM, or gkesden2@yahoo

All of my phone numbers forward to my cell phone. Please feel free to call any time -- I generally turn it of when inconvenient to answer.

Recitation Instructors

  • Section A: Hong Yan (hyan@andrew.cmu.edu)
    • Office Hours: Wednesday, 8pm - 11pm, WeH 8130
  • Section B: Michael Ashley-Rollman (mpa@andrew.cmu.edu)
    • Office Hours: Sunday 7pm - 9 pm, WeH 5207 and Tuesday 3pm - 5pm, Weh 8019
  • Section C: Vinay Chaudhary (vjc@andrew.cmu.edu)
    • Office Hours: 8 - 12 P.M Thursday, Wean 5207
  • Hassan Rom (mrom@andrew.cmu.edu)
    • No longer a 441 TA but you may ask questions if you see me idle during my 410 office hours: 8 - 11 P.M Thursdays, Wean 5200 Windows clusters