What is a Distributed System?
A Distributed System as an abstraction. It is a way of organizing and thinking about a collection of independent and possibly distant or weakly connected resources as if they were all part of the same tightly coupled package.In his textbook, Andrew Tannenbaum, a famous pioneer in distributed systems, defines it this way:
"A distributed system is a collection of independent computers that appear to the users of the systems as a single computer.
--Andrew Tannenbaum, Distributed Operating Systems (1995), Pg 2.
Distributed Systems vs. Parallel Systems
Often we hear the terms "Distributed System" and "Parallel System." What is the difference?Not a whole lot and a tremendous amount -- all at the same time. "Distributed System" often refers to a systems that is to be used by multiple (distributed) users. "Parallel System" often has the connotation of a system that is designed to have only a single user or user process. Along the same lines, we often hear about "Parallel Systems" for scientific applications, but "Distributed Systems" in e-commerce or business applications.
"Distributed Systems" generally refer to a cooperative work environment, whereas "Parallel Systems" typically refer to an environment designed to provide the maximum parallelization and speed-up for a single task. But from a technology perspective, there is very little distinction.
Does that suggest that they are the same? Well, not exactly. There are some differences. Security, for example, is much more of a concern in "Distributed Systems" than in "Parallel Systems". If the only goal of a super computer is to rapidly solve a complex task, it can be locked in a secure facility, physically and logically inaccessible -- security problem solved. This is not an option, for example, in the design of a distributed database for e-commerce. By its very nature, this system must be accessible to the real world -- and as a consequence must be designed with security in mind.
System Model
When I teach 15-412, Operating Systems, I begin with a picture that looks like the one below. If you didn't take OS, please don't worry -- everything on the picture, almost, should be familiar to you. It contains the insides of a computer: memory and memory controllers, storage devices and their controllers, processors, and the bus that ties them all together.
This time however, the bus isn't magical. It isn't a fast, reliable, predictable communication channel called that always works and maintains a low latency and high bandwidth. Instead, it is a simple, cheap, far-reaching commodity network that may become slow and bogged down and/or lose things outright. It might become partitions. And, it might not deliver messages in the same order that they were sent.
To reinforce the idea that this is a commodity network, like the Internet, I added a few PDAs to the picture this time. Remember, the netowrk isn't necessarily wired -- and all of the components aren't necessarily of the same type.
Furthermore, there is no global clock or hardware support for synchronization. And, to make things worse, thr processors aren't necessarily reliable, and nor is the RAM or anything else. For those that are familiar with them, snoopy caches aren't practical, either.
In other words, all of the components are independent, unreliable devices connected by an unreliable, slow, narrow, and disorganized network.
What's the Good News?
The bottom line is that, despite the failure, uncertainty, and lack of specialized hardware support, we can build and effectively use systems that are an order of magnitude more powerful. In fact we can do this while providing a more available, more robust, more convenient solution. This semester, we'll learn how.
Measures of Quality
In building a distributed system to attack a particular problem, what are our specific measures of quality? What are the characteristics of a good system?Just as there isn't one "perfect fod" for all people and all occasions, our goals in implementing a distributed system may vary with the particular problem. But, the following are some very typical and common measures of quality in distributed systems:
- Efficiency: Resources should perform productive work whenever possible.
- Convenience: The user should be free to apply the system to one or more tasks, with as little overhead as possible.
- Robustness: The system should be resiliant to failure. Failures should have as little an impact on the system's ability to perform useful work as possible.
- Availability: A user should be able to harness the utility of the system with as few barriers as possible. For example, users should not be bound to an unavailable instance of a resource, when an equally capable resources is available.
- Consistency: see below
- Coherency: see below
- Transparency: see below
Consistency vs. Coherency
Although these two terms actually mean very different things, they are often interchanged or used as synonyms. Although this practice isn't descriptive, it is common place -- please don't be surprised.Different processes are said to have a consistent view of data, if each process sees the same value. If different processes see different values, they are said to have an inconsistent view of the data. Inconsistencies often arise as the result of replication. For example, if each process uses its own private replica of the data, one process might not see another process's changes. This could result in an inconsistent view.
Later we'll see that constantly maintaining atomic consistency, a.k.a. perfect consistency, is very, very expensive, and often not required in a particular application. For this reason, we often will select a more relaxed consistency model that describes when the data values can diverge, without generating incorrect results. But more on this later in the semester...
Data is said to be incoherent if it is the result of a collection of operations that make sense sense individually, but not collectively.
A Very Quick Look at NetworksA distributed system should hide the machinery from the user and present a unified interface that provides the features and hides the complexity. To the extent that this illusion is achieved, we say that transparency is achieved. No useful real-world system achieves complete transparency, so we often talk about the transparency of particular characteristics or features of a system. And even when discussing a particular feature or characteristic, there are many shades of gray. A few examples are given below:
- access transparency -- the user should have the same view of the system regardless of how she or he access it. For example, consider a user accessing the system locally versus remotely, or on her or his workstation versus another machine on the system.
- location transparency -- the user should need to know or care where resources are located -- they should just be accessible.
- migration transparency -- user's should know or care if resources or processes move -- they should function exactly as they did before.
- concurrency transparency -- concurrent operation should not result in noticable side-effects.
- failure transparency -- the user should not notice failures. The system should function as before (fail-safe) or should suffer only in performance (fail-soft).
- revision transparency -- software and hardware upgrades should not interrupt service or generate user-visible incompatibilities.
- scale transparency -- the system should be able to grow without noticable side-effects. It should be as good for small systems as large ones.
Some of you have taken a course in networks, such as 15-441. But since many have not, I'm going to take a really quick look at networks before moving on to middleware, which will occupy most of next week. Middleware is the software layer that hides the network from the application programmer, by providing an API that is targeted more directly for the problem domain.When talking about the problems faced in connecting multiple computers or other devices, we often discuss the problem using the OSI/ISO Reference Model. It presents the challenges of network communication by breaking them down into seven (7) different layers as below:
Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical In a technical sense this model, which was developed in the 1980s by the International Standards Organization is the standard model for discussing the Open System Interconnect (OSI) environment. But, more broadly, it is a good roadmap for discussing networks -- and, in fact, implementations conforming to the OSI/ISO standard are pretty obscure and of little commercial impact.
The Physical Layer
At the bottom is the physical layer. This layer is the abstraction for the network protocols that define the physical media and devices, themselves. It governs the types of cabling and the use of the electromagnetic spectrum for example. This might include the shape of the conectors, the voltages and impedence levels on the interface cards, the shape of the waveforms, the color of light used for fiber optics, or the RF space and use thereof.Examples of physical layer protocols include IEEE 802.11b or IEEE 802.3b
The Data Link Layer
Above this is the data link layer. The data link layer manages the use of the physical media. Typically, this layer performs framing. In other words, it breaks large streams of data into smaller, manageable pieces known as frames. Each frame is easier to manage, and can include error correction and/or error detection codes. These make it possible for the link layer to detect and drop bad frames. Some link layers use error correction codes to correct many errors. Additionally, link layers provide some way of identifying stations within a LAN.Some physical layers implement sharing via a static technique, such as time-division multiplexing (TDM) or frequency-division multiplexing (FDM). In other words, each station gets its very own piece of the network -- either by taking turns (TDM) or by dividing up the frequency space (FDM). This allows sharing without any special treatment by the link layer.
But other networks, use what is known as statistical multiplexing or broacasting. In other words, the physical layer allows any station to transmit at any time -- if they collide with each other and destroy each others transmission -- it becomes the link layer's problem to recover.
The Medium Access Control (MAC) layer, which is a sublayer within the data link layer, is charged with implementing the policies for managing collisions in broadcast networks.
One common example of a link-layer protocol is Ethernet. The undlerlying physical layer for which it was designed allows collision to occur, but provides tools to detect it and to sto transmitting if it occurs. But, it is up to Ethernet, the data link layer, to implement the policies that reschedule the transmissions, as needed.
The data link layer allows stations within the same Local Area Network (LAN) to communicate with each other.
The Network Layer
The Network layer is responsible for the movement of packets of information among LANs. As LANs are connected together, getting a packet betwen them isn't trivial. There might not be a direct path between two LANs, in which case, the packet might have to cross one or more intermediate networks to get to its final destination. To make things work, at any step of the game, the might be more than one network that could be a "next step" to the final destination -- internetworks can have significant redundancy. Among other things, the network layer must also provide a way of identifying each network, such as a network number.The network layer is responsible for routing a packet between the source and destination network. In other words, it is charged with finding the path, through other networks, between the source and the destination network. As discussed above, the link layer is responsible for getting the packet from its source to the router on the source network, and then from the router on the destination network to the final destination station.
The Transport Layer
The network layer contains a lot of machinery that application programmers need not care about. Instead, programmers often want to think about network programming in terms of endpoints -- the source and destination, for example, the client and server. The transport layer hides the details of the network layer and provides this abstraction.Different link layers might provide different types of service, for example reliable service versus unreliable service, or stream service versus a message-oriented service, or a connection-oriented service versus a connection-less service. We'll talk more about these in just a few minutes.
The Session, Presentation, and Application Layers
In the OSI/ISO model, the session, presenation, and application layers are three separate layers, but they are often rolled into one and simply considered the application layer. The TCP/IP protocol suite, for example, takes the "rolled into one" approach. The reason for this is that instances of these layers are often not very generally applicable -- they often only fit one particular application.The session layer is resonsible for managing the session, or persistent connection between two hosts. It, for example, might be responsible for the recovery of the session, if the transport layer breaks down, as might occur if one host fails and reboots.
The presentation layer is responsible for converting data from the format used by one host to that used by another host. The "classic" eample here is the conversion of IBM's EPCDIC representation of characters to ASCII, and vice-versa. More modern examples might include adjusting floating-point data for Endian-ness, or converting between ISO character set standards.
And, last, but not least, is the application layer, which arguably incorporates the other two. This layer is the interface between the network and the rest of the application program. It, for example, defines the messages that can be sent between a HTTP Web server and client, or the structure of a MIME encoded email message.
Service Types and Quality at the Transport Layer
The transport layer can provide many, many different types of services and offer many, many different levels of quality, specified in all sorts of different ways. For our purposes, we're just going to take a look at some of the most basic characteristics.Some transport layers offer stream-based service, whereas others are message-oriented. Streams-based services don't distibguish between message boundaries -- they just provide a queue of bytes. The sender enqueues the bytes, the receiver dequeues them. message-oriented services provide a message abstraction. Think of a message as an envelope or package. An envelope is filled, and then delivered unopened to the recipient. The recipient gets one envelope at a time.
For our purposes, the link layer will throw away any frames that become corrupted. They never make it to the network or transport layers. The question at the transport layer is, what should be done about the lost pieces of information. Unreliable transport layers do nothing -- the missing pieces are simply never delivered and, in the case of stream protocols, anything that arrives out of order is discarded.
Reliable transport layers attempt to retransmit seemingly lost pieces of information, until they are confirmed as delivered. They also ensure that everythign stays i order by bufferign or dropping pieces of information that arrive out of order.
It is important to realize that reliable protocols do not guarantee that information will make it from the sender to the receiver, and they certainly can't guarantee that the information will arrive within some finite amount of time. For reasons we'll talk about a little later -- this guarantee can only be made if the transmission media, itself, is perfect.
Because reliable protocols require continued cooperation between the sender and the receiver, they must be connection-oriented. In other words, they are like a phone call: a connection is intiated, used, and then broken. When the connection is "live" both parties know about each other and can maintain information about the status of the session -- such as what has arrived and what should be expected next.
Connection-less protocols don't maintain the continuous session, or shared state, between the endpoints. Connectionless protocols are often used for unreliable message-oriented communications. This is basically the U.S. Postal Service model. You pack an envelop, mail it out, and hope for the best. If it never arrives, the other side never knows it missed out -- and hopefully it didn't matter too much.
The TCP/IP protocol suite provides two transport-level protocals: the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Protocl (UDP). TCP provides reliable, connection-oriented stream service. UDP provides unreliable, connectionless, message (datagram) service.
When reliable message-oriented service is required, many applications use TCP, but encode message boundaries in the application-level protocol. In other words, parsing the TCP stream will yield individual messages.
Other applications create "ACKed UDP" protocls, by using UDP to send messages, but keeping shared state and managing retransmission at the application level.
What If This Whole Discussion Has Been Confusing?
Relax! I know this is probably a bit blurry to those who haven't taken a course in networks. That's okay. A blurry understanding is good enough for us. 15-213 covered the socket API, which is all one need to know to do network programming. And, aside from that, we'll use middleware for most of our project work (you can pick your own weapon for Project #3).We talked about this today just so you'd have a general understanding of these issues when they come up on occasion during the semester. Please remember that if things ever come up that you don't understand, you should ask -- we're here to help. That includes anything related to network issues. For now, just get the "big picture" landscape -- and you'll be fine.