ESIS(17-614) stands for Engineering of Software Intensive Systems
This course examines the systems engineering process with special emphasis on software engineering as a discipline within systems engineering. The course includes an overview of system theory and structures elements of the cycle (including system design and development), risk and trade-off analysis, modeling and simulation, and the tools needed to analyze and support the systems process. The course lectures are taught by Sam Harbaugh.
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06/11/05 | gca | Initial web-set setup |
06/13/05 | gca | WebSite moved to final location |
06/21/05 | gca | Updated website with Trade Study report. |
06/23/05 | gca | Updated team schedule from meeting on 06/23/05 |
06/26/05 | gca | Updated team schedule from email from 06/24/05 |
07/04/05 | mip | Uploaded OCD |
07/05/05 | ghc | Uploaded website with Technical Paper |
07/010/05 | oas | SDP progress available |
07/15/05 | cyw | Uploaded website STP |
07/16/05 | gca | Uploaded Reliability Analysis |
07/15/05 | oas | SDP 1st draft available |
07/21/05 | gca | Updated Reliability Analysis v1.1 |
07/21/05 | cyw | Updated STP v1.1 |
07/22/05 | mip | Updated OCD v2.1 |
07/24/05 | jeong | Uploaded Req |
07/24/05 | cyw | Updated STP to v2.0 |
07/25/05 | gca | Updated Risks (on behalf of Gurmit) |
07/25/05 | cyw | Updated STP to v2.1 |
07/27/05 | gca | Updated Reliability to v2.0 |
07/27/05 | gca | Updated Reliability to v2.1 |
07/28/05 | cyw | Updated STP to v3.0 |
07/29/05 | oas | Stable version of the SDP released! v.1.0 |
07/30/05 | gsl | Risks have been updated! |
07/30/05 | mip | Updated OCD v.2.2 |
07/31/05 | gca | Updated website TOC to avoid broken links to project documents.
Refer to Project Dashboard to find links to documents. |
07/31/05 | cyw | Updated STP v.3.1 |
08/01/05 | mip | Updated OCD to v2.3 |
08/05/05 | gsl | Updated Risks (after last class chat!) |
A necessary requirement of ESIS course is for students to perform one team project related to a software intensive system. This homepage's intent is to introduce overview and artifacts of the team project, MDARS.
MCNAV001 = Moon CircumNavigating Autonomous Vehicle
Produce the system requirements and system engineering plans for a system capable which will circumnavigate the moon along the Magellan moon route. The first team to successfully complete the mission will receieve a $100M prize.
In order to accelerate technology development for a Moon Based Autonomous Robot System (MBARS), DARPA has initiated the Lunar Grand Challenge 2005. Carnegie Mellon Universitys MCNAV Team (ESIS 2005 - 17614) has taken up the challenge to design a robotics lunar system in accordance with the challenge requirements provided by DARPA. The lunar environment is extreme. With no atmosphere, the vehicle electronics will be exposed to solar particle events that could literally fry them. Intense ultraviolet radiation will degrade materials. Temperatures on the lunar surface range from minus 170 to plus 110 degrees centigrade depending on whether exposed or shaded from solar radiation. The challenge is to complete the race route, a total distance of approximately 2826 kilometers (referred to System Assumption) in the least amount of time. The course must be completed in no more than 7 days. The MCNAV must be capable of surviving these conditions and be able to adjust to unforeseen hazards on the lunar surface.
Item | Due | DocBoss | Status | Download |
Concept of Operations [CONOP] | Sam | Complete | ||
Lunar Grand Challenge Rules | Sam | Complete | ||
Trade Study | 06/19/05 | Gurmit | Complete | zip |
Technical Report | 06/26/05 | Ghislaine | Complete | doc |
Operational Concept Document [OCD] | 07/01/05 | Mi Yul | Complete | zip |
System Capability Requirements & Qualification Method | 07/07/05 | Jeong | complete | doc |
System & Software Architecture | 07/13/05 | Chang Sun | complete | doc |
Software Development Plan (SDP) | 08/01/05 | Omar | Complete | doc |
Reliability Analysis | 08/01/05 | Gary | Rev 2.1 | zip |
System Test Plan | 08/01/05 | Carl | Complete | zip |
Program Risks | 08/01/05 | Gurmit | After Last Chat | zip |