17-654 -- Spring 2000
Somesh Jha
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
The purpose of the course is to teach analysis techniques for
artifacts that arise during various phases of the software process.
Some of the topics that are covered are model checking, object
modeling, testing metrics, and statistical methods. Focus of the
course is on fundamentals.
Time and Place: Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30-7:50pm in SEI A104.
A detailed schedule for lectures and homeworks can be found here
Somesh Jha (
Office: Wean 3112 (Phone: 412-268-5544)
Teaching Assistant:
Joao Pedro Sousa (
Office hours: TBA.
We will distribute detailed class notes. See the Class Notes page.
The following text book will be required for second half of the
class. Please buy it from your favorite online publisher.
Statistical Methods in Software Engineering (Reliability and Risk),
N.D. Singpurwalla and S.P. Wilson,
Springer-Verlag, New York, Inc.
Announcements and Questions and Answers:
Grading and Homework Policy:
- Homeworks will account for 50% of your course grade.
- Midterm and final will each be 15% of your course grade.
- Project will be worth 20%.
- Students will NOT be allowed to redo homeworks.
However, we will take BEST six out of eight of the regular
homeworks to compute your grade.
Regular homeworks exclude the one mini homework.
- For every two days you are late ten percent will be
deducted from your homework score.
- Homeworks must be done individually. Cheating and/or plagiarism will not be tolerated. This means that all of the work you turn in must be your own. If a student is suspected of cheating, the suspected actions will be reported to the University for investigation and possible disciplinary action. Consult the University's Policy on Academic Integrity published in the Student Handbook for further details.
- Homework assignments may be down-loaded off of the Homework Assignments page.
Suggestions/guidelines for project:
- Projects have to performed in a group of 3 to 4 students.
- Here are the suggestions/guidelines for
choosing a project.
- Guidelines for project presentation and report.
Useful Links:
- The model checker NuSMV.
Note:NuSMV is only available for Solaris and
Linux. If you want to use SMV on NT, download
the CMU version of SMV.
However, use the documentation provided with
NuSMV. It is much better than the old
- Relational formula checker
- A tool for checking Alloy specification Alcoa.
- Oxford
formal methods page.