Analysis Class Notes
Notes by lecture:
- Notes for lectures 2 and 3 [ PS, PDF].
- Lecture 4
(Introducing SMV)[ PS, PDF, SMV
- Lecture 5 (SMV Continued)[ PS, PDF, SMV example].
- Lecture 6
(Overview of other model checkers)[ PS, PDF].
Notes on Verifsoft[ PS, PDF].
Thanks to Patrice
Godefroid for the verisoft slides. - Lecture 7 (Model Checking
Real Time Systems)[ PS, PDF]
- Lecture 8 and part of 9
(Nitpick/Ladybug)[ PS, PDF]
- Craig Damon's slides for Lecture
9[ PS, PDF]
- Lecture 10 (Alloy)[ PS, PDF]
Note: Thanks to Daniel
Jackson for providing the slides. - Lecture 11 (Alcoa)[PS, PDF]
Note: We will finish
the slides of Daniel Jackson. I have also prepared a short lecture on
Alcoa (around 5 slides). A paper describing Alloy/Alcoa can be found
here. I
will try to finish 20-25 minutes early so that I can answer questions
about the mid-term. - Lecture 13 (Data Flow Analysis)[PS, PDF]
- Lecture 14 (Testing
Metrics) [PS, PDF]
- Lecture 15 (Testing
Metrics for Concurrent Programs) [PS, PDF]
- Lecture 16 (xSuds) [PS, PDF]
Note:Guest lecturer (Dr. Hira Aggarwal) from Telecordia.
- Lecture 17 (Reverse Engineering Case Study)[PS, PDF]
- Lecture 18 and 19 (Program Analysis) [PS]
Note:Guest lecturer (Rob O'Callahan).
- Lecture 20 (Probability Basics)[PS, PDF]
- Lecture 21 (Probabilistic Systems)[PS, PDF]
- Lecture 22 (Markov Analysis)[PS, PDF]