Instructor : Prof. Jayathi Murthy
Fall 2000
Lectures: MWF 12:30-1:20 PM PH 100
Recitation: Section A T 10:30 -11:20 AM HH B131
Section B Th 10:30 -11:20 AM HH B131
Thermodynamics is the branch of science and engineering that deals with energy and its transformation. It is concerned with the interactions of heat and work with the physical properties of a system under consideration. As engineers, we will apply thermodynamics to mechanical systems such as engines and refrigerators, though the principles of thermodynamics can be applied to all physical systems. Because of the truly fundamental nature of the material, it is critical for the engineer to develop a firm grounding in thermodynamics.
In the early part of the course, we will discuss techniques to model
physical systems in order to analyze them using thermodynamics. These techniques
are not unique to thermodynamics and you will find yourself using them
in other engineering courses as well. We will identify important thermodynamical
properties of a system, such as its energy
and its entropy, and consider physical laws which govern the change
of these properties. We will learn to distinguish between the thermodynamic
properties of a system and the agents which change its properties, such
as heat and work. A detailed understanding of the first and second laws
of thermodynamics will be developed. Later in the course, we will apply
these laws to engineering systems such as gas and steam turbines, heat
pumps and refrigerators. Through lectures, assignments, quizzes and discussions,
the course will endeavour to give you a solid understanding of thermodynamics
and an appreciation of its importance in our daily lives.