24-662: Robotic Systems and IoT
Carnegie Mellon University


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Scope of Course

Lectures:  Tue and Thu 3:00-4:50 PM
                @ Posner Hall 151
LabHH B120 (Industrial robots)
         WH 2310 (UAV)

Level:  Introductory graduate course

This project-based course covers an overview of Robotic Systems and Internet of Things, and how these two systems can be integrated into a larger framework, Internet of Robotic Things.  As a project course, 70% of your effort/grade is for a team project.
   Building on the general knowledge and skills gained from lectures and problem sets, student teams of 3-5 members ideate, design, develop, present and demonstrate a system that is likely to lead to a real-world application. Teams meet with the course instructors regularly to incrementally extend and improve their system. 
   This course is intended for graduate and upper class undergraduate students who have already learned basic programming skills (Python, C/C++/C#, Java, JavaScript, etc.) and at least one of the technical skills related to robotic systems and IoT:  (for example: mechanism design, kinematics, dynamics, mechatronics, sensors, control, and machine learning).




Teaching Staff

Professor Kenji Shimada

     Office: Room 314, Scaife Hall
     Phone: 412.268.3614
     shimada @ cmu.edu

Gautham Narayan Narasimhan
gauthamn @ andrew.cmu.edu

Tomotake Furuhata 
tomotake @ andrew.cmu.edu
Fang Shu
fshu @ andrew.cmu.edu
Mabaran Rajaraman
Technical Advisor
mrajaram @ andrew.cmu.edu
Yuyang Wang
yuyangw @ andrew.cmu.edu
Chun Fan Goh 
Technical Advisor
chunfang @ andrew.cmu.edu
Zhangsihao Yang
zhangsiy @ andrew.cmu.edu
Di Deng 
Teaching Advisor
dengd @ andrew.cmu.edu
Yan Zhang
yzhang7 @ andrew.cmu.edu

Email Lists

To send a message to all the teaching staff (use this when you ask a question about problem sets and grades):

To send a message to all the students (this is mainly for teaching staff use only)



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Send email to Professor Kenji Shimada ( shimada @ cmu.edu)
with questions or comments about this web site.