Carnegie Mellon                                       


24-786  GEOMETRIC MODELING  Spring 2002

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Mon and Wed 3:30PM-5:20PM @ Scaife Hall 324

 Course Goals   

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This course teaches concepts and tools for designing and implementing three-dimensional geometric modeling/simulation systems for curves, surfaces and solids. Handling three dimensional geometric information on the computer is essential in many application areas, such as computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), computer-aided engineering (CAE), robotics, computer vision, and computer graphics. The course covers geometry representations, algorithms, and the underlying theoretical framework, essential to solving geometric problems encountered in these application areas. The topics include: (1) geometric and topological representation of three dimensional objects, (2) curve and surface representation, (3) geometric algorithms and operations on curves, surfaces, and solids, and (4) real-world problems in geometric modeling. Selected advanced research issues, such as mesh generation, shape reconstruction, data compression, feature-based modeling, data conversion, non-manifold geometry, and variational surface modeling are also studied.

Teaching Staff    

Professor Kenji Shimada (Instructor)
     Office: 314 Scaife Hall,  Phone: 268-3614
     Office Hours: TBA

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Soji Yamakawa (Teaching Assistant)
     Office: B130 Hamerschlog Hall,  Phone: 268-6091
     Office/Cluster Hours: T

Murat Gunay (Grader)
     Office: B130 Hamerschlog Hall,  Phone: 268-6091
     Office Hours: T


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(c) Kenji Shimada, Carnegie Mellon University, 2000