33-332 Physical Mechanics II


Grading Overview

Grades will be based on three mid-term tests (each 50 minutes in duration), six homework assignments, recitation attendance and performance, and a comprehensive three-hour final exam. The grades will be weighted as follows:

Homework assignments 20%
Recitations 10%
Test I (Mon, Feb 9) 10%
Test II (Mon, Mar 22) 10%
Test III (Mon, Apr 12) 10%
Comprehensive final exam (Mon, May 3)     40%

Homework assignments

There will be six homework assignments during the semester. The due dates will be announced at the time that the assignments are given. The purpose of these assignments is two-fold: to help you learn the material and prepare for the tests and examinations, and to help you gain experience in solving more difficult and challenging problems. Some of the questions are meant to challenge you beyond what would be expected in a test situation. You may consult with others in the class, but the work handed in should be your own. Assignments handed in after their due dates will not be graded. Solutions to the problems will be made available after the assignments are returned. All questions in each assignment must be answered, but only selected problems will be chosen for grading (you will not be told which ones). The portion of the final grade from the take-home assignments will be determined by equally weighting all of the assignments.


Recitations will be very informal. Sometimes you will work on simple exercises for practice. Other times, larger example problems will be solved. Small quizzes may sometimes be given. The recitations are meant to help you better understand the material and improve your problem-solving skills. They also provide me with valuable feedback on your progress. The recitation grade will be mainly based on your attendance in recitations, but partly on your participation and performance.

Mid-term Tests and the Final Exam

The mid-term tests and the final examination will be a combination of short and long worked problems. All tests must be taken on the scheduled date. Makeup tests will be given only in exceptional circumstances which are supported with acceptable documentation.

      Histograms of Raw Test Scores

      Grades by Identification Number

Final Grade Determination

The grades (expressed as percentages) for the midterm tests and the final examination will be combined with the percentage grade for the recitations and assignments using the weights described above to determine a final percentage grade for the course. This final percentage grade will then be converted into a letter grade using the grade scale below (subject to change). This final letter grade will then be reported to the university.

Approximate grade scale
Percentage Letter GPA
80-100 A 4.00
70-79 B 3.00
60-69 C 2.00
50-59 D 1.00
0-49 R 0.00