Readings Lists |
Week 9 | Week 10 | Week 11 | Week 12 * | Week 13 * | Week 14 * | Week 15 * | Week 16 * |
Please check the weekly reading assignment sheets above to determine exact assignments and page numbers, and to distinguish between "required" and "optional" readings.
* Readings Lists from Fall 2013
Online Readings |
- Week 9: Social Critique and Morality: Pugin, Ruskin, Morris
- 9.1 Pugin, Augustus W.N. True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture (1841, 1973), pp. 1-12, 50-60.
- 9.2 Ruskin, John. "Nature of Gothic," in The Stones of Venice (1851-3, 1989, 2000), pp. 157-190.
- 9.3 Morris, William. "Art & Society" (1883) and "The Worker's Share of Art" (1885) in News from Nowhere & Selected Writings, ed. A. Briggs, (1962, 1984), pp. 139-143. "Prospects of Architecture in Civilization" in Morris on Architecture, pp. 64-98.
- 9.4 Ruskin, John. "Lamp of Truth," and "Lamp of Memory," in Seven Lamps of Architecture (1849, 1989); skim whole book.
- 9.5 Pugin, Augustus W.N. Contrasts, intro. by H.R. Hitchcock (1836, 1840, 1960).
- 9.6 Pevsner, Nikolaus. "Theories of Art from Morris to Gropius," in Pioneers of Modern Design (1936), Ch.1= pp. 19-39.
- 9.7 Watkin, David. "Introduction," Morality and Architecture (1977), pp. 1-14; and skim "Pugin," pp. 17-23; excerpt in Jencks, Theories & Manifestoes (1997), pp. 174-175.
- Week 10: Structural Rationalism: Viollet, Durand, École
- 10.1 Viollet-le-Duc, Eugene-E. Excerpts "Anticipating a Modern Architecture," Chs.5-9 in The Architectural Theory of Viollet-le-Duc, ed M. Fil Hearn (1990), pp. 169-253.
- 10.2 Hugo, Victor. "This Will Kill That," and "A Bird's-eye View of Paris" in Notre Dame de Paris (1831), Bk.III, Ch.2 Bk.V, Ch.2.
- 10.3 Frampton, Kenneth. "Greco Gothic and Neo Gothic: The Anglo French Origin of Tectonic Form," in Studies in Tectonic Culture (1995), Ch.2 = pp. 29-59.
- 10.4 Banham, Reyner. "Predisposing Causes: Academic and Rationalist Writers," in Theory and Design in the First Machine Age (1960), pp. 14-34.
- 10.5 Entries on "Viollet-le-Duc" (by Middleton) and "Labrouste" (by D. Vanten) in the MacMillan Encyclopedia of Architects.
- 10.6 Berdoll, Barry. "The Dictionnaire raisonné," in Foundations of Architecture (1990), pp. 1-30.
- 10.7 Levine, Neil. "The Book and the Building: Hugo's Theory of Architecture and Labrouste's Biblioteque Ste. Genevieve," in The Beaux-Arts and 19th-century French Architecture, ed. R. Middleton (1982) Ch.8 = pp. 138-173.
- 10.8 Bressani, Martin, and Grignon, Marc. "The Bibliotheque Ste. Genevieve and 'Healing Architecture,'" in Henri Labrouste: Structure Brought to Light Belier, Bergdoll, and LeCoouer, eds., (2012).
- Week 11: German Tectonics: Schinkel, Semper, Bötticher
- 11.1 Semper, Gottfried. The Four Elements of Architecture (1851, 1989), read pp. 101-112, 122-129, 254-257 (incl. footnotes); skim 113-121, 215-225, 240-243.
- 11.2 Bötticher, Karl. "The Principles of Hellenic & Germanic Way of Building," (1846) in In What style Should We Build?, ed. W. Herrmann (1992), pp. 147-166.
- 11.3. Frampton, Kenneth. "Rappel a l'ordre: the Case for the Tectonic," (1990) in Theorizing a new Agenda for Architecture, ed. Kate Nesbitt (1996), pp. 516-528.
- 11.4 Semper, Gottfried. "On Architectural Symbols," Res 9 (Spring 1985): 61-67.
- 11.5 Bötticher, Karl. "Theories of Raiment," from Die Tektonik der Hellenen (1844), in Otto Wagner, Adolf Loos and the Road to Modern Architecture , by Werner Oechslin (2002), pp. 188-197.
- 11.6 Herrmann, Wolfgang. "Semper's Position on Contemporary Architecture," in Gottfried Semper: In Search of Architecture (1984), pp. 153-164.
- 11.7 Bletter, Rosemarie H. "On Martin Fröhlich's Gottfried Semper," Oppositions 4 (Oct. 1974): 146-153.
- 11.8 Frampton, Kenneth. "Prospects for a Critical Regionalism" in Theorizing a New Agenda for Architecture Nesbitt, K., ed., (1996).
- 11.9 Sekler, Eduard. "Structure, Construction, Tectonics" in Structure in Art & Science Kepes, G., ed., (1965
- Week 12: Space, Empathy and Psychology: Schmarsow, Lipps
- 12.1 Schmarsow, August. "Essence of Architectural Creation," (1893), in Empathy, Form & Space: Problems in German Aesthetics, eds. Mallgrave & Ikonomou (1994), pp. 281-297.
- 12.2 Wölfflin, Heinrich. "Prolegomena to a Psychology of Architecture," (1886) in Empathy, Form & Space (1994), pp. 149-162 + skim 162-190.
- 12.3 Ven, Cornelius van de. "Ideas of Space in German Arch'l Theory," in Space in Architecture (1974, 1987), pp. 71-101.
- 12.4 Zucker, Paul, "The Paradox of Architectural Theory at the Begin of the Modern Movement," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 10:3 (Oct. 1951): 8-14.
- 12.5 Collins, Peter. "New Concepts of Space," in Changing Ideals in Modern Architecture (1965), Ch.24=pp. 285.
- 12.6 Vidler, Anthony. "Space, Time & Movement," in At the End of the Century: One Hundred Years of Architecture, ed. R. Ferguson (1998), pp. 101-125, esp. 101-105.
- 12.7 Review "Space," special issue of Daidalos 67 (Mar.1998), especially articles by Confurius, Arnheim, Köhler.
- 12.8 Mallgrave, H.F. "Excursus on a few of the conceptual foundations of twentieth-century German Modernism," in Modern Architectural Theory: A Historical Survey, 1673-1968, pp. 194-203.
- 12.8 Schumacher, Patrik. "Key Innovations: Place, Space, Field" in Autopoiesis of Architecture, pp. 411-433.
- Week 13: Modenrism
13.1 Conrads, Ulrich, ed. Programs & Manifestoes of 20thC Architecture (1970), includes:
Loos, A. "Ornament & Crime" (1910, 1913), pp. 19-24
de Stijl & Van Doesburg Manifestoes, (1918, 1923, 1924), pp. 39-40, 66-67, 78-80
Le Corbusier, "Towards a New Architecture" & "Five Points (1923), pp. 59-62, 99-101
Bauhaus & Gropius Manifestoes (1919, 1923), pp. 49-53, 95-97
Anti-humanism, CIAM, ABC, H. Meyer (1928), pp. 109-120. - 13.2 Harrison-Moore, Abigail, and Dorothy Rowe, excerpts from "Architecture for Tomorrow, 1910-2000," in Architecture and Design in Europe and America, 1750-2000 (2006) pp. 316-322 (O. Wagner); 355-367 (Loos, Futurism); 390-397 (Mendelsohn); 402-411 (van Doesburg & Le Corbusier). (E-reserve = pp. 316-414, also includes essays by P. Behrens, S. Giedion, W. Gropius, M. Brandt, L. Moholoy-Nagy, Mies van der Rohe).
- 13.3 Curtis, William. "Introduction," Modern Architecture since 1900, 3rd ed (1996), pp. 11-17.
- 13.4 Heynen, Hilde. "Architecture Facing Modernity," Architecture & Modernity: A Critique (1999), pp. 9-22.
- 13.5 Giedion, Sigfried. "The New Space Conception," excerpt from Space, Time & Architecture, 3rd ed. (1956), pp. 426-444.
- 13.6 Ockman, Joan. "Introduction," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968: A Documentary Anthology (1993), pp. 13-24.
- 13.7 Goldhagen & Legault, "Introduction: Critical Themes of Postwar Modernism" in Anxious Modernisms.
- 13.8 Giedion, Sigfried, J.L. Sert and F. Leger. "Nine Points on Monumentality," (1943) in Architecture Culture 1943-1968, (1993), pp. 27-30.
- 13.9 Kahn, Louis. "Monumentality," (1944) in Architecture Culture 1943-1968 (1993), pp. 47-54.
- 13.10 Kahn. "Order Is," and other excerpts (1955, 1957, 1960, 1972) from Louis I. Kahn. Writings, Lectures, Interviews (1986), pp. 58-59, 102-103, 285-290; from America Builds, ed. L. Roth (1983), pp. 574-77; and from Architecture Culture 1943-1968 (1993), pp. 270-272.
- 13.11 Hudnut, J. "The Postmodern House," (1945) in Architecture Culture 1943-1968 (1993), p. 70-76.
- 13.12 Van Eyck, Aldo. "Steps Towards a Configurative Discipline," (1945) in Architecture Culture 1943-1968 (1993), p. 347-360.
- 13.13 Johnson, Philip. "Seven Crutches of Modern Architecture," (1954) abridged in Theories and Manifestoes of Contemporary Architecture, ed. Charles Jencks (2006), pp. 208-210. Full essay in Architecture Culture 1943-1968 (1993), pp. 189-192; and in America Builds, ed. L. Roth (1983), pp. 581-584.
- 13.14 Jacobus, J.M. Twentieth Century Architecture: the Middle Years 1940-1965 (1966).
- 13.15 Smithson, Alison M. Team 10 Primer (1968).
- 13.16 Zevi, Bruno. Towards an Organic Architecture (1950).
- 13.17 Goldhagen, S.W. "Coda: Reconceptualizing the Modern" in Anxious Modernisms.
- 13.18 Rowe, C. "Transparency," Part I and Part II.
13.1 Conrads, Ulrich, ed. Programs & Manifestoes of 20thC Architecture (1970), includes:
- Week 14: Postmodernism and Critique
- 14.1 Jencks, C. "The Postmodern Agenda" in The Postmodern Reader (1992), pp. 10-39; see also Jencks, The Language of Postmodern Architecture (1977 and many editions), exerpt in Hays, Architecture Theory since 1968.
- 14.2 Klotz, H. "Postmodern Architecture," exerpt from Klotz, The History of Postmodern Architecture (1984) in Jencks, The Postmodern Reader 1992) pp. 234-248.
- 14.3 Frampton, "The Isms of Contemporary Architecture," in Drexler, ed. Modern Architecture and the Critical Present (1982), pp. 60-83. See also Frampton, Modern Architecture, A Critical History (1980).
- 14.4 Venturi, R. Complexity & Contradiction in Architecture (NY: MoMA, 1966).
- 14.5 Venturi, Scott Brown, & Izenour, Learning from Las Vegas (1972; MS 1968).
- 14.6 Rowe, C., "Introduction," in Five Architects (1972), pp. 3-8.
- 14.7 Rossi, A. The Architecture of the City (1966).
- 14.8 Lyotard, J.F. "Answering the Question: What is Postmodernism?" from The Postmodern Condition (1979, 1984), excerpted in Jencks, ed. The Postmodern Reader (1992), pp. 138-150; and in Mallgrave, vol.2.
- 14.9 Portoghesi, ed. The Presence of the Past. Venice Biennale. Architecture (1980), essays by Portoghesi, Scully, Norberg-Schulz & Jencks.
- 14.10 Tafuri, M. "L'Architecture dans le Boudoir: The Language of Criticism and the Criticism of Langage," Oppositions (1974); from Hays, Architecture Theory since 1968, pp. 146-173. See also "Towards a Critique of Ideology," Contropiano (1969), in Hays, Architecture Theory Since 1968 pp. 2-35; and Tafuri, Architecture & Utopia (1973).
- Week 15: Contemporary Theory
*Coming soon*