- Lecture 1 - Introduction / Overview
- Review: Moffett et al, Buildings Across Time (2004) Chs. 14-15, esp. pp. 448-518; OR
Nutgens, Story of Architecture (1997) Chs. 18-20, esp. Ch. 18; OR
Roth, Understanding Architecture (1993) Chs. 19-21, esp. pp. 436-441.
- Review: Moffett et al, Buildings Across Time (2004) Chs. 14-15, esp. pp. 448-518; OR
- Lecture 2 - Modern / Modernity / Modernization
- Lecture 3 - Modernism Discussion
- 3.1 Baudelaire, Charles. Selections from "Painter of Modern Life," in Modern Art & Modernism: A Critical Anthology, ed. Francis Frascina & Charles Harrison (1982), pp. 23-24, 17-18. (709.04 M68)
- 3.2 Simmel, Georg. "The Metropolis and Mental Life," in Art in Theory 1900-1990, eds. Harrison & Wood (1992), pp. 130-135. (301 S595)
- 3.3. Bermann, Marshall. "The Experience of Modernity," in Design After Modernism: Beyond the Object, ed. John Thakera (1988), pp. 35-48. (NA)
- 3.4 Heynen, Hilde. Excerpt from "Architecture facing Modernity," in Architecture & Modernity: A Critique (1999), pp. 9-21. (724.6 H61A)
- Lecture 4 - Arts & Crafts
- Lecture 5 - National Romanticism
- Lecture 6 - International Art Nouveau
- Lecture 7 - Secessions
- Lecture 8 - Father Figures I: Otto Wagner
- 8.1 Wagner, Otto. Modern Architecture (1896, 1988) (selections available online, but students are encouraged to see WHOLE book on reserve! HR: NA642.W3413 1988)
- 8.2 Mallgrave's introduction to Otto Wagner.
- Lecture 9 - Father Figures II: Berlage / Muthesius
- 9.1 Berlage, Hedrich Petrus. Thoughts on Style, 1886-1909 (1996) (see whole book on reserve: 720.1 B51B)
- 9.2 Muthesius, Hermann. Style-Architecture & Building Art (1902, 1994) (see whole book on reserve: 724.5 M995)
- Lecture 10 - Critical Loos
- 10.1 Loos, Adolf. Selections from Spoken into the Void: Collected Essays 1897-1900 (1982), pp. 66-69; 125-127; 45-49. (720.4 L86S)
- 10.2 Loos, in Architecture & Design, 1890-1939, ed. T. Benton (1975), pp. 40-45 (724.9 B47A)
- 10.3 Banham, Reyner. Ch.7 of Theory & Design in the First Machine Age (1960), pp. 88-97. (724.9B21T2A)
- Lecture 11 - Werkbund & Industry
- 11.1 Muthesius, in Architecture & Design, 1890-1939, ed. T. Benton (1975), pp. 48-52 (724.9 B47A)
- 11.2 Banham, Reyner. Theory & Design in the First Machine Age (1960), Ch.5, pp. 68-78. (724.9B21T2A)
- 11.3 Anderson, Stanford. "Deutscher Werkbund - the 1914 debate: Hermann Muthesius versus Henry van de Velde," in Companion to Architectural Thought.
- Lecture 12 - Doric Order & Modern Freedom
- Lecture 13 - French Rationalism & Engineering
- 13.1 Giedion, Sigfried. Building in France, Building in Iron, Building in Ferroconcrete (1928, transl. 1995) (see whole book on reserve: 720.944 G45B)
- 13.2 Frampton, Kenneth. "August Perret and Classical Rationalism," in his Studies in Tectonic Culture (1995) pp. 121-157 (724.5 F81S)
- Lecture 14 - America & FLW
- Lecture 15 - Amerikanismus & Industry
- Lecture 16 - Cubism & Futurism
- 16.1 Giedion, Sigfried. Excerpt from Space, Time & Architecture 3rd ed. (1956), pp. 426-444. (720.9 G45)
- 16.2 Tafuri, Manfredo & Francesco Dal Co, "Arch. & Avantgarde," Ch. 8 in Modern Architecture (1976) (720.904 T12M)
- Lecture 17 - Expressionism
- Lecture 18 - De Stijl & Holland
- 18.1 Friedman, Alice T. "Family Matters," in Women and the Making of the Modern House (1998), pp. 65-88. (720.1 71P1 Ovsz.)
- 18.2 Frampton, "De Stijl," Ch. 16 in Modern Architecture: A Critical History 3rd ed. (1980) (724.F81M31)
- 18.3. Banham, Theory & Design in the First Machine Age (1960), pp. 138-200 (724.9 B21T2A)
- Lecture 19 - Revolutionary Russia
- Lecture 20 - Gropius & Early Bauhaus
- Lecture 21 - Le Corbusier I: Development & Theory
- 21.1 Le Corbusier, Towards a New Architecture (1923, transl. 1931) skim book, read pp. v-xvii, 1-8 of this book! (724.944 J43T2)
- 21.2 Colquhoun, Alan. "Architecture and Engineering: Le Corbusier and the Paradox of Reason" pp. 89-115.
- 21.3 Colquhoun. "The Significance of Le Corbusier" pp. 163-190, both in Modernity and the Classical Tradition (1989) (724 C72M)
- Lecture 22 - Le Corbusier II: Architecture & Urbanism
- 22.1 Le Corbusier, City Planning of Tomorrow (1925, 1929) (see whole book on reserve: 711.4 J43C)
- Lecture 23 - Art Deco & America
- Lecture 24 - German Functionalism
- Lecture 25 - Housing I: Vienna & Frankfurt
- 25.1 May, Ernst. "Flats for Subsistence Living," in Architecture& Design, 1890-1939, ed. T. Benton (1975), pp. 202-204; (724.9 B47A)
- 25.2 Ingberman, Sima, ed. "The Viennese Superblocks," Oppositions no.13 (1978): 77-89. (Periodical)
- 25.3 Bullock, Nicholas. “Housing in Frankfurt and the new Wohnkultur, 1925-1931," Architectural Review 163 (June 1978): 335-242. (Periodical)
- Lecture 26 - Housing II: Europe
- Lecture 27 - CIAM & International Style
- 27.1 Hitchcock & Johnson, The International Style (1932) (see whole book on reserve: 724.9 H67AA)
- Lecture 28 - Le Corbusier III: Organic Monumentality
- 28.1 Fishman, Robert. "Le Corbusier," Urban Utopias in the Twentieth-Century (1982), pp. 163-264. (307.76 F53U)
- Lecture 29 - Mies & Classical Modernism
- 29.1 Pommer, Richard. "Mies v.d. Rohe and the Political Ideology of the Modern Movement," in Mies van der Rohe, Critical Essays, ed. Franz Schulze (1989), pp. 97-134. (720.8 M63MAAD 1 Ovsz.)
- 29.2 Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig. The Artless Word, ed. F. (1986, transl. 1991) (see whole book on reserve: 720.8 M63MAAE 1)
- Lecture 30 - Aalto & Scandinavian Grace
- 30.1. Aalto, Alvar. Selections from Alvar Aalto in his Own Words, ed. Goran Schildt (1998), pp. 49-55, 58-63, 71-83, 98-109. (720.8 A11AAF)
- 30.2 Juhani Pallasmaa, "Alvar Aalto: Toward a Synthetic Functionalism," in A.A.: Between Humanism & Materialism, ed. Peter Reed (New York: MoMA, 1998) pp. 21-39.
- Lecture 31 - Colonialism in India
- Lecture 32 - Tropical Modern: Africa, Palestine, Brazil
- Lecture 33 - Regionalism in Japan & Korea
- Lecture 34 - Totalitarianism I: What is Nazi Architecture
- Lecture 35 - Totalitarianism II: Russia, Italy, USA
- Lecture 36 - War, Clean Slate and Democracy