- Authors A: Aalto, Albrecht, Alexander, APAO, AR, Argan
- A. Aalto, "Architect's Conscience" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- D. Albrecht, introduction to WWII and the American Dream
- C. Alexander, "A City is Not a Tree," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- APAO, "Constitution" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- "The New Empiricism: Sweden's Latest Style" in Architectural Review, 1947
- G.C. Argan, "Architecture and Ideology," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- Authors B: Bachelard, Backstorm, Bakem, Banham, Barnstone, Bergdoll, Bill, Bristol, Blundell Jones & Canniffe
- G. Bachelard, "The Oneiric House," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- S. Backstorm, "Swede Looks at Sweden" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- D. Bakema, "Doorn Manifest" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- R. Banham, "A Home is Not a House," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- R. Banham, "The New Brutalism," The Architectural Review
- D.A. Barnstone, The Transparent State: Architecture and politics in postwar Germany [note: pdf may be longer than assigned reading]
- B. Bergdoll, introduction to Home Delivery: Fabricating the Modern Dwelling
- M. Bill, "Education & Design" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- P. Blundell Jones and E. Canniffe, Modern Architecture Through Case Studies: 1945-1990, chapter 1 (Eames House), chapter 2 (Ergo Eiermann, German Pavillion), chapter 3 (Aldo van Eyck, Orphanage), chapter 4 (Gottfried Bohm, Bensberg Town Hall), chapter 5 (Smithsons, Economist Building), chapter 6 (Stirling and Gowan, Leicester Engineering), chapter 8 (Behnisch, Munich Olympics), chapter 13 (Hans Scharoun, National Theatre)
- K. Bristol, "The Pruitt Igoe Myth"
- Authors C-D: Caruso, Casciato, Castillo, CIAM, Coderch, Colomina, Conrads, Constant, Cook, Diefendorf
- A. Caruso, "Sigurd Lewerentz and a Material Basis for Form," Oase
- M. Casciato, "Neorealism in Italian Architecture," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- Castillo, introduction to Cold War on the Home Front: The Soft Power of Midcentury Design
- CIAM, "Reaffirmation" and "Summary of Needs" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- J.A. Coderch de Sentmenat, "It's Not Geniuses We Need Now," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- B. Colomina, introduction to Cold War Hothouses, Inventing Postwar Culture
- B. Colomina, introduction and chapter one, Domesticity at War
- U. Conrads, "The Architecture of Fantasy," in Architecture Fantasy, pp. 8-26.
- N. Constant, "The Great Game to Come," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- P. Cook, "Zoom and 'Real' Architecture," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- J. Diefendorf, introduction to Rebuilding Europe's Bombed Cities
- Authors E-F: Eleb, Epstein Jones, Fiedman, Fuller
- Eleb, M., "An Alternative to Functionalist Universalism," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- D. Epstein Jones, "Fast, Cheap and In Control," in Re.Building
- Y. Friedman, "Program of Mobile Urbanism," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- B. Fuller, "Designing a New Industry," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- Authors G-H: GDR, Giedion et. al., Goldberger, Goldhagen & Legault, Gregotti, Gropius, Howey, Hudnut
- GDR, "16 Principles for Restructuring of the Cities" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- S. Giedion et. al., "Nine Points on Monumentality," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- P. Goldberger, "The Triumph of Modernism," in The Skyscraper
- S.W. Goldhagen and R. Legault, introduction to Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- S.W. Goldhagen, "Coda: Reconceptualizing the Modern," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- S.W. Goldhagen, "Freedom's Domiciles: Three Projects by Alison and Peter Smithson," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- V. Gregotti, "Architecture, Environment, Nature," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- V. Gregotti, "Architecture of the Postwar Reconstruction," in New Directions in Italian Architecture
- W. Gropius, "Eight Steps Toward a Solid Architecture," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- J. Howey, introduction and chapter one ("Philosophies and Results") from The Sarasota School of Architecture: 1941-1966
- J. Hudnut, "The Postmodern House," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- Goldhagen & Legault, excerpts from Anxious Modernisms
- M. Casciato, "Neorealism in Italian Architecture," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- Eleb, M., "An Alternative to Functionalist Universalism," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- S.W. Goldhagen and R. Legault, introduction to Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- S.W. Goldhagen, "Coda: Reconceptualizing the Modern," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- S.W. Goldhagen, "Freedom's Domiciles: Three Projects by Alison and Peter Smithson," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- R. Martin, "Computer Architectures: Saarinen's Patterns, IBM's Brains," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- F. Rogier, "The Monumentality of Rhetoric: The Will to Rebuild in Postwar Berlin," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- T. Rohan, "The Dangers of Eclecticism: Paul Rudolph's Jewelt Arts Center at Wellesley," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- Schwarz, "Concerning the Building Art" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- F. Scott, "Bernard Rudofsky," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- J-L. Violeau, "A Critique of Architecture," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- C. Wagenaar, "Jaap Bakema and the Fight for Freedom," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- C. Wendelken, "Putting Metabolism Back in Place: The Making of a Radically Decontextualized Architecture in Japan," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- Authors I-L: Isozaki, Jencks, Joedicke, Johnson, Jorn, Kahn, Khrushchev, Le Corbusier, Le Roux, Lods, Lubove
- A. Isozaki, "Invisible City," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- C. Jencks, "The Post-Modern Agenda"
- J. Joedicke, introduction to Architecture Since 1945: Sources and Directions
- P. Johnson, "Hunstanton School," The Architectural Review
- P. Johnson, "The Seven Crutches of Modern Architecture," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- A. Jorn, "Arguments apropos of the International Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus, Against an Imaginary Bauhaus, and Its Purpose Today," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- L. Kahn, "Monumentality," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- N. Khrushchev, "Remove Shortcomings in Design, Improve Work of Architects," in Architecture Culture 1943-68
- Le Corbusier, "Ineffable Space" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- H. le Roux, "The networks of tropical architecture"
- M. Lods, "Return From America," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- R. Lubove, "The Pittsburgh Renaissance," in Twentieth-Century Pittsburgh: Government, Business, and Environmental Change
- Authors M-P: Maki & Ohtaka, Martin, McHale, Mies van der Rohe, Muller, Mumford, Niemeyer, Ockman, Pelkonen, Plunz, Ponti
- F. Maki and M. Ohtaka, "Toward Group Form," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- R. Martin, "Computer Architectures: Saarinen's Patterns, IBM's Brains," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- J. McHale, "Machine Made America," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- L. Mies van der Rohe, "With Infinite Slowness Arises the Great Form," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- E. Muller, "Downtown Pittsburgh: Renaissance and Renewal," Chapter 1 in A Geographic Perspective of Pittsburgh and the Alleghenies: From Precambrian to Post-Industrial (2000), p. 17-27
- L. Mumford, "The Skyline [Bay Region Style]," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- E. Mumford, "CIAM Urbanism after the Athens Charter," Planning Perspectives
- E. Mumford, The CIAM Discourse on Urbanism, 1928-1960
- J. Ockman, introduction to Architecture Culture 1943-1968 and various excerpts on postwar values
- O. Niemeyer, "Form and Function in Architecture," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- E.-A. Pelkonen & D. Albrecht, "Introduction," in Eero Saarinen: Shaping the Future
- Plunz, "Pathology of Public Housing," in A History of Housing in New York City
- G. Ponti, "The Architect, The Artist," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- Ockman, excerpts from Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- Aalto, "Architect's Conscience" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- C. Alexander, "A City is Not a Tree," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- APAO, "Constitution" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- G.C. Argan, "Architecture and Ideology," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- G. Bachelard, "The Oneiric House," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- Backstorm, "Swede Looks at Sweden" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- Bakema, "Doorn Manifest" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- R. Banham, "A Home is Not a House," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- Bill, "Education & Design" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- CIAM, "Reaffirmation" and "Summary of Needs" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- J.A. Coderch de Sentmenat, "It's Not Geniuses We Need Now," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- N. Constant, "The Great Game to Come," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- P. Cook, "Zoom and 'Real' Architecture," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- Y. Friedman, "Program of Mobile Urbanism," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- B. Fuller, "Designing a New Industry," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- GDR, "16 Principles for Restructuring of the Cities" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- S. Giedion et. al., "Nine Points on Monumentality," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- V. Gregotti, "Architecture, Environment, Nature," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- W. Gropius, "Eight Steps Toward a Solid Architecture," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- J. Hudnut, "The Postmodern House," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- A. Isozaki, "Invisible City," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- P. Johnson, "The Seven Crutches of Modern Architecture," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- A. Jorn, "Arguments apropos of the International Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus, Against an Imaginary Bauhaus, and Its Purpose Today," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- L. Kahn, "Monumentality," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- N. Khrushchev, "Remove Shortcomings in Design, Improve Work of Architects," in Architecture Culture 1943-68
- Le Corbusier, "Ineffable Space" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- M. Lods, "Return From America," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- F. Maki and M. Ohtaka, "Toward Group Form," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- J. McHale, "Machine Made America," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- L. Mies van der Rohe, "With Infinite Slowness Arises the Great Form," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- L. Mumford, "The Skyline [Bay Region Style]," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- O. Niemeyer, "Form and Function in Architecture," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- J. Ockman, introduction to Architecture Culture 1943-1968 and various excerpts on postwar values
- E.N. Rogers, "Preexisting Conditions and Issues of Contemporary Building Practice," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- E.N. Rogers, "The Evolution of Architecture: Reply to the Custodian of Frigidaires," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- Schwarz, "Concerning the Building Art" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- A. and P. Smithson, "New Brutalism," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- J. Stirling, "Regionalism and Modern Architecture," in Architecture Culture 1943-68
- K. Tange, "A Plan for Tokyo, 1960: Toward a Structural Reorganization," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- A. van Eyck, "Steps Toward a Configurative Discipline," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- Authors Q-T: Reed, Rogers, Rogier, Rohan, Rowe & Slutzky, Scott, Scully, Smithsons, Stirling, Tange
- P. Reed, "Enlisting Modernism," in WWII and the American Dream
- E.N. Rogers, "Preexisting Conditions and Issues of Contemporary Building Practice," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- E.N. Rogers, "The Evolution of Architecture: Reply to the Custodian of Frigidaires," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- F. Rogier, "The Monumentality of Rhetoric: The Will to Rebuild in Postwar Berlin," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- T. Rohan, "The Dangers of Eclecticism: Paul Rudolph's Jewelt Arts Center at Wellesley," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- C. Rowe and R. Slutzky, "Transparency: Literal and Phenomenal," Perspecta
- Schwarz, "Concerning the Building Art" in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- F. Scott, "Bernard Rudofsky," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- V. Scully, "Rethinking Saarinen," in Eero Saarinen: Shaping the Future
- A. and P. Smithson, "New Brutalism," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- J. Stirling, "Regionalism and Modern Architecture," in Architecture Culture 1943-68
- J. Stirling, "Ronchamp," The Architectural Review
- K. Tange, "A Plan for Tokyo, 1960: Toward a Structural Reorganization," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- Authors U-Z: van Eyck, Violeau, Wagenaar, Wendelken, Wright, Zevi
- A. van Eyck, "Steps Toward a Configurative Discipline," in Architecture Culture 1943-1968
- J-L. Violeau, "A Critique of Architecture," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- C. Wagenaar, "Jaap Bakema and the Fight for Freedom," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- C. Wendelken, "Putting Metabolism Back in Place: The Making of a Radically Decontextualized Architecture in Japan," in Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architecture Culture
- G. Wright, "The New Suburban Expansion and the American Dream"
- G. Wright, "Public Housing for the Worthy Poor"
- B. Zevi, "Three Periods of Expressionist Architecture," in Barron & Dubbe, eds. German Expressionism: Art & Society (1997), pp. 99-149.