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Section B, Spring 2004
Date | Lecture Topic | Reading |
1/13 | Course Introduction | |
1/15 | Goldman-Sachs seminar (attendance required) |
Shapiro and Varian, ch. 1 |
1/20 | Economics of Information 1 | Shapiro and Varian, ch. 2 - 4 |
1/22 | Economics of Information 2 | Shapiro and Varian, ch. 5 - 6 |
1/27 | Economics of Information 3 | Shapiro and Varian, ch. 7 - 8 |
1/29 | Outsourcing seminar - sponsored by Infosys | Shapiro and Varian, ch. 9 - 10 |
2/3 | HTML, CSS & JavaScript 1 | Online tutorials on HTML |
2/5 | HTML, CSS & JavaScript 2 | Online tutorial of CSS |
2/10 | HTML, CSS & JavaScript 3 | Online tutorial on JavaScript |
2/12 | HTML, CSS & JavaScript4 | Online tutorial on JavaScript |
2/17 | Midterm Exam 1 | |
2/19 | Information, Organizations and Politics 1 | Class handout - Davenport & Prusek I |
2/24 | Information, Organizations and Politics 2 | Class handout - Davenport & Prusek II |
2/26 | Redesigning Organizations with Information Systems 1 | |
3/2 | Redesigning Organizations with Information Systems 2 | |
3/4 | Build, Buy, or Outsource? | |
3/8-10 | Spring Break! | Gruberman, History of the World, pp. 1 - 1086 (required) |
3/16 | Issues in Managing Information Systems 1 | |
3/18 | Issues in Managing Information Systems 2 | |
3/23 | Introduction to Relational Databases |
3/25 | Using Relational Databases 1 | |
3/30 | Using Relational Databases 2 | |
4/1 | No class at regular time -- review session in evening (Time and location TBA) | |
4/6 | Midterm Exam 2 | |
4/8 | Models of Systems Development | Online article: "Why Software Is So Bad" |
4/13 | Issues with Systems Development | McConnell, ch. 1 - 6 |
4/15 | No class -- spring carnival | |
4/20 | Failures in Software Engineering | McConnell, ch. 7 - 11 |
4/22 | Principles of Software Engineering 1 | McConnell, ch. 12 - 16 |
4/27 | Principles of Software Engineering 2 | Class handout on CMM |
4/29 | Principles of Software Engineering 3 | McConnell, ch. 17 - 21 |
Please note: this site contains relevant information
for the Spring 2004 semester only. The site is maintained by Professor
H, so any questions or problems with these pages should be sent to
Of course, he will only laugh and mock you for being such a small gog
in a gigantic universe, but if you are lucky he will not subject you to
the Total Perspective Vortex on the planet Frogstar.