Carnegie Mellon University
Graduate School of Industrial Administration
70-381 : Marketing I 9 units
Fall 1998
Professor Srinivasa Prakhya
Lecture : Section I - 8.30 to 9.20 Monday & Wednesday (HH B131)
Section II - 9.30 to 10.20 Monday & Wednesday (SH 125)
Office Hours : Professor Srinivasa Prakhya (, GSIA 207, 268-5799)Monday, Wednesday 11 am - 12 noon
Recitation : Section I - 8.30 to 9.20 Friday
A DH 2200
C PH 126A
Section II - 9.30 to 10.20 Friday
D SH 422
E SH 212
Recitation Leaders : Elina Petrova ( Mehta ( Akcura (
Course Schedule
Aug 24 Introduction
Aug 26
What is Marketing (Chapter 1)Aug 28 Video Cases
Aug 31
Core Concepts (Chapter 1)Sep 2
Strategic Planning (Chapter 2)Sep 4 Recitation : Financial Analysis in Marketing
Sep 9
Strategic Planning (Chapter 2)Sep 11 Recitation : Group Project (Marketing Plan)
Sep 14
Competitive stategies (Chapter 18)Sep 16
Segmentation,Targeting and Positioning(Chapter 7)Sep 18 Recitation : Pharmacia Upjohn - Case Discussion; Marketing Plan I due
Sep 21
Consumer Behavior (Chapter 5)Sep 23 Business Buyer Behavior (Chapter 6)
Sep 25 Recitation : Exercises
Sep 28
Marketing Research (Chapter 4)Sep 30
Product Strategy (Chapter 8)Oct 2 Recitation : Exercises; Marketing Plan II due
Oct 5
Product Strategy (Chapter 8)Oct 7 Midterm Review
Oct 9
Midterm ExaminationOct 14
New Product Development (Chapter 9); Southwest Airlines dueOct 16 Recitation : Exercises
Oct 19 Pricing (Chapter 10)
Oct 21 Pricing (Chapter 10)
Oct 23 Recitation : Exercises; Dell Computer Corporation due
Oct 26 Pricing (Chapter 11)
Oct 28
Channels (Chapter 12)Oct 30 Recitation : Exercises; Cima Mountaineering, Inc. due
Nov 2
Channels (Chapter 12)Nov 4 Video Cases - Communications
Nov 6 Recitation : Exercises
Nov 9
Communications (Chapter 14)Nov 11 Advertising, Sales Promotion and Public Relations (Chapter 15)
Nov 13 Recitation : QA session - Projects (Marketing Plan)
Nov 16
Project (Marketing Plan) PresentationsNov 18
Project (Marketing Plan) PresentationsNov 20
Project (Marketing Plan) PresentationsNov 23
Project (Marketing Plan) PresentationsNov 30
Project (Marketing Plan) PresentationsDec 2 Ethics; Marketing and Society (Chapter 20)
Dec 4 Final Review
Dec 7
Final Examination
Course Information
This is the core marketing course for the GSIA Undergraduate Program and it also appeals to non-majors who have taken at least one previous business course. The course aims to provide a rigorous and comprehensive introduction to contemporary marketing practice. the specific objectives of the course are :
Principles of Marketing, Eighth Edition - Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong, Prentice Hall.
Additional Readings
Regular reading of contemporary business periodicals such as Business Week, Fortune and The Wall Street Journal will be useful in assimilating the concepts dealt with in the course. The Hunt Library carries specialized publications, such as Advertising Age, American Demographics, and The Journal of Marketing, which could be referred to for specific information during project work.
Two lectures are scheduled every week on Mondays and Wednesdays. Recitations on Fridays will supplement the lectures. Participation in the regular classes and the recitations is essential for smooth learning. Class participation will contribute to the overall course grade.
Name Cards
The use of name cards during lectures and recitations is necessary for obtaining class participation credit.
Final grades will be assigned based on
Note : Make up tests and change of due dates for assignments will not be considered except for medical reasons.
Student feedback is essential for the course to meet expectations and provide a valuable learning experience. Students are encouraged to provide informal feedback to the Instructor and Recitation leaders other than taking part in the Course and Instructor evaluations in class.
CASE ANALYSIS - Discussion Questions
Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc.
Dell Computer Corporation
Southwest Airlines
Cima Mountaineering, Inc.
Case briefs should be written in a professional tone, from the point of view of a consultant to the firm, giving best advice. Hedging and repetition of case facts should be avoided. The alternative courses of action that are possible should be analyzed and one chosen firmly. All the elements of the marketing mix should be considered in the analysis and recommendations. The discussion questions will help identify the main issues in the case. The following structure is to be adopted
Intoduction : Statement of the problem and decision to be made
Background : Summary of the situation
Recommendation : Suggested course of action with specifics and basis for recommendation
Assumptions: Assumptions made in arriving at the suggested course of action
Action : The steps that need to be taken immediately and in the near future.
Exhibits, as necessary, should be attached to the analysis. The analysis should not exceed four pages (single spacing) excluding exhibits.