Two Key Ideas in the Model of Consumer Choice (see also Suggestions for Completing Problem Set 2)
Idea #1: Deciding Expenditures on Each Good
- Have limited income, goods A, B, C, etc., sell at prices per unit of PA, PB, PC, etc.
- Is utility associated with each unit consumed of each good
- Term marginal utility denotes utility of last or next unit consumed of a good
- For example, MUA = Utility from last (or next) unit consumed of good A
- If consumer determines expenditures on each good to maximize utility, then:
--Utility per last dollar spent on each good must be equal
- If condition not satisfied then consumer could increase utility via alternative expenditure
- Increase expenditure on good with higher MU/P, lower expenditure on other
- Problem 1 on Problem Set 2 on cheeseburgers and beer illustrates: MUB = MUC and PB > PC, so MUB/PB < MUC/PC and should
C, ¯
- Condition can be used to identify optimum
- Allocation of time (analogous to income) to maximize total/average test score (analogous to utility) on Problem 2 on Problem Set 2 concerning test scores on economics, math, and statistics
- Manipulating condition: MUA/MUB = PA/PB
- Prices must reflect relative marginal utilities of each good
- Problem 6 on Problem Set 2 on martinis and beers, MUM > MUB
- Applies only to marginal unit, so can’t tell anything about total/average utilities from all units consumed of each good—applies to Problem 4 on Problem Set 2 and Problem 2 on Mixed Bag I
Idea #2: Relative Consumer Well Being at Two Times with Same Preferences
- Sometimes able to determine relative location of budget lines at two times
- If one inside other, then can order well being—Problem 3 on Problem Set 2, part of Problem 4 on Mixed Bag I

- If budget lines cross, if can locate consumption bundle in one period inside other period’s budget line then can determine relative well being—Problem 5 on Problem Set 2, Problems 3, 4, and 5 on Mixed Bag I