S. Klepper, Economics 73-100,
Fall 2011
to Mini-test 2
Following the hint, the 1990
budget line and an arbitrary point to represent the combination of food and
clothing chosen in 1990 are denoted in the figure below. Since Social Security recipients’ income
increased sufficiently between 1990 and 2000 that they could just purchase in
2000 the same combination of food and clothing chosen in 1990, the 2000 budget
line must pass through the 1990 consumption point. With the prices of food and clothing not
rising by the same percentage, one of the two intercepts of the budget line
must have increased and the other decreased.
Since the price of clothing went up by a smaller percentage than the
price of food, this implies that the clothing intercept must have increased,
reflecting a rise in the maximum amount of clothing that could be purchased,
and the food intercept must have decreased, reflecting a decline in the maximum
amount of food that could be purchased.
With the two budget lines
crossing, Social Security recipients did not sustain an unequivocal change in
their real income between 1990 and 2000.
However, since Social Security recipients could consume the 1990
consumption bundle in 2000, they must have been at least as well off in 2000 as
in 1990. The bundle chosen in 1990 must
represent a point of tangency between an indifference curve passing through the
1990 bundle and the 1990 budget line.
The same indifference curve must pass through the 1990 bundle in the
year 2000, but it cannot be tangent to the 2000 budget line, which has a
different slope than the 1990 budget line.
Therefore, Social Security recipients would not purchase the 1990 bundle
in the year 2000. With the price of food
going up by a greater percentage than the price of clothing, they could
actually get to a higher level of utility in 2000 than 1990 by increasing their
clothing consumption and decreasing their food consumption to take advantage of
the fact that clothing is cheaper relative to food in 2000 than 1990.
Based on this description, the
answers to the individual questions are:
_____1. True
_____2. False
_____3. True
_____4. True
_____5. False