76-101 Interpretation and Argument, Sections Q & T
Spring 1999

Instructor: David A. Van Every
Syllabus: 76101 Q & T Syllabus_S99
The Synthesis-Analysis Paper Assignment: Graded Assignment #2
The Contribution Paper Assignment: Graded Assignment #3
The "Many cultures in the discussion classroom" homework assignment: ManyCulturesInTheClassroom
Supplementary Materials:
A Supplemental Reading:
On Culture, Canons, and College Curriculum (From Review of Higher Education 21.1)
Scanned Readings:
Teaching and Learning. In Ideological Dilemmas: A Social Psychology of Everyday Thinking. (pp. 41-64).
Billig, M. et al (1988). This is Socrate's drawing: Socrate's drawing.
Deconstructing Hard Times. In Bloom H (Ed.), Charles Dickens's Hard Times. (pp. 113-127).
Connor, S. (1987). This is the diagram for Connor's article:
"statistics" vs "stuterings". Here are definitions of metonymy and metaphor:
Issues in Education (Asante, Wortham, Lehrman, & Spender). In Strategies of Argument. (pp. 637-662).
Hirschberg, S. (1996).
Culture and Self in Multicultural Education: Reflections on Discourse, Text, and Practice.
Hoffman, D. M. (1996).
Multicultural discourse and curriculum reform: A critical perspective.
McCarthy, C. (1994).
Multicultural education: Toward a historical and political inquiry.
Watkins, W. H. (1994).