Syllabus for MULTIMEDIA PUBLISHING I, course 76-382

Location > Baker 140E
Time > Tue. 6:30-9:20p
Work Session > W 6:30-8:00p (this timeframe is flexible and depends on availability of current TA)
Instructor > Radoj Glisic (
Office Hours > by appointment
  The development and production of interactive multimedia is not a goal in itself. As a part of this century’s exponential communications space, it serves as a magnifier of thoughts; whisperer of stories; a prelude to epiphanies; and as a clown and entertainer.
COURSE DESCRIPTION This course will explore Multimedia in its fullest context, from the thought of the creator through its various transformations to the light in the perceivers eye. The creation of multimedia will be explained from two mutually orbiting points: Design (concept and solution development) and Production (Craftsmanship, manufacture and distribution). The final product will employ thoughtfully structured design that fully supports the ideas presented. Furthermore, this product will be able to function as a usable web application.

Design is the process of constructing a set of possible solutions to a defined communications problem through: problem definition and analysis; audience analysis; content gathering; organizing and classifying; initial development of a solution space; and iterative refinement and distillation of concepts that lead to a final design solution.

Production involves crafting the elements of a web site or multimedia presentation (text, images, sounds, video etc.); Completing a functional model of the design solution; iterative refinement; and distribution through the web.

Students will get ample hands-on experience in constructing web sites and interactive multimedia presentations. Visual design principles will be discussed throughout the course and will be supported wherever necessary with Perceptual Psychology theory. There will be a particular emphasis on usability of the final product. Students will work with faculty clients, or clients of their choosing, designing and developing a web-based interactive environment, while learning about organizational strategies, composing problem definitions, and designing layout, navigation and interaction schemes. Workshops in programming languages and software applications -- HTML, JavaScript, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash and Premiere -- will be scheduled throughout the semester. Additional software workshops will be scheduled by demand on W 6:30-8:00p( this timeframe is flexible, depends on availability of current TA)

COURSE OUTLINE View detailed schedule >
Part I:
Web Page Authoring
Each student will: plan and design a website; acquire all necessary skills for clear design and competent web publishing; be exposed to pros and cons of current and emerging web technologies; be exposed to capabilities of server-side processing tools (ASP, JSP, Cold Fusion). Software tools will be addressed through in-class workshops. Class time will be used for lectures, workshops, and critiques.
Recommended Text: DreamWeaver MX HOT (Hands-On Training)
Part II:
Flash Authoring
Each student will: Create web-enabled presentation modules in Flash for integration with the student's website from Part I; acquire all necessary skills to construct a usable web application through the Flash / Dreamweaver multimedia toolbox; acquire skills to edit and publish other web media (Quicktime, Real Video). Software tools will be addressed through in-class workshops. Class time will be used for lectures, workshops, and critiques.
Recommended Text: Foundation Flash MX
Additional recommendation: Flash MX, Advanced ActionScript
COURSE REQUIREMENTS Semester Project: This course is hands-on, and each student is expected to complete a project in two phases corresponding to the two sections of the course.

Attendance: Because of the nature of this course attendance is essential. There is considerable material to cover and a relatively limited amount of class time in which to cover it. My intention is to use class time as a work session, wherein I will introduce new skills and techniques, review work in progress, and answer any questions. Because failure to attend regularly will inhibit your ability to successfully complete the required assignments, participate in critiques, and learn the material presented, each student is permitted to take 2 unexcused absences for each of the two phases of the course (= total of 4 unexcused absences for the course). Unexcused absences in excess of this allowance will result in a reduction of the final grade of the applicable phase of the course by 1 letter grade for each day missed. Excused absences include illness (with a doctor's note), family issues and employment interviews.

Tardiness: It is also important that you be on time to class, or better, a few minutes early. Because of the amount of material to be covered, we must take full advantage of the class period. In addition, because the lessons will often proceed in a sequential manner, it is important that you arrive on time to avoid my having to repeat material and delay the class. I will take attendance in the beginning of class; if you are not present for the roll call, you will be marked absent. It is your responsibility to inform me of your presence before the end of the class. I will not look for you. Failure to do so will result in an unexcused absence.
NOTE: This course will NOT cover Macromedia Director. Director will be covered in MULTIMEDIA II.