1. The goddess Durga
standing on a defeated bull-headed
demon. Her six arms
hold weapons lent to her by Shiva and Vishnu for
the battle (ca. 8th century)
2. The Ka'aba
in Mecca.
3. Page from an
eighth or ninth century Qur'an in Kufic script.
4. Muslim conquests
and domination of the Mediterranean to about 750 C.E.
5. The ritual
worship, or prayer. The illustration shows the sequence of movement
prescribed for the ritual prayers that each Muslim should perform five
times a day.
6. The Abbasid
Empire, ca 900 C.E.
7. A glazed ceramic
bowl decorated with a gazelle or antelope, a symbolic figure of beauty
and grace. From North Africa, Tunisian area, 10th-12th centuries.
8. The Byzantine
Empire at the death of Justinian.
9. The great church
of Hagia Sophia. This interior shot shows the great dome of the church.
10. The great
church of Hagia Sophia. The four towering minarets were among the
additions made by the Turkish Muslims after they conquered Constantinople
in 1453 and transformed the building into a mosque.
11. The Early
12. Medieval trade
routes and regional products.
13. A miniature
painting of the Army of Tamerlane storming the walls of the Rajput city
of Bhatnair in the year 1398.
14. The Gur-i-mir,
the tomb of Timur in Samarkand.
15. Building the
castle of Khawarnaq, ca 1494.
16. Islamic political
sovereignty in 1500.
17. The Indian
Subcontinent, 1000-1500.
18. South Indian
bronze figure of Krishna dancing on the head of the serpent Kaliya, ca
fifteenth century.
19. A painting
from the Persian manuscript Shah-namah, the Iranian national epic by the
poet Firdausi(c.940-1020).
20. Sixteenth
century Islamic empires.
21. The oldest
known Ottoman illustration of the great city of Istanbul, by the Ottoman
painter Matrakci Nasuh (c.1537).
22. Suleyman the
Lawgiver (r. 1520-1566), giving advice to the Crown Prince, Mehmed Khan.
23. The Suleyman
mosque, named after its founder, Suleyman the Lawgiver, is one of the finest
mosques in Istanbul.
24. An Ottoman
portrayal of the Devshirme. This miniature painting from about 1558
depicts the recruiting of young Christian children for the Sultan's elite
Janissary corps.
25. Worldly and
Spiritual Drunkenness. This painting by the great sixteenth century
Iranian court painter, Sultan Muhammed, is from an illustrated copy of
the Diwan.
26. Jahangir showing
preference to the Chishti Sufi shaykh and saint, Husain, over three temporal
rulers: the Ottoman emporer, the King of England, and a Hindu prince.
27. The Taj Mahal.
Probably the most beautiful tomb in the world, the Taj was built from 1631
to 1653 by Shah Jahan for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal.
28. The great
central square of the Registan, in Samarkand, with the seventeenth-century
Shir Dar Madrasa on the right and the fifteenth-century Ulugh Beg madrasa
on the left.
29. The Home of
Judaism, 323 B.C.E.--500 C.E. After the conquest of much of the eastern
Mediterranean world by Syrus the Great, creator of the Persian Empire,
the Jews returned from their exile in Babylon (after 539 B.C.E.) to the
region of Judah, which would later be known to the Greeks and Romans as
Palestine. Over the next centuries, the Temple in Jerusalem would
be rebuilt (the Second Temple) and the religion of Judaism formed around
30. The Growing
Christian Realm, 29-c. 500 C.E.: When Jesus was crucified, the "church"
or assembley of followers, was resident in Jerusalem. Among their
enemies was the rabbinical student Saul or (to use his Greek name) Paul.
Following his experience of conversion on the road to Damascus, Paul bacame
a promoter of the new beliefs. In Antioch, hos converts first became
known as "Christians."
31. Christians
and the Lions.
32. Developing
Religious Groups.
33. Basilica of
Santa Sophia.
34. Byzantium
and Islam, 500-1400.
35. Africa and
Asia: Pathways of Trade, to 1000.
36. International
trade routes in Gupta and Sassanid times.
37. Dome of the
Rock, Jerusalem: mosaic spandrel inside octagonal arcade, from the
late 7th century.
38. Manuscript
illumination: Rabbula Gospel Miniature. Manuscript completed
on February 6, 586, by the calligrapher Rabbula working in a monastary
north of Syrian Apamea.
39. Christ Pantocrator
holding a jeweled Gospel book. A 6th century icon.
40. Women's jewelry
from the treasure of Domagnano (Republic of San Marino) dating to the5th
or early 6th century. Hairpin with chain, earring, ring, and pendants
from a necklace.
41. Detail of
42. Large plate
in silver from the Treasure of Sevso, whose name appears in the Latin verses
inscribed around a central medallion that depicts hunting scens with an
al fresco banquet alongside a stream or lake. Of unknown provenance
and dating probably to the second half of the 4th century.
43. "The Holy
City". Mosaic from the church of St. Stephen, Umm ar-rasas (ancient
Mefaa) in Jordan.
44. Iconoclastic
removal of human figures. The inscription is dated to the 8th century
by a reference in the last line to the era of the defunct Roman province
of Arabia. Mosaic from the church of St. Stephen, Umm ar-rasas (ancient
Mefaa) in Jordan.
45. Germanic gold
bracteate pendant from the late 5th to early 6th century. The design
imitates an "Urbs Roma" coin, with the head of Roma above a wolf suckling
Romulus and Remus.
46. Mosaic with
a wolf suckling Romulus and Remus at Ma'arrat al-Nu'man, Syria, with inscription
showing that the mosaic came from a hospital built in 511.
47. Panel of an
ivory diptych: "The Emporer Triumphant." Late 5th to early
6th century, Constantinople.
48. The court
of the Empress Theodora: wall mosaic in S. Vitale, Ravenna.
49. Sassanian
"Cup of Khosro" in the Treasury of St. Denis.
50. Mosaics at
Ma'arrat al-Nu'man, Syria. Heracles standing before Zeus; 3rd or
4th century.
51. Mosaics at
Ma'arrat al-Nu'man, Syria. Section of a floor mosaic dating to the
early 6th century.
52. Mausoleum
of Galla Placida, Ravenna: mosaic depicting the martyrdom of St.
Lawrence. Early 5th century.