Given this understanding of values in general, it should be clear that cultural or social values do play a major role in ethical decision making. And it is also the case that they will play a major role in the way that professionals make decisions that have an ethical context as well. This is especially true for professionals whose work is done at the international level. |
To begin an analysis of cultural and social values, answer the set of questions below about your own culture and society. These questions were designed to identify "clues to cultural values" and will provide you with a better understanding of the values of your own culture, and also those values of other cultures. |
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Q: | How do people greet each other -- shake hands? bow? embrace? other? How do they part? |
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Q: | On what occasions would you present or accept gifts? What gifts are considered appropriate? If flowers, what kind? (some have special meanings) |
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Q: | Are children usually present/participants at social gatherings? Elderly members of the family? Women of the family? |
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Q: | How are children disciplined at home? at school? |
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Q: | In schools, are children segregated? If so, how -- race? class or caste? sex? religion? grade level? age? |
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Q: | Do most people read and write? |
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Q: | How are public sanitation, hygiene, and garbage dealt with? |
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Q: | What is the normal dress of women? of men? |
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Q: | What foods are taboo? What actions are taboo? |
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Q: | If, as a customer, you touch or handle things that are for sale, will you be considered knowledgeable, or inconsiderate, within or outside your rights? |
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Q: | Is TV available? How widely used? What programs are available? |
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Q: | What is the attitude toward drinking? gambling? |
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Q: | How do adults and children spend their leisure time? (be specific) |
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Q: | What is the normal pattern of work (school) days and days off? What are normal working hours -- for men? for women? |
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Q: | What are the important holidays? How is each observed? |
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Q: | How do people get married? Who makes the arrangements? What is the attitude toward divorce? |
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Q: | What is the common language? What other languages are used? |
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Q: | What is the principal religion? Is it a state (official) religion? What are its basic doctrines? Who are its originators and shapers? |
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Q: | What is the attitude of believers in the principal religion toward other religions and their followers? |
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Q: | Who are the country's national heroes -- women as well as men? For what kinds of achievements are they celebrated? |
When you are done responding to this set of questions, reflect upon and write a short description of the values that you have identified and post it to our discussion board. |
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