In the case study that follows you will be asked to apply what you have learned in this Guided Inquiry to a real-world example. The case study detailed in this Guided Inquiry raises questions about the ethics of an international business practice that is known by the term "Maquildoras." |
First, we will search for a good working definition of this business practice in Mexico and then examine its effects. Next, we will raise questions about what professional ethics might say of the program. At the end of this case study, there is a "Required Assignment" for you to complete. |
One cautionary note as we begin this case: the Maquiladoras are controversial. As a result of this controversy, you will notice that the various sites on the WWW that we visit may have certain biases or leanings about the good or the evil of the Maquiladoras. Keep this potential for bias in mind as you review these sites. |
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