In-class 13 (2 questions - each worth 2.5)
1. The change in the formation of crowds for middle school through
Middle school - hierarchical, rigid, no movement (winners and losers). Once they have this general idea of you're part of the in crowd or your not.
Early highschool - structure flattens out (less hierarchical), more variety in types of crowds. Idea that you can be "in" in various ways, not just one crowd is the top. Not too much movement from one crowd to another though.
Late HighSchool - flat structure, more movement between crowds, sub-crowds forming (more kids of crowds, cross-over between crowds, etc). General idea is that it is less structured, more vaiability (choice), more movement (less rigid membership)
2. How can parents influence which crowd their child is part of?
Choose neighborhood, school, might influence the hobbies and activities
that the child associates with, influence values.