Fall 2000
Adamson Wing, Baker Hall
T/Th 9:00-10:20 |
Cognitive Processes and Problem Solving
Required Readings
Many of the readings are taken from the
required text for this course: The Sciences of the Artificial.
The other readings are available from the bookshop as a volume of selected
SofA = "The Sciences of
the Artificial", Herbert A. Simon, MIT Press, 1996
N&S = "Human Problem
Solving", Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon, Prentice-Hall, 1972 (Out of
Simon I = "Models of Thought,
Vol. I", , Herbert A. Simon, Yale University Press, 1979 (Out of print)
Simon II = "Models of Thought,
Vol. II", , Herbert A. Simon, Yale University Press, 1989 (Out of print)
Week 1 General Introduction (8/29,31)
SofA, Ch. 1, Understanding the Natural
and the Artificial World
N&S, Ch. 2, Information Processing
Weeks 2-3 Architecture: Introductory
View (9/5,7,12,14)
Simon I:2.3, The Information Storage System
Called "Human Memory"
Richman, et al. (1995), Simulation of Expert
Memory Using EPAM IV
Simon II:2.4, STM Capacity for Chinese
words and idioms: Chunking
Weeks 4-5 Problem Solving in Knowledge-Lean
Domains (9/19,21,26,28)
SofA, Ch. 3, The Psychology of Thinking:
Embedding Artifice in Nature
Ericsson & Simon (1980), Verbal Reports
as Data
Simon I:4.5, The Functional Equivalence
of Problem Solving Skills
Simon I:4.4 Cognitive Processes in Solving
Algebra Word Problems
Simon I:7.1 Understanding Written Problem
N&S, Ch.14 The Theory of Human Problem
Weeks 6-7 Skill Acquisition: Learning
SofA, Ch. 4, Remembering and Learning:
Memory as Environment for Thought
Simon II:3.2, The Theory of Learning by
Simon II:3.5, Learning Mathematics from Examples
and by Doing
Week 8 Expert-Novice Differences
SofA, Ch. 5, The Science of Design: Creating
the Artificial
SofA, Ch. 6, Social Planning: Designing
the Evolving Artifact
Simon I:6.4, Perception in Chess
Simon II:4.3, Individual Differences in
Solving Physics Problems
Week 9 Overview of Architecture (10/24,26)
N&S, Ch.14, The Theory of Human Problem
Richman et al. (1995)
SofA, Ch. 7, Alternative Views of Complexity
SofA, Ch. 8, The Architecture of Complexity:
Hierarchic Systems
Weeks10-11 Representation and Imagery
Simon II:6.3, Why a Diagram is (sometimes)
Worth Ten Thousand Words
Kaplan & Simon (1990), In Search of
Qin & Simon (1995), Imagery and Mental
Tabachneck, Leonardo & Simon (1994), How
does an Expert use a Graph?
Week 12 Concept Attainment
Simon I:5.5, Problem Solving and Rule Induction
Simon I:5.2, Empirical Tests of a Theory
of Human Acquisition of Concepts for Sequential Patterns
Week 13-15 Scientific Discovery (11/21,28,30,
SofA, pp.105-110
Langley, Zytkow, Simon & Bradshaw Mechanisms
for Qualitative and Quantitative Discovery
Qin & Simon (1990) Laboratory Replication
of Scientific Discovery Processes
Simon II:5.3. The processes of scientific
discovery: The strategy of experimentation
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