Prof. H's 344 Pages








Prof. H



88-344: Organizational Intelligence in the Information Age. Across all organizations people find that the actions they take affect, and are affected by, the technology, norms, procedures, culture, and members of the organization. In order to navigate through this organizational world, agents need a better understanding of social and organizational intelligence. How do organizations (and the people who populate them) acquire and then process information? In what ways have new technologies affected the norms, procedures, and culture of organizations? How do leaders successfully guide their organizations through a world where new information and new technologies are constantly being produced? This course is about information assessment and analysis in organizations, and the way organizations are transformed by technology.

Syllabus: An on-line version of the course syllabus can be found here.

Course Documents: Here students can access other course documents, such as class assignments, team listings, cheating policy statement, and other materials students may need.

Announcements: All class announcements are posted on this page. Students are encouraged to check this page on a regular basis.

Lectures: I will post any PowerPoint slides used the lectures on this page. There is a delay between the lecture date and the time it is posted and additional material may be added to the lecture which may not be reflected in the posted notes. Hence, reading the lecture notes at this site are not a substitute to attending lectures.

Readings & Links: I have collected a series of readings in some type of electronic format (HTML, .pdf, etc.) and have posted them here for students to download at their convenience. In addition, I have provided links to additional web pages that students may find helpful.

These pages are relevant for the Spring 2000 semester.
Any questions or problems with these pages should be sent to Professor H.




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