The Politics of Economic Development (88-327)

Fall 2000

TR 6:00-7:20PM, PH 125B

Instructor:  Otto A. Davis (Toby)              

Office:  Porter Hall 223F                                             


Phone: 8-8715                                                      


Secretary:  Ruth Sil verman

Office:  Porter Hall 223E


Phone:  8-3255


Co-instructor:  Lu (Lucy) Wang


Office: Porter Hall 321

Office Hour: By appointment ahead. 

This course is concerned with both the economics  and the politics of development  at the international, national, and  local levels.  We will consider  policies which help and  hinder  development. One of our aims is to distinguish which hinder and which help.  We will also try to develop an ability to analyze democratic political processes  because it is the political mechanism which chooses  policies. 

We may also examine  other regimes  such as dictatorships, but our ability to rationalize policy choices  in such settings is less developed.  In terms of disciplines  relevant to this course -- history, economics, organizations  and political science, at least, are involved.  The aim of the course  is to develop an ability to understand  relevant  real world  phenomena.  Hence, we hope that students  who finish this class will have an awareness  of  issues of economic development  on both a global and  local basis, and have a capacity  to understand   and explain why any particular policy choices  have been  made.


 Introduction                Syllabus                 Assignment                     Exams