Today, we'd like to tell you some of the things we've learned about the county during the past few months.
- Our group purpose is to examine ......
- We'll start with a quick review of some of the service delivery alternatives that we are examining.
- Bulk of the presentation will focus on the preliminary findings from the three County departments we have concentrated on since October: Parks and Recreation, Health, and Jail.
- NOTE: Depts’- small piece of P & R and Health
- We chose these, because of our modest time resources and we believe that these departments offer very different services. Our plan is to do much more by the end of the semester. With your help, the pieces that we will discuss today will serve as models for further analyses.
- One quick point of interest: We’re discovered in our work that county records are often not as complete as we would like. We feel that in order to make qualified recommendations, we have to get a better look at how services are currently being run.
- We have reserved the last half of the presentation for your questions and comments. If, however, you have a clarification question during the presentation, feel free to ask.