Serco Limited
Serco is one of the most prominent UK
service contractors to Government,
Local Authorities, and Industry with a
long-standing record of successful and diverse
California Department of Health Services Home Page
Appointed by the Governor, the Department of Health Services' Director heads one of the
largest departments in State Government, with over 5,000 employees working in the
Sacramento headquarters and over 60 field offices throughout the State. DHS is one of 13
departments comprising the Health and Welfare Agency.
World Health Organization
Includes a World Health Report, a Weekly Epidemiological Record, a list of programs and press releases.
Assists governments in strengthening health services. Establishes international standards for diagnostic procedures
and therapies. .
Cecil Greek's Criminal Justice Page Cecil Greek's Criminal Justice Resources on the Web
Sponsored by Florida State University School of Criminology.
The Federal Bureau of
Prisons Library The BOP Library has more than 4,000 books, Governmental
documents, and statistical and organizational publications covering
all areas of corrections and other criminal justice topics. You may
quickly search for books by author, title, or subject on the Bibliofile
Intelligent Catalog, the Library's automated card catalog.
The Wackenhut Corporation
Corporate Profile The Wackenhut Corporate provides a diverse array of security and related services to commercial, industrial and
governmental organizations around the world. Core businesses involve physical protection, security and investigations. Since its
founding in 1954, the company has steadily expanded its service offerings to include facility management, correctional food
service, employee leasing, education and training, and fire prevention and emergency services. A worldwide resource for the
Corrections Industry.
A Report to the National Institute of Justice,
Charles H. Logan,
Professor of Sociology,
University of Connecticut,
Adapted for Web Page, Oct. 5, 1996.
Corrections Connection This network first came online on
February, 1996 with 25 webpages and 20
visitors a day. It has now
grown to over 1800 webpages and receives more
than 15,000 accesses a day.
Private Prisons The Prison Privatization Research Site.
84,272 Beds in 132 Facilities under Contract or Construction as Private Secure Adult Facilities
in U.S., U.K., and Australia as of 12/31/96. Gross Operating Revenues for 1996: over $500M.
The Doncatraz File
HM Prison Doncaster, the third new prison to be privately managed in England, opened on 20 June 1994. It is run by
Premier Prison Services Ltd.
Prison Privatisation Report International
Claims made for the benefits of private prisons in the United States have been seriously undermined by the
findings of a new report.
This is the second volume of Best Practices of City Governments we have published this year. The first was prepared for and
released during the 1995 Winter Meeting of The U.S. Conference of Mayors in January.
International City/County Management Association (ICMA)
Founded in 1914, the International City/County Management
Association (ICMA) is the professional and educational association for
more than 8,000 appointed administrators and assistant administrators
serving cities, counties, other local governments, and regional entities
around the world.
The Local Government Home Page
This site is dedicated to providing on-line information for
city, county, and state governments, and is brought to you
by the collaborative efforts of four non-profit organizations.
Government On Line
Government-On-Line, the information service which links state and local
government and the information technology industry.