90-766 Software Quality in Unbounded Networks


Related Course Information

Instructor Information

David A. Fisher
SEI Room 4216

Office Hours

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:30 - 2 pm HBH 2112A, after class, or by appointment

Course Abstract

The mission of an automated application includes requirements not only for its functionality but for a variety of software quality attributes such as performance, reliability, and security. The advent of highly distributed applications in unbounded networks such as the Internet provides opportunities for many new applications and improved quality characteristics, but at the same time introduces new levels of complexity and danger. Moreover, traditional design methods and implementation techniques are often ineffective in the context of unbounded networks. Such applications also impose new opportunities and demands for survivability and trust. This course examines the characteristics of highly distributed applications in unbounded networks, their implications for software quality, the limitations of traditional solution approaches, and a promising alternative in the form of emergent algorithms.


Course Textbook


Other References

Fisher, David A. And Howard F. Lipson, “Emergent Algorithms—A new Method for Enhancing Survivability in Unbounded Systems”, Proceesings of 32nd annual Hawaii International conference on system Sciences(HICSS-32); Wailea, Haiwaii, January 5-8, 1999; IEEE Computer Society

Procedings of the 1997 Information survivability Workshop; San Diego, CA, February 12-13, 1997; SEI and IEEE Computer society, April 1997, 83 pp. (see research report of CERT )

Procedings of the 198 Information Survivability Workshop;Orlando, FL, October 28-30, 1998; SEI and IEEE Computer Society, 1999.(see research report of CERT )

Grading Criteria and Important Dates

Grading Scale