Lecture 1: Introduction and Basics

Prof. Alexandra Chouldechova

What are we trying to accomplish?

Here's a sample analysis.

The analysis was shown only in class and is not viewable in this version of the notes.


  • Course overview

  • Introduction to R, RStudio and R Notebooks/R Markdown

  • Programming basics

How this class will work

  • No programming knowledge presumed

  • Some stats knowledge presumed. E.g.:

    • Hypothesis testing (t-tests, confidence intervals)
    • Linear regression
  • Class attendance is mandatory

  • Class will be very cumulative


  • Two 80 minute lectures a week:
    • First 60-80 minutes: concepts, methods, examples
    • Last 0-20 minutes: short labs (time permitting)
  • Class participation (10%)
  • Quizzes (10%)
  • Weekly homework (35%)
  • Final project (2.5 weeks) (45%)
    • Disclaimer: To pass the class, you must achieve a passing score on the final project (at least 23 / 45)


  • Class participation (10%)

    • Labs: Each lecture has an accompanying lab assignment.
    • Friday Lab sessions give you an opportunity to work on the labs
    • Course website shows how participation grade will be calculated
  • Quizzes (10%)

    • 4 quizzes in the second half of term. Dates TBA.
  • Homework assignments (35%)

    • There will be 5 weekly HW assignments
    • Single lowest HW score will be dropped
    • HW assigned on Thursdays, due Thursdays at 2:50pm
    • Late homework will not be accepted for credit
  • Final project (45%)

    • You will write a report analysing a policy question using a publicly available data set

Course resources

  • Assignments, office hours, class notes, grading policies, useful references on R: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~achoulde/94842/

  • Canvas for gradebook and for turning in homework

  • Piazza for forum

    • Please post class/homework related question on Piazza instead of emailing the teaching staff
  • Check the class website for everything else

  • No required textbook, but several are recommended:

    • Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham, R for Data Science
    • Phil Spector, Data Manipulation with R
    • Winston Chang, The R Graphics Cookbook

Goal of this class

This class will teach you to use R to:

  • Generate graphical and tabular data summaries
  • Perform statistical analyses (e.g., hypothesis testing, regression modeling)
  • Produce reproducible statistical reports using R Markdown and R Notebooks
  • Integrate R with other tools (e.g., databases, web, etc.)

Why R?

  • Free (open-source)
  • Programming language (not point-and-click)
  • Excellent graphics
  • Offers broadest range of statistical tools
  • Easy to generate reproducible reports
  • Easy to integrate with other tools

The R Console

Basic interaction with R is through typing in the console

This is the terminal or command-line interface

The R Console

  • You type in commands, R gives back answers (or errors)

  • Menus and other graphical interfaces are extras built on top of the console

  • We will use RStudio in this class

  1. Download R: http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/R/CRAN

  2. Then download RStudio: http://www.rstudio.com/

RStudio is an IDE for R

RStudio has 4 main windows ('panes'):

  • Source
  • Console
  • Workspace/History
  • Files/Plots/Packages/Help

Console pane

  • Use the Console pane to type or paste commands to get output from R

  • To look up the help file for a function or data set, type ?function into the Console

    • E.g., try typing in ?mean
  • Use the tab key to auto-complete function and object names

Source pane

  • Use the Source pane to create and edit R and Rmd files
  • The menu bar of this pane contains handy shortcuts for sending code to the Console for evaluation

Files/Plots/Packages/Help pane

  • By default, any figures you produce in R will be displayed in the Plots tab
    • Menu bar allows you to Zoom, Export, and Navigate back to older plots
  • When you request a help file (e.g., ?mean), the documentation will appear in the Help tab

RStudio: Panes overview

  1. Source pane: create a file that you can save and run later

  2. Console pane: type or paste in commands to get output from R

  3. Workspace/History pane: see a list of variables or previous commands

  4. Files/Plots/Packages/Help pane: see plots, help pages, and other items in this window.

RStudio: Source and Console panes

RStudio: Console

RStudio: Toolbar

R Markdown, R Notebooks

  • R Markdown allows the user to integrate R code into a report

  • When data changes or code changes, so does the report

  • No more need to copy-and-paste graphics, tables, or numbers

  • Creates reproducible reports

    • Anyone who has your R Markdown (.Rmd) file and input data can re-run your analysis and get the exact same results (tables, figures, summaries)
    • R Notebooks are R Markdown documents that allow you to execute code interactively and view the output in the notebook itself.
  • Can output report in HTML (default), Microsoft Word, or PDF

R Markdown

  • This example shows an R Markdown (.Rmd) file opened in the Source pane of RStudio.
  • To turn an Rmd file into a report, click the Knit HTML button in the Source pane menu bar
  • The results will appear in a Preview window, as shown on the right
  • You can knit into html (default), MS Word, and pdf format
  • These lecture slides are also created in RStudio (R Presentation)

R Markdown

  • To integrate R output into your report, you need to use R code chunks
  • All of the code that appears in between the “triple back-ticks” gets executed when you Knit

In-class exercise: Hello world!

  1. Open RStudio on your machine

  2. File > New File > R Markdown …

  3. Change summary(cars) in the first code block to print("Hello world!")

  4. Click Knit HTML to produce an HTML file.

  5. Save your Rmd file as helloworld.Rmd

All of your Homework assignments and many of your Labs will take the form of a single Rmd file, which you will edit to include your solutions and then submit on Blackboard.

Basics: the class in a nutshell

  • Everything we'll do comes down to applying functions to data

  • Data: things like 7, “seven”, \( 7.000 \), the matrix \( \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} 7 & 7 & 7 \\ 7 & 7 & 7\end{array}\right] \)

  • Functions: things like \( \log{} \), \( + \) (two arguments), \( < \) (two), \( \mod{} \) (two), mean (one)

A function is a machine which turns input objects (arguments) into an output object (return value), possibly with side effects, according to a definite rule

Data building blocks

You'll encounter different kinds of data types

  • Booleans Direct binary values: TRUE or FALSE in R
  • Integers: whole numbers (positive, negative or zero)
  • Characters fixed-length blocks of bits, with special coding; strings = sequences of characters
  • Floating point numbers: a fraction (with a finite number of bits) times an exponent, like \( 1.87 \times {10}^{6} \)
  • Missing or ill-defined values: NA, NaN, etc.

Operators (functions)

You can use R as a very, very fancy calculator

Command Description
+,-,*,\ add, subtract, multiply, divide
^ raise to the power of
%% remainder after division (ex: 8 %% 3 = 2)
( ) change the order of operations
log(), exp() logarithms and exponents (ex: log(10) = 2.302)
sqrt() square root
round() round to the nearest whole number (ex: round(2.3) = 2)
floor(), ceiling() round down or round up
abs() absolute value
7 + 5 # Addition
[1] 12
7 - 5 # Subtraction
[1] 2
7 * 5 # Multiplication
[1] 35
7 ^ 5 # Exponentiation
[1] 16807
7 / 5 # Division
[1] 1.4
7 %% 5 # Modulus
[1] 2
7 %/% 5 # Integer division 
[1] 1

Operators cont'd.

Comparisons are also binary operators; they take two objects, like numbers, and give a Boolean

7 > 5
[1] TRUE
7 < 5
7 >= 7
[1] TRUE
7 <= 5
  7 == 5
  [1] FALSE
  7 != 5
  [1] TRUE

Boolean operators

Basically “and” and “or”:

(5 > 7) & (6*7 == 42)
(5 > 7) | (6*7 == 42)
[1] TRUE

(will see special doubled forms, && and ||, later)

More types

  • typeof() function returns the type

  • is.foo() functions return Booleans for whether the argument is of type foo

  • as.foo() (tries to) “cast” its argument to type foo — to translate it sensibly into a foo-type value

Special case: as.factor() will be important later for telling R when numbers are actually encodings and not numeric values. (E.g., 1 = High school grad; 2 = College grad; 3 = Postgrad)

  [1] "double"
  [1] TRUE
  [1] FALSE

  [1] FALSE
  [1] TRUE
  [1] TRUE
  [1] FALSE


We can give names to data objects; these give us variables

A few variables are built in:

[1] 3.141593

Variables can be arguments to functions or operators, just like constants:

[1] 31.41593
[1] -1

Assignment operator

Most variables are created with the assignment operator, <- or =

time.factor <- 12
[1] 12
time.in.years = 2.5
time.in.years * time.factor
[1] 30

The assignment operator also changes values:

time.in.months <- time.in.years * time.factor
[1] 30
time.in.months <- 45
[1] 45
  • Using names and variables makes code: easier to design, easier to debug, less prone to bugs, easier to improve, and easier for others to read

  • Avoid “magic constants”; use named variables

  • Use descriptive variable names

    • Good: num.students <- 35
    • Bad: ns <- 35

The workspace

What names have you defined values for?

[1] "time.factor"    "time.in.months" "time.in.years" 

Getting rid of variables:

[1] "time.factor"   "time.in.years"

First data structure: vectors

  • Group related data values into one object, a data structure

  • A vector is a sequence of values, all of the same type

  • c() function returns a vector containing all its arguments in order

students <- c("Sean", "Louisa", "Frank", "Farhad", "Li")
midterm <- c(80, 90, 93, 82, 95)
  • Typing the variable name at the prompt causes it to display
[1] "Sean"   "Louisa" "Frank"  "Farhad" "Li"    


  • vec[1] is the first element, vec[4] is the 4th element of vec
[1] "Sean"   "Louisa" "Frank"  "Farhad" "Li"    
[1] "Farhad"
  • vec[-4] is a vector containing all but the fourth element
[1] "Sean"   "Louisa" "Frank"  "Li"    

Vector arithmetic

Operators apply to vectors “pairwise” or “elementwise”:

final <- c(78, 84, 95, 82, 91) # Final exam scores
midterm # Midterm exam scores
[1] 80 90 93 82 95
midterm + final # Sum of midterm and final scores
[1] 158 174 188 164 186
(midterm + final)/2 # Average exam score
[1] 79 87 94 82 93
course.grades <- 0.4*midterm + 0.6*final # Final course grade
[1] 78.8 86.4 94.2 82.0 92.6

Pairwise comparisons

Is the final score higher than the midterm score?

[1] 80 90 93 82 95
[1] 78 84 95 82 91
final > midterm

Boolean operators can be applied elementwise:

(final < midterm) & (midterm > 80)

Functions on vectors

Command Description
sum(vec) sums up all the elements of vec
mean(vec) mean of vec
median(vec) median of vec
min(vec), max(vec) the largest or smallest element of vec
sd(vec), var(vec) the standard deviation and variance of vec
length(vec) the number of elements in vec
pmax(vec1, vec2), pmin(vec1, vec2) example: pmax(quiz1, quiz2) returns the higher of quiz 1 and quiz 2 for each student
sort(vec) returns the vec in sorted order
order(vec) returns the index that sorts the vector vec
unique(vec) lists the unique elements of vec
summary(vec) gives a five-number summary
any(vec), all(vec) useful on Boolean vectors

Functions on vectors

[1] 78.8 86.4 94.2 82.0 92.6
mean(course.grades) # mean grade
[1] 86.8
[1] 86.4
sd(course.grades) # grade standard deviation
[1] 6.625708

More functions on vectors

[1] 78.8 82.0 86.4 92.6 94.2
max(course.grades) # highest course grade
[1] 94.2
min(course.grades) # lowest course grade
[1] 78.8

Referencing elements of vectors

[1] "Sean"   "Louisa" "Frank"  "Farhad" "Li"    

Vector of indices:

[1] "Louisa" "Farhad"

Vector of negative indices

[1] "Louisa" "Farhad" "Li"    

More referencing

which() returns the TRUE indexes of a Boolean vector:

[1] 78.8 86.4 94.2 82.0 92.6
a.threshold <- 90 # A grade = 90% or higher
course.grades >= a.threshold # vector of booleans
a.students <- which(course.grades >= a.threshold) # Applying which() 
[1] 3 5
students[a.students] # Names of A students
[1] "Frank" "Li"   

Named components

You can give names to elements or components of vectors

[1] "Sean"   "Louisa" "Frank"  "Farhad" "Li"    
names(course.grades) <- students # Assign names to the grades
[1] "Sean"   "Louisa" "Frank"  "Farhad" "Li"    
course.grades[c("Sean", "Frank","Li")] # Get final grades for 3 students
 Sean Frank    Li 
 78.8  94.2  92.6 

Note the labels in what R prints; these are not actually part of the value

Useful RStudio tips

Keystroke Description
<tab> autocompletes commands and filenames, and lists arguments for functions. Highly useful!
<up> cycle through previous commands in the console prompt
<ctrl-up> lists history of previous commands matching an unfinished one
<ctrl-enter> execute current line
<ESC> as mentioned, abort an unfinished command and get out of the + prompt

“Homework” 0: Course survey

  • You will receive a survey link after today's class
  • Please comlpete the survey!
  • Your (anonymized) responses will be used in Lecture 2.

Lab 1: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~achoulde/94842/

  • Look under Tenatative Schedule for today's lecture
  • Submit modified .Rmd file on Canvas by end of day on Friday