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See Exercise as a Solution

Exercise Solution Overview Step 01

Our Kinetics system helps parents monitor their own and their family's activity, and coordinate physical activities.


Shoe Inserts

These shoe inserts monitor physical activity discretely, and report it back to the Kinetics system.

Parent Pedometer Device

The pedometer like device that the parents carry helps record additional health information about adults. The device also acts as a key to access the Kinetics application.

Personal Goals

The initial screen of the Kinetics application shows personal progress, with goals and trends. These help parents gauge their own physical health, while having control over their privacy settings regarding how much their family members can see about them.

Family Status

Once in the Kinetics application, which, as mentioned above, is only accessible with the parent device, parents can check the status of their other family members. Status includes recent activity and progress towards goals.

Scheduling Family Life

The Kinetics system helps track the family's schedule, providing reminders when appropriate.

Activity Suggestions

The Kinetics application provides activity suggestions based on individual and family preferences, and on local information such as weather and discounts.


Grad Type 2007 . School of Design . Carnegie Mellon University
Anne Connell