Aaron M. Johnson

CMU Locomotion Seminar

The CMU Locomotion Seminar is a weekly meeting amongst students and professors who study locomotion using a variety of approaches. Each week, one participant gives a presentation on a topic of their choosing related to their research. We encourage discussion and interaction, especially from fellow students. Each meeting is intended to work like a small, informal conference discussion or workshop, providing students with new perspectives on their projects, practice presenting and answering questions, and a forum for meeting colleagues. We encourage participation from all interested students and faculty, including members of Carnegie Mellon, The University of Pittsburgh, and local companies. Please contact your graduate advisor or the instructor for registration.

Spring 2025 Location: Baker Hall 235A, Fridays at 3:30pm.

To join the email list for the CMU Locomotion Seminar, Click Here. (If you have trouble registering, email Prof. Johnson at amj1@cmu.edu).

To see the upcoming calendar for the CMU Locomotion Seminar, Click Here, or look below.